Material Naturalism, Old Earth, and Timelines

An Interesting Focus to September and October Traffic To WindowView

A webmaster will look at the pages that are visited most at their web site and think about how this relates to the purpose of the web pages. In recent weeks there have been more hits on three areas than we’ve seen in the typical mix of traffic coming to the Window.

First, Material Naturalism is drawing attention.  At the heart of understanding a relationship between scientific evidence for our existence and any aspect of our being spiritual, this topic is central to an ongoing debate.  If you want to simplify this, at the Window we know that Scripture tells us a major component of humanity will continually clutch a hold of a material explanation for existence and hold to that view until the end of the current age.   You can count on academics and other thinkers who will just keep saying, the evidence for cause and effect, on a material basis, explains why you are here.  You can count on those voices always being present.

From a scientific view, however, the data are not so conclusive.  But you really have to be willing to be objective, open minded, and dig for the other side of the larger picture.  The evidence from an information science perspective tells us that the code in DNA and how this is processed is of such a high order of efficiency, that a material origin alone lacks explanatory power.  And this is perhaps the best place to begin to look at the topic of intelligent design.  And we have pages with related information in the Window.

Science And Earth’s Age

Well, we know that it’s a turn off to materially minded folks to think the Earth is young, say 6,000 years of age, or even 50,000 or 100,000 years old.

Our web page related to an Old Earth point of view has been getting some traffic.  What we’d like to point out from both the scientific and biblical perspectives is one key point: We need to keep an open mind here too.  How so?  Frankly it boils down to something of a mystery that science itself can solve; if you will allow it!

The concept of a young Earth may be something of a biblical interpretation.  If so, perhaps the text does not intend this.  But for a moment, let’s assume the Earth is young.  If so, Darwinian evolution would not have time to cause all of the biological diversity we see.  That’s it.  That’s really all the more a point we need to make here.  But, let’s go on a bit.

What if the Earth is 4.5 billion years old?  For some support we will call your attention to another apologetics web site at Reasons.Org.  If you explore the writings of the astronomer there, Dr. Hugh Ross, you’ll eventually come across information that reveals the newly forming earth was sterilized by bombardments of objects from space.  Soon after the earth cooled enough to even allow for life to exist, it appears to have shown up.  The earliest evidence from an old earth perspective gives no real time for either chemical or biological evolution to take place.

We’ll leave you to chew on the differences in these perspectives and that science on an old earth basis really presses material naturalism to the point of forcing a spiritual examination to life’s existence …. as well as all the remarkable material support systems that reveal some aspect of design.  And that evidence is scientific.  From there you can explore our Harmony pages and the other side of the equation.  But the simple message is that either a young or old earth leaves us with a similar conclusion.

Time and The End of the Age

We have added a time line to this web site to pull together two different perspectives.  One is more or less the science, material, technological, and the change side to human activity.  The other side focuses on biblical themes and even works its way forward to describe in outline form what the Bible projects for time ahead.  What is remarkable is that events in the Middle East convey us right into the latter part of the time line.  This is happening today.

The backdrop to the time line includes the present hope that humans can save themselves and the material world that supports our livelihood.  And yet, life is not designed to last forever in this material context.  In fact, the entire solar system and universe have limits and life cannot go on forever.  That leaves us to make a decision as to whether life has a purpose we can discover within a life time.  The Window is here simply to make that point available to you.

An Open Invitation

Could it be possible you are missing the opportunity to think about life having purpose?

In fact, is the synthesis between science and Scripture an explanation to what you might decide?

The debate over how science can tell us something that even leads to a scriptural vantage point is an option you have to consider!  Because it takes a bit of information on Science, Change, and what we call the Harmony, to pull together the WindowView, we recently added  video-based introductions to to help our visitors in each area of this web site.

Our open invitation to you is to be objective and to explore the basic concepts to each area within the Window … watch the introductory videos … and then see how this creates a bigger picture and that really does use scientific evidence to open the Window to exploring why we are alive!

Come take a look and see the larger WindowView!

Director, WindowView


New Intro for the Window

We are trying out a new introduction (an intro video) on the home page at WindowView.

This short video gives a general overview and with the help of a harpist and some melodic background notes, the introduction touches on all the elements that make the window a complete presentation.

In the past 20 years WindowView has grown from a wee web presence of a few pages to four full feature areas and a number of separate articles and various resources for downloading.

In this span of time we have seen staggering and significant developments in each of the main topic areas.  Scientific exploration of the universe and the minute details in living cells continually declare something special about this place we live in … and something incredibly detailed by complex structures and highly specified information (in our DNA).  It’s increasing more difficult to say all the complexity and specificity comes about by some material tendency to make or support life.  And while a debate rages on, no matter where scientists stand on the issues, we are all awed by the data and marvel at life’s existence.

The Change Area and Harmony Area also get us thinking in other ways.  Our most recent shift on change is not whether global changes are occurring, the real issue in a scientific and even biblical dimension is whether humans really know how to respond to change.  Maybe the real clue is how we treat each other more than just stopping global warming, if that is even possible.

