Change From Many Perspectives Closes in on YOU

In a few months, maybe before, the web pages will be reposted with an entirely new format.  Part of this  will be a newly aligned focus stating the WindowView’s goal or focus is in simplest terms.

In a nutshell, the window is a metaphor for WHAT YOU see out there in the world today.  The view examines two spheres in parallel.  One sphere is science information, or data if you like.  The other sphere uses scriptural data, that is, information contained in the Bible.  The latter makes some people uncomfortable, but the idea is to understand that both sphere of information ARE telling all of us something today. What is key is an informational perspective. For those who turn away, the concept is a total loss. For those WHO LOOK at what information is plainly available to EVERYONE, the view is rather illuminating … down right interesting … and maybe by coincidences or purpose a real EYE OPENER! The WindowView therefore is not my window, or their window, it’s what you see … if you’ll just bother to look.

One problem today is we live in a world of too much information. Yeah … it’s mind numbing at times.  But that’s the point.  Too much and we turn off and just focus on the immediate needs, the paycheck, food, a place to live, and if the really bad news is about someone else, well, great!  We can’t be bothered.  Unless, events strike close to home. Then our perspective gets turned 180 and we are on the alert.  The adrenaline only surges when we face fright … and then flight … but where does one flee too when we’ve been so focused on only the small stuff for too long?

There rare several theme areas in the WindowView, including Science, Change, Harmony, and a Time Line.  The area on Change has not been given the attention it deserves and may be an area we’ll attend to more in the future.  But here too the message is a simple focus on an obvious observation: “If changes are truly global, then the impacts will hit everyone, sooner or later!”  You cannot escape such an observation if true.  That is, unless you can leave the planet for some other remote location.

Here are a few recent HEADLINES of articles that characterize a circle of change that is closing in on humanity …


China’s sea level continues to rise

“China’s sea level hit a record high in 2012 due to global warming and land subsidence, threatening millions of coastal residents, according to a government report.

The State Oceanic Administration report released on Tuesday said that last year, the sea level rose 122 millimeters more than the average level from 1975 to 1993, about 53 mm higher than 2011.”


Drought spurs ‘very aggressive’ USDA focus on climate change

“The Department of Agriculture will focus aggressively on climate change following last year’s crippling U.S. drought.

USDA plans to ramp up weather forecasting and encourage more sustainable farming practices to mitigate climate impacts on farmers and ranchers …”

“The focus on climate change comes after a historic drought last year gripped much of the United States, including the nation’s main corn-producing regions. For five months, more than 60 percent of the country was in moderate to extreme drought conditions, costing the agriculture sector more than $35 billion”


Climate Change, Migration and Conflict in the Amazon and the Andes

Rising Tensions and Policy Options in South America

“This report examines the interactions of climate change, environmental degradation, migration, and conflict in the Amazon; the tropical savannahs of Brazil—the Cerrado—and Bolivia; the Andean highlands of Peru and Bolivia; and the arid coastal plain of Peru. These regions represent the major geographic and climatic regions of the continent, encompass the range of socioeconomic trends reshaping the region, and capture the new heartland of the continent’s illicit economies, including the global cocaine trade.

The natural wealth of the Amazon and the Andes is a crucial strategic resource. The Amazon is central to the regional and global climate and contains priceless biodiversity. The mineral wealth and energy resources of the Amazon and the Andes are also important contributors to the global supply chain and the macroeconomic growth of the region. Further, the Amazon and the Cerrado have adopted a crucial role in regional and global food security. Finally, the rivers and glaciers of the region are fundamental to the energy security, water security, and agricultural health of much of South America. For all these reasons, the areas defined in this report demand attention.”


Why Innovation Alone Isn’t Enough to Win the Climate Fight

Why Innovation Alone Isn’t Enough to Win the Climate Fight

“Politics can be frustrating. Actually, it’s more like politics ARE frustrating, especially in America and especially in 2013, where a constitutional system designed for maximum gridlock has met intense partisanship fed by the nano-second news cycle of social media. Right now the government of the United States seems wholly incapable of getting out of a self-designed trap to needlessly slash billions of dollars in spending and cut hundreds of thousands of jobs at a moment when the American economy is beginning to pick itself off the floor. …”

“What does this mean for climate policy? Well, if the government can’t get itself together to deal with the much more immediate threats of sequestration, properly responding to a long-term and highly complex challenge like climate change has basically entered the realm fantasy. This is especially true when one of two political parties refuses to acknowledge the problem exists. There was a chance in 2009 and 2010 with comprehensive climate legislation, but that died for countless reasons. And while there are executive actions or EPA regulations that could begin to address carbon emissions, we really need more ambitious legislation. And that simply seems impossible.”


Sea level rise, alone, eventually will displace nearly 1 billion people from their present homes.  Who will pay?

You really need to read the full article in each case … but our point at WindowView is simple … the change issues are so large and they really impact the entire planet.

The bottom line … governments around the globe do not resolve issues by collaboration.  They do not have the funds to counter the changes that are coming.  Frankly, world governments are environmentally broke … no cash … no all encompassing plans that adequately address the complexity to a matrix of changes that fare hitting on many levels.  And where there are policies and plans … where are the funds to make it work?

All of this is not presented here to be sensational.  What we are saying is LOOK at what the entire WORLD is facing!  And realize that crises to come are of an order of magnitude that requires you to think … think about your life … do that with two spheres of information and decide it life is now only, or if there is more to it!

One of the two spheres we refer to above actually contains information about what to expect and how to respond before the really tough changes come …

