Intelligence Denied or Intelligent Design

There are many cases where a blog receives comments that are spam. And in other cases short notes that are so brief as to leave us wonder: “What really is that person thinking? Have they really thought it through?”

Skeptics abound. A web site that hints at a “Science and Scripture Harmony” may seem laughable to those that only relate to a material existence. Yes, we live in material bodies in a material universe. But the comment offered by “Md man” (see below) is thin.

To think requires a physical presence and a brain. The brain is presumed to contain the entire mind, but that is neither proven as yet nor entirely a material entity. Further, it is not circular as suggested to say I think therefore design … where one avoids the entire cascade of evidence for design, complexity of structures, like the brain, as well as the complex instruction set in the DNA that assists in making the complex three dimensional structure of the brain. Remember, DNA after all is information. Complex information.

And no less, the comment stated below ignores scientists who say the structure of the brain and it’s operations are confounding to any explanation of chance origins. Even Darwin battled with issues of complexity in thinking about origins. His expressed concerns for what might be the weakness to his theory go to the very root of complexity and specificity.

Dr. Francis Collins, a few years ago, stated aloud to our hearing that the theory of Intelligent Design would be a passing movement. But a couple years later, his work and others, continued to demonstrate that even junk DNA shows complexity in function. DNA switches exist in the junk areas. Thinking that evolution devised a higher order function to turning genes and cellular processes on and off … is design in motion. Dr. Collins, a Christian, is mired in a world of secular thinkers … But his evidence from the lab only complements what physics says about a beginning. All the information at our finger tips speaks to a greater harmony. Science data and Scripture information may overlap in certain ways … But the WindowView asks us all to look at the entire set of information from these two spheres … they are not mutually exclusive if you see that all of this describes the entire explanation as to why we exist in the first place. Md man has yet to see this point and is left to a skeptical frame of mind until he throws back the shutters to see the full view.

Here is what Md man said:

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Intelligent Design on Trial — Kitzmiller and Miller Miss The Point

Author : Md man (IP: ,
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I think therefore I am intelligently designed? That, my friends, is the most circular logic I have heard in a long time. That means by default every response to the ID critics is wrong because they had to think of an answer. What irony!
Director’s Response:

To really understand intelligent design or even the existence of an intelligence that embraces the entire universe, really takes thinking beyond self. And yet, the very point is a relationship between ourselves and Himself. This Window is a place to see that life is not merely by chance and therefore opens our mind to consider there is a purpose for being. Visit and make A Step Up to Life.