The Harmony area looks into a combination of themes that describe a woven network of Scripture related topics.  The network makes for a harmonious overview and we believe all this reflects back on the issues in the Science and Change Areas.

Well, can we consider different perspectives describing one larger concern.  Does this help us see what comes in the future?  If the window gets us thinking along these lines, then perhaps the purpose to taking in the larger view has been set in motion.


Equipping Message from Hugh Ross

To our readers we’d like you to think about science and Scripture both.  If you are strong on science and kind of ‘iffy’ on Scripture, then the following e-mail/listserve message will be of interest.

First, let me introduce you to the source, this following message comes from Dr. Hugh Ross, a Ph.D. astronomer and someone who has proven very interested in examining the Scriptures from a scientific perspective.  We also make an effort at WindowView to identify the Messiah by the name Yeshua, but the manner in which Dr. Ross makes his reference to Messiah is essentially of little consequence to Jews and Gentiles who examine the whole of Scripture.

If you are interested in what Dr. Ross has to offer here, then we encourage you to visit the Reasons to Believe web site.  This site is filled with resources that we trust many will find intriguing and well documented.

Here is what we received from Dr. Ross:


August 3, 2010

An apologetics professor at a major Christian university commented to me recently. “I always get myself into trouble when my students bring up Genesis 1. Can I ask you how you deal with the disputes over creation days 1 and 4?”

First I acknowledged that few subjects generate as much controversy and hostility as the interpretation of Genesis 1. But, I added, this hullabaloo can provide a wonderful opportunity! It allows us to demonstrate the power of integration to transform dispute and rancor to harmonious, even exhilarating resolution.

The professor listened intently as I pointed out how other biblical creation accounts, including Job 38-39, Psalm 104, and Proverbs 8, amplify the Genesis story of God’s activities on the six creation days. Since God inspired all of these accounts, the best interpretation of Genesis 1 will be one that yields an appropriately literal and consistent reading of all these relevant Scripture passages.

This integrative approach reveals that God created light when He created the physical universe before rather than on day 1. He also formed the Sun, Moon, and stars before rather than on day 4 (even before day 1). His work on day 1 involved transforming Earth’s atmosphere from opaque to translucent, allowing light to penetrate Earth’s initially thick, dark cloud cover. His work on day 4 brought about transformation of this translucent (permanently overcast) atmosphere to a frequently transparent one, allowing the Sun, Moon, and stars to become clearly visible objects for the first time.


The Bible stands apart
from all other “holy books”
in both the quantity and
quality of its information
about creation.


Not only does this approach to the Bible’s creation accounts resolve textual incongruities but it also removes the apparent contradiction between what Genesis 1 teaches about cosmic history and what the “book of nature” and God’s other “book” of Revelation tells us about the universe, Earth, and Earth’s life.

The Bible stands apart from all other “holy books” in both the quantity and quality of its information about creation. You will find more than two dozen lengthy creation passages in Scripture. In fact, our website provides a list of every creation-related verse I’ve found in the Bible. If you haven’t already done so, you may want to take time this summer to read all these creation verses in one sitting. This exercise will equip you to be a peacemaker among Christian friends who struggle with creation issues. It may even equip you to help a nonbeliever make peace with God.

Take some time today, if you can, to look over the list of the creation passages in the Bible. I think you’ll find this list a great help in preparing to discuss the Genesis creation account with others.

A friend once asked my wife for a one-word theme to describe what’s unique about Reasons To Believe. Her answer: “Integration.” I agree. Over the past 24 years our unique strength and focus has been showing the world how a thorough integration of truth found in all 66 books of the Bible and across all the disciplines of science reveals the unified whole of God’s revelation. And this revelation continually yields new reasons to believe in Jesus Christ as Creator and Savior.


As always, at WindowView, we encourage our visitors to build the larger view by using multiple perspectives.  Assumptions that get in the way hold us back from appreciating truth. Â And if this life gives us anything, it’s an opportunity to discern truth and the purpose to being alive.

Director, WindowView


Free Book Download — Signature of Controversy

New Book, Signature of Controversy, Responds to Steve Meyer’s Critics
Critics of intelligent design often try to dismiss the theory as not worth addressing, as a question already settled, even as being too boring to countenance. Then they spend an amazing amount of energy trying to refute it.

The very evidence of the ongoing debate sparked by Stephen Meyer’s Signature in the Cell should silence that tired trope that there is no controversy over evolution and intelligent design. That controversy has reached a fever-pitch in less than a year since the book’s first release, marking Meyer’s volume as a book serious Darwinists must deal with. And dealt with it, they haven’t – in their responses, some critics have misread it, while others have simply failed to read it at all.

Thus the defenders of Meyer’s book have analyzed these various hostile and futile attacks, and their responses to critics of Signature in the Cell have been gathered and are now published in a new digital book, Signature of Controversy: Responses to Critics of Signature in the Cell, now available for free DOWNLOAD ->HERE<-.

