Darwin’s Doubts Then and Now

Did Darwin Have Doubts About Evolution

Yes and he described a number of cases that he worried about as he penned manuscripts, letters, and editions to The Origin of  Species.  Some of these issues are described on our page entitled Darwin’s Doubts.

Here is a screen shot from that page:

Darwin Had Doubts, Read Why

Darwin Had Doubts, Read Why

This is one of the most visited pages at WindowView. And as we look at the numbers roll in, we are asking a simple question: “If Darwin had reasons for doubts back then, might we have more reasons for doubts on evolution today?”

On the page shown above we just added a book link to Dr. Meyer’s latest publication, entitled: “Darwin’s Doubt.”

Darwin's Doubt by Dr. Stephen Meyer

Darwin’s Doubt by Dr. Stephen Meyer

Some consider the book to be controversial and the reviews can be very critical. We have looked at a few of these negative commentaries and realize some critics don’t actually read what they “review.” That makes no sense and likewise their reviews don’t make sense.

What you will find on our page is enough to realize Darwin tried as best he could to really think things through. But his data of his day was more limited. Today we have more information and in fact it is biological information that is in focus in Dr. Meyer’s book. Instead of reading reviews, we encourage a read of Dr. Meyer’s book. The text is well written in a style that explains concepts as well as makes a case that certainly would have caught Darwin’s attention. And if Darwin’s attention would captivated by the evidence that sheds a whole new light on evolution … what about you?

Does it matter so much that Darwin had doubts if we have evidence that cast a deep shadow over the theory so many have taken for granted.

Time to open the window and see the broader context of what the evidence really tells us today!

Director, WindowView.org


Timeline is up to date July 2013

Just a quick note to say the WindowView Timeline is now up to date through July 2013.

Start Here to Check Recent Events

Start Here to Check Recent Events

Travel the entire timeline to get a sense how humanity has been building activity levels with an ever higher rate of events. At what point does our pace of utilizing our planet go beyond what resources are on Earth?

Here is Your Invitation!

Here is Your Invitation!

Come by and take a look through the window!

Director, WindowView.org


Convergence – Three Vanatage Points In One

WindowView points to a Convergence

As the new format was being created, there was a need to integrate all of the content. New navigation features help, but a new emphasis on what really summarizes the content throughout the site was desperately needed. In the past there were summary sections and a few pages entitled Convergence, but what really are we talking about?


To keep this post simple, here is one way of looking at convergence at WindowView: “Few people really stop to look at life and to understand that what is happening around the globe today was actually anticipated centuries ago.” 

If you glean the key realizations in the areas dealing with Change, Science, and Harmony … plus take a peek at the Timeline, you will see that there is an explanation for life and what is happening in the world today. Resistance to seeing where the evidence leads us … is an issue for you or others around you. In a nutshell, life is an opportunity to “get the idea why we are here” and to further understand there is a promise extended to all of us. There is even a page within the window that describes the promise.

If you visit the window, please send a comment, there are little notebook and pencil icons all around the site. Let us know what you think!

Director, WindowView.org


What’s New in the View!

The recent upgrade at WindowView is foremost an update in format. However, new content, of great significance will begin to be incorporated in the weeks and months to come. There is already a hint of this in the newly added Overview and Thesis pages in the Science Area.

One key hint here is that the origin of biological information, genetic and epigenetic, that exists in cells and organisms, presents a unique challenge to the standard theory on evolution. This viewpoint presents a potential game changer in how we view life. The thesis page summarizes some of the key points in this regard.

Click on the image below to visit the new page and navigate around the window. In the weeks to come we’ll highlight specific articles and draw attention to the overall focus of WindowView.

The New Science Thesis Page

The New Science Thesis Page


Going Beta First!

Last week we posted a note saying WindowView would relaunch a whole newly formatted web site on July 25 … That is today!

UPDATE: with some bugs to fix and a few pages to edit and tighten up on the new site … the regular site is remaining online BUT the NEW site pages are all loaded and can be viewed at:


The comment feature is not fully active yet and some page content will be edited … But the full site in beta is available!

In about two weeks the beta status will be terminated and all the new pages will simply replace the older ones.

Use the comment feature here if you wish to relate typos, glitches or other info regarding the beta site.


Director, WindowView.org


WindowView to Relaunch Next Week!

A new version of the WindowView site is planned for a launch online by July 25th, 2013.

If you visited before, all your bookmarks are still good! But the crisp new pages will give a vastly improved look and feel! If you visited before it’ll look like a new window! We are excited to finally be at the point of making this announcement!

