In the End Time Era

The WindowView Press has been silent for a number of years. Our intention is to update WindowView and to make related posts here in time ahead. The reason for this comes with the realization that people are watching the news and not responding. In the era of an end time, events will come and blindside the unaware and unprepared—and as it is indicated in the ancient text: even the ‘elect’ will be thrown off by world events and decieved.

The reference to End Time is biblical, found in the Hebrew and Greek texts, but also immediately temporal. The end of an era of diplomacy comes as friends become disenfranchised and enemies are referenced as innocents. We are at the end of truth and right becomes wrong, wrong becomes right—also a biblical point of reference that may elude you, but not the one writing here.

The Greek Scriptures reference seven ages that characterize ‘churches,’ but please be aware the Greek word translated to ‘church’ is not exact. The more appropriate translation would be ‘body of believers.’ So there have been identified seven characterizations that describe ages where the larger body of believers are positioned in various ways in the eyes of the LORD. But the ‘seven letters to the seven churches,’ as is often the reference is also a timeline of periods of time or outline of chronological ‘church ages.’ You can follow scholarly-theological studies on the letters and these ages, but the bottom line is this: “we are now in the last age, the age of apostasy.” And this means the focus on the G_d of Israel has taken a back seat and the Scriptures are being interpreted to human purpose and not G_d’s righteousness. The last age of apostasy is so evident in so many venues, it almost seems as if what is happening everywhere on earth is okay … step back and be objective and you’ll see otherwise.

Stay tuned. A Ph.D. scientist and one familiar with policy and biblical insight writes here. The Greek text warns that we are in this era of apostasy and distraction. Not all are fooled, but a mass of many people is following the piper leading to the sea of ultimate dilution—where truth is swamped by ill fated material promises.

Underlying the posts here is a Hope for a future that has long been recorded as “on the way” and coming soon. In the meantime, ask yourself, are you relying on what is true?

Director, WindowView
