MARS: High Hopes, High Expectations, A Back Door

QUESTION: “Is there life on Mars?”
NEXT QUESTION: “Was there ever life on Mars?”

The following text is from a scientific list serve that notifies recipients of current science news. The post below is for December 4, 2012. Read the post here with the two questions above in mind:
Nothing definitive found in Curiosity’s first Mars soil test

NASA confirmed that the Curiosity rover found a mix of chemicals and water in a sample of sandy Martian soil, but no complex carbon molecules that are considered to be essential for life. The results of a soil analysis by the rover’s chemistry laboratory show that the sample is typical Martian soil, said Ralf Gellert, mission scientist and associate professor at the University of Guelph’s department of physics. Scientists believe that the best chance of discovering complex carbon is on the Red Planet’s Mount Sharp, which the rover will not visit until next year. ABC News/The Associated Press (12/3)

One thing to keep in mind is that carbon molecules of various kinds are present throughout the universe. These are not likely indicators of life forms. But finding carbon on Mars is more likely going to lead to the second question and not the first.

Today there are hundreds of factors that provide the conditions making our planet suitable for life. Mars, even in past history, likely meets a mere handful of these same conditions. If NASA finds any evidence suggesting life was or is present on Mars, we are faced by a reality that will be lost as soon as the findings are declared. And that reality is initially twofold.

First, any such evidence will need highly sophisticated follow up work for life identification certainty. But the media will spin and play the story for all it’s worth. This will dominate the more critical need for conclusive evidence.

Furthermore, if life is or was on Mars, it’s origin may be from Earth itself. That fact alone would confine the discussion and bring us back to the notion that we live on the only or one of a very few planets with life.

Second, from a WindowView perspective, the science news will push the agendas of skeptics and the anti-religious. This will confuse people who do not look closely at scientific and scriptural information in an objective context. This may fool many into losing faith without discernment of what is a truthful assessment for where the evidence really leads us.

Are the NASA explorations tied to hopes and expectations … Well yes, of course, scientific exploration is marvelous and sometimes awesome. The human nature is invested in exploration. But truth is not limited to the material scooped up from a planet’s surface.

In total, the numerous factors for Earth supporting life all lead to a calculation and logical conclusion that the environment and position of our planet reflect design. If you explore the evidence this point grows by leaps and bounds!

No matter the material viewpoint, there is sufficient evidence in the harmony of science and Scripture to take us back to the window, to think further, and to see life in a much more special context than what news of molecules from Mars may first lead us to think.

Let’s not let hype be a back door to escape truth!

So … Are you the product of mere chance or is there purpose to being, purpose to life? Throw back the shutters, open the window, and see where the evidence leads … and don’t be fooled by the spin of the news media.



View on Near Nuclear Explosion – Russia and Tehran

Might a harmony of themes from science to Scripture leave us unsurprised by stories like what follows. A materialist view would say there are risks to nuclear reactors. We agree. But when we think of scriptural links to words and names like “Gog and Magog” the relation between Russia and Iran is also not a surprise for more serious reasons.

Nuclear science in the hands of Tehran is long past being accepted for peaceful purposes. The apparent fact that the reactor was not lost due to internal mistake is actually unfortunate. The reactor will continue on its mission. From the north something is coming into the scriptural story … and that is very relevant to the events we see unfolding today. Dark clouds form over the Middle East. A science perspective plays into the scenario of Gog and Magog … how so … do a search on the Internet and see why … it was written by Ezekiel eons ago for this day and these times …

Alarm in Tehran and Moscow over Bushehr nuclear reactor’s near-explosion in mid-October

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report December 1, 2012, 1:13 PM (GMT+02:00)

Iran’s nuclear reactor at Bushehr was shut down in mid-October for fear of an explosion. Saturday Dec. 1, an authoritative Russian nuclear industry source revealed the cause of its malfunction: “Indicators showed that some small external parts were… in the [Bushehr] reactor vessel….” They were identified as “bolts beneath the fuel cells.”

Debkafile’s Moscow sources report this information came from a source in the office of Sergei Kiriyenko, head of the Russian nuclear energy authority Rosatom, which supervised the construction of Iran’s first atomic reactor at Bushehr.

According to our intelligence sources, Russian scientists and engineers were rushed from Moscow to Bushehr when Russian leaders including Vladimir Putin were warned that the danger of an explosion at Bushehr was high. Neither Moscow nor Tehran reported what was happening. Now they are racing against the clock to get the reactor back on stream.

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Another perspective contributing to the WindowView



Intelligence Denied or Intelligent Design

There are many cases where a blog receives comments that are spam. And in other cases short notes that are so brief as to leave us wonder: “What really is that person thinking? Have they really thought it through?”

Skeptics abound. A web site that hints at a “Science and Scripture Harmony” may seem laughable to those that only relate to a material existence. Yes, we live in material bodies in a material universe. But the comment offered by “Md man” (see below) is thin.

To think requires a physical presence and a brain. The brain is presumed to contain the entire mind, but that is neither proven as yet nor entirely a material entity. Further, it is not circular as suggested to say I think therefore design … where one avoids the entire cascade of evidence for design, complexity of structures, like the brain, as well as the complex instruction set in the DNA that assists in making the complex three dimensional structure of the brain. Remember, DNA after all is information. Complex information.

And no less, the comment stated below ignores scientists who say the structure of the brain and it’s operations are confounding to any explanation of chance origins. Even Darwin battled with issues of complexity in thinking about origins. His expressed concerns for what might be the weakness to his theory go to the very root of complexity and specificity.

Dr. Francis Collins, a few years ago, stated aloud to our hearing that the theory of Intelligent Design would be a passing movement. But a couple years later, his work and others, continued to demonstrate that even junk DNA shows complexity in function. DNA switches exist in the junk areas. Thinking that evolution devised a higher order function to turning genes and cellular processes on and off … is design in motion. Dr. Collins, a Christian, is mired in a world of secular thinkers … But his evidence from the lab only complements what physics says about a beginning. All the information at our finger tips speaks to a greater harmony. Science data and Scripture information may overlap in certain ways … But the WindowView asks us all to look at the entire set of information from these two spheres … they are not mutually exclusive if you see that all of this describes the entire explanation as to why we exist in the first place. Md man has yet to see this point and is left to a skeptical frame of mind until he throws back the shutters to see the full view.

Here is what Md man said:

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Intelligent Design on Trial — Kitzmiller and Miller Miss The Point

Author : Md man (IP: ,
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I think therefore I am intelligently designed? That, my friends, is the most circular logic I have heard in a long time. That means by default every response to the ID critics is wrong because they had to think of an answer. What irony!
Director’s Response:

To really understand intelligent design or even the existence of an intelligence that embraces the entire universe, really takes thinking beyond self. And yet, the very point is a relationship between ourselves and Himself. This Window is a place to see that life is not merely by chance and therefore opens our mind to consider there is a purpose for being. Visit and make A Step Up to Life.