For the past ten months, the WindowView.org web pages have been undergoing a process that will result in the following:

– New format for the entire web site
– New Introduction pages, with videos, Overview and a Thesis page for each main feature area
– New summary section entitled “Convergence”
– Better navigation features and reorganized menus
– Upgrades to HTML5 and use of CSS style sheets for more responsive web viewing
– New use of web based fonts
– Each page will now have a unique header photograph, some from far off, others from near by
– New video content, plus a video format that neither requires Flash or QuickTime
– Page dimensions that suit visitors on computers, hand held, or other mobile devices
– Attention to compatibility with most popular browsers – but we recommend using the most recent version of any browser for the best viewing experience. Our favorites include Safari and Chrome, followed by the newest Internet Explorer, with FireFox and Opera in the rear. The former browser types work best with the mp4 videos (the better quality format)

While all the above stated improvements will help make the ‘window’ more effective, some content is now offline in anticipation of content upgrades, to selected pages, that are planned for the months to come. In fact, recent developments give cause for some significant content upgrades that we hope will be incorporated in the weeks to come, sooner, as opposed to later this year.

Finally, an update to the comment feature is included in this update. We hope visitors will write notes and provide feedback.

Director, WindowView.org


Life on Mars a Non-Starter?

The list serve delivered the following clip today:

Rover’s findings suggest Mars’ atmosphere was lost soon after formation
The inhospitable atmosphere of Mars has been around a long time — about 4 billion years or so, according to data collected by NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover, along with studies of Martian meteorites. Scientists think that the Red Planet lost its atmosphere fairly soon after its formation. “A lot of the atmosphere of Mars might have been lost pretty rapidly,” noted Paul Mahaffy of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, lead author of one of two studies published in the journal Science. Space.com (7/18)

On the one hand, the Earth’s atmosphere has long been protected by a magnetic field that is continually generated by the movement of an inner molten core. Were the core to cool and the inner motion cease, the Earth’s protective shield would drop and the atmosphere and water on the surface would begin to be stripped away.

So why is it so hard to understand that the non-molten core of the Red Planet goes hand-in-hand with the current lifeless conditions on Mars? And yet NASA spins on hopes of exciting life-supporting data from Mars, only to report the atmosphere has long been inhospitable. While the presence of water and signs of water’s activity on the planet surface are interesting data, the lack of a favorable atmosphere is sufficient to douse the fires of hope for life on Mars.

In a recent presentation on expoplanets, we observed the optimistic assessment of NASA scientists for more tantalizing data from distant solar systems. Yet Mars, so close by, reminds us that it takes a long list of factors to favor life, factors that Earth has in its column … sufficient for life here, but a list that many hopeful prospects will find a probabilistic stretch to acquire.

Are we saying no life nowhere else? Actually, no. But the priorities for finding life elsewhere might be tempered by the unsettling reality that conditions on Earth are undergoing dramatic change. We could focus more on space-based research to focus on Earth, because that IS where we know life certainly does exist!

The irony is in the scientists who want ever more to look outward and request more funds for doing so, when humanity ever more so needs to look back in on itself and what we are doing here. No atmosphere on Mars is an inhospitability worth waiting to explore later, while the atmosphere here is heating up … and we mean HEATING up in a big way!

Director, WindowView.org


WindowView Nears Relaunch of Web Site

PHASE One Nearly Complete

WindowView is undergoing a two-step process.  The first is a complete overhaul of the web site’s pages. This means re-coded pages with HTML5 and CSS … which is a technical way of saying we are making the site work better! But more than that, it’ll look better, have better organization of content, explain itself better, and the navigation menus will be better.  It’s like “WindowView 2 point Oh” as they say!

PHASE Two Will Follow

Once the format and related improvements are in place, there are a number of very important content improvements that have to be made. Phase two will come during the fall of 2013 and into the 2014 new year. The content improvements will strengthen the Key Scenarios and better support the intended concept of the window.

The home page is going to speak of an analogy … where an old coin in our pocket always keeps coming out and showing ‘heads.’ The WindowView is like the surprise we get on the occasion we see the other side of the coin for the first time ever! A familiar coin, always within reach, shows us truth from the other side of what we already know. This is exactly what the WindwoView perspectives do … show us what’s just on the other side of what is so familiar to us … it brings a surprise.

And once the key scenarios are revealed, they  illustrate what is on the other side … the big picture is confirmed and the theme of “Science and scripture in Harmony” rings true.

Here is a link to view the NEW Home Page intro video …


Directtor, WindowView.org


Google Seeks A Benefit as Gen Y Goes Cashless

Here is an unsettling thought  … the Internet age is setting us up for something many folks just don’t think about … yet … but like lemmings running into the sea we are all part of a building momentum. Trouble is, if we mention a biblical theme here, many of you will say “Nonsense!”

Is it? Really? Keep reading … and think about it!

The article we refer to below comes from MarketWatch.com (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/google-wallet-gen-y-credit-card-2013-05-17).

