Origin of Life: The Greatest Fear Realized Now

WindowView is about taking a look. Look at different perspectives, sides, views, and gaining a wonderful vantage point to get past all the junk information. The window may be viewed with a critical eye, that’s actually a good thing. But so too, it’s good to be objective! So, what about the origin of life? Too often we hear opposing views bringing us to a polarized view on religion and at the other end science.

The Great Fear Within

Sometimes we hear people slip and say “worldview” in place of “window view.” Interesting slip because once you start looking out the window you see a lot of different views of the world we live in.

The greatest fear comes with the notion that science information and biblical information actually together provide an OVERview. That view includes information on origins of life and specifically something about the reason, purpose, and origin of human life.

The FEAR is that both spheres of information are relevant. An even greater fear is that once we get rid of junk science and the junk brought into religious dialogs, we end up with something that approximates a good working model of who we are and what life is. Science data tell us a lot of really wonderful things about life and how it works. The biblical information adds to perspectives that tell the story in other dimensions, including something about morality, spirituality, state of mind, and topics that science really does not concern itself with. So, rather than a polarization to opposite extremes, the FEAR is that the evolution versus creation debate is missing the point entirely.

Science Data Lead the Way: Start with the Right Definitions

Darwin was not all wrong. Intelligent Design was not at all non-science. Digging into the background data and looking at the arguments aside from any particular world view leads to enlarging a constructive and objective window view.

The media spent lots of time criticizing intelligent design and if you are confused, you might want to get some terms and definitions in order. The larger proponent to disseminating information on intelligent design has provided a PDF file that you can download here to your computer. The 24 page file is entitled: “The Theory of Intelligent Design: A Briefing Package For Educators.” And since you are responsible for educating yourself, better than anyone else can, you’ll want to see what is stated in this booklet. You might be surprised on how objective the information is. If you disagree, then you’ll have more reasons to disagree, but only after taking a look (it’s part of creating that window view!).

The Real Paradigm

Call it properly evaluated science and add to that properly evaluated biblical information and then merge the spheres to the point that they in fact overlap. Yes, they only overlap — just to a point and no more. That is why sound science and good biblical interpretation actually do very well to inform – INFORM you!

The bigger working model – a paradigm – that reveals how “life works” can actually be gleaned by “emerging the spheres.”

The greatest fear that some face is that the ultimate paradigm for life includes science and biblical information. That together these two spheres give us the entire paradigm.

The ones that fear this most are only comfortable at one or other end of the extreme view – polarized. Where the spheres merge is not some compromise or middle ground – it’s reality.

At Windowview we encourage our visitors and viewers to read more and to explore the depths of the issues.

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