Here is our point. If you are temped to use a handheld device to be cashless as you walk around in your day-to-day routine, we believe that at some point the possible theft of handhelds will make something else more compelling. How about a tattoo with a code? So you swipe your hand across a scanner that can read a colorless tattoo and detect the code to conduct a cashless transaction. Cool? Yeah! But there is a catch.

The Bible refers to a time when no person will be able to buy or sell without the ‘mark of the beast.’ Oh, prophecy stuff you say. Not to worry, couldn’t happen here … right?

——————– Article ——————————–
Google Wallet: Gen Y credit card?
Emailing money may appeal to generation that’s already abandoned cash

By Quentin Fottrell

Facing stiff competition and tepid demand, Google Wallet has not made a big splash in the world of mobile payments. But experts say young Americans may help revive its fortunes.

In an effort to boost the popularity of its mobile payment system, Google this week announced that it
is integrating Google Wallet with Gmail. Customers who’ve linked Google Wallet to their bank account or maintain a balance with Google Wallet can simply click the dollar icon on their Gmail to make a payment. It’s not the first time Google Wallet introduced new features. ….

… there are signs that there is untapped demand for mobile payments. Just one-fifth of young Americans ages 18 to 30 always carry cash, according to a new survey by CouponCodes4U … . Nearly half said cash would not be used in the future. “It’s a generational trend,” … And some 72% of Gmail users are under the age of 34, according to a survey by Hunch.com, …. “The younger generations are adopting this technology in droves.” PayPal and Google Wallet, for example, connect to a bank account or a debit or credit card through a person’s smartphone.

“It’s early days for mobile payments,” says technology analyst Jeff Kagan. “I have children in their early 20s who rarely carry as much as $5 in their wallet.” That’s just enough for tips. “Today, we leave the house with a wallet, car keys and smartphone,” he says. “There will come a time when it will only be our smartphone. … Thousands of merchants are still not set up for mobile payments, making it more difficult for smartphone evangelists to cut up their plastic. What’s more, some consumers are still concerned about security issues of making payments via mobile phone. One U.K. survey found that 44% of people were reluctant to adopt mobile wallets due to fears of phone hacking; only 17% of those surveyed say they would use mobile wallets. (Google did not return requests for comment.)
——————- WindowView Perspective ——————————

We rest our case. It’s a generational thing. In an increasingly material and secular global society, the younger generation will be swept by the momentum the Bible already anticipates. To address the latter security issues … we are waiting for the charismatic leader who seduces the masses to be inscribed with some type of mark. And that will seal together the notion put forth in the article above and in what the Bible declared thousands of years ago.

Far fetched you say?

Have you been looking out your window to see the implications for what is going on out there?

Well, that’s why this window is here!

Our comments here relate to global changes … many of which creep up on us while we are distracted by our day-to-day life. Change is surrounding our lives in many ways … all the more reason now is time to look at the implications.

Director, WindowView.org


When It Looks Like It’s Getting Better …

… It isn’t necessarily so! Really good news is bad news. Why?

New energy reserves are coming globally in the form of natural gas in areas formerly considered out of production, oil from fields labeled the same way, oil sands and oil shale in areas previously thought too costly to process. Never mind any questions about renewable energy technology or use of carbon based fuels on climate change … The world has received a carbon-energy injection releasing us of near future energy reserve depletion. Consider the following news clip:
HEADLINE: U.S. oil boom leaves OPEC sidelined from demand growth – Reuters
Rising U.S. shale oil production will help meet most of the world’s new oil demand in the next five years, even if the global economy picks up steam, leaving little room for OPEC to lift output without risking lower prices, the West’s energy agency said.
WindowView is a ‘thinking place in cyber space.’ So think about this! The energy supply leaves humanity temporarily euphoric and free of concerns that would restrict material economies … But at the same time the source of relief is the problem. A blind eye will be turned to consequences as long as markets are on the rise or stable. But who has the money to pay for the consequences to come? Cash strapped governments? You?

Consider this: Sea level rise already spurred by climate change will only accelerate as carbon dioxide rises further from carbon fuel use. Sea level rise means coastal flooding, over 800 Million persons globally will need to move, dikes, walls and dams will need to be built. If not that, new homes, new towns, new infrastructure, new expenses to tax humanity for a global result of change. Who cares how it happened! Who will pay? Diseases will rise as invading waters complicate coastal life. Local economies and forms of employment will change … the entire shift will unsettle life on planet earth … human and all other.

The theme of the window is “Science and Scripture in Harmony.” If you look objectively through the window, have some understanding of how our material dilemmas lead to a spiritual side to being, then this theme rings true. We invite you to sit at your window, look, think and know the future is still ahead of all of us.

Director, WindowView.org