The book features essays by David Berlinski, David Klinghoffer, Casey Luskin, Stephen C. Meyer, Paul Nelson, Jay Richards and Richard Sternberg.
Director, WindowView
This post is a mirror posting from Nota Bene dated May 20, 2010.
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WindowView Press Blog Hacked and What Happened

Hi to all our visitors,

If during April 2010 you visited this Blog only to see a warning that this site is infected with ‘Malware,’ please note this was NOT [not in this case] a real warning. Our blog was hacked into and the warning was fake.

If you want to really see the status of browsing this blog or any web site, according to Google’s “Safe Browsing” web tool, you can use your browser to visit their page plus by adding the URL to any web site you’ll get a status report … for example for WindowView, go to this link and view the report:

We aplogize for any inconvenience and any misperception of the content at this web site!

Director, WindowView


Never the Twain Shall Meet?

Revealing the Jewish Messiah
In preparing a message on science and theology to give to a Messianic congregation, I started to reach back to memories of things that fit a Messianic theme. Jewish evangelism is the topic of finding evidence for the Jewish Messiah in the Tanach (the Hebrew Scriptures, aka old covenant). Finding clues, as scientists and detectives do is important so maybe the better term in place of evangelism is “making connections.”
What needs to be made absolutely certain is one thing, a Jewish person who can ascertain the identity of Messiah, has found the Jewish Messiah. Bible readers know … “to the Jew first and then the Greek” reveals an order of awareness but not a difference in relationship to Messiah, to all this is personal.
Have I ever seen a casual witness to this identity?
Then it struck me, that there is a strong witness in one particular passage. In fact, many Jewish persons I know cite Isaiah 53 as one of the most significant pieces of the text … because this passage (actually starting back in Isaiah 52 around verse 12) presents the Messiah. Rabbis say this is about Israel, but the pronouns are masculine and the profile of this figure in the passage fits one person uniquely.
The Billiards Room Witness
What might the famous writer Samuel Clements have to do with all this? Anything?
We know the name Mark Twain and some of us visit historical sites that present the humanity of this man. Many of us may never visit his home site in Hartford, Connecticut, but it’s there to explore.
On an upper floor is a study with desk and shelves and books. There is also a billiards table. Perhaps the writing mind needs a diversion to free up one’s thinking. In that room in a Hartford home, Mr. Twain had a rather large Bible. And for the open nature of this historical site, one of the curators appears to have decided to open this large tomb to a particular page.
Mark Twain’s Bible was open to Isaiah 53.
I recognized the potential impact of this for the passive Jewish visitor and to the Gentile who knows of whom the passage speaks. How many Jewish minds ponder that text? How many visit the Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem to see a full representation of the original Hebrew scroll with all of Isaiah’s writings fully exposed?
How many in Hartford and and how many in Jerusalem meet their Messiah by reading this text?
Have you?
Have you shared this with someone who needs to ponder the fact that we can see Him in that text?
Perhaps Samuel Clements himself left his Bible open to that page … which is still true to this day.
Director, WindowView


Excuse Me – But Why Am I Here?

Recently I was communicating with an old friend from way back in the high school era.  The joy of finding a long lost person gave way to telling each other our stories … where we’ve been, who we ended up with, and lots about what we’d done along the way.

But Who Are WE?

Invariably the stories run to some kind of end point.  Ah, this is where I am in life.  And when I described how I’d found disappointment in the way some or many persons had treated me in my life’s trek … I relayed the news that I’d started to ask the big questions in life.  I found myself in a way that began to differentiate who I was compared to the large majority of people.  Does that separation somehow make me the “odd man out?”  Or did I find something right and everyone else is on the outside?

A Night’s Realization

Well here is a test for you.  Have you thought about who you are and about others, only to find yourself putting your head down on a pillow at night, in the silence of the darkness, to realize something kind of freaky.  Like we know we are conscious and that means we are alive. Alive. What is that? And then the big question: “Why is there a me?”

Of all possible things … there is a universe, there is a planet called Earth, and I am here.  But why?  Out of all the thoughts I have each day … why does it strike me as strange that I am alive!

But then, why are we here?  It really didn’t need to be so.

The Big Story I Told

In telling my personal story, I noted that at one point in my career I started to ask both scientific and theistic questions.  The answers to the merging issues put an answer to the “Why Am I Here?”  The answers came over time and as new information from biblical archaeology, from a hard core examination of evolution and how Darwinism has its major issues unaddressed by the majority, how the Bible agrees with a universe that has an origin before which there was no space or time,  new discussions on life revealing evidence for design and thus opening the door to a designer, and studies of Israel and historical events that lead to a forward looking of chronological events that have been and will come according to the biblical text.  Science data revealed another side of the coin of truth.  Remarkable!  The Bible describes what was to come, what came, and what will come in the future ahead.  And we live on that time line, right now!

So maybe you don’t believe it.  But did you look at any of this?  Did you have that freaky moment late at night that pierces one’s being to ask why you are here?  And what if the scientific data and biblical information really do answer the question?

WindowView is a product of merging thoughts that go to answer why you are here.  It’s not a mistake, you are meant to be a stranger in a place where you are traveling here, in this space and time, to discover that there is a future … an eternal future.  Yeah, that seems strange doesn’t it?  But if it’s true, then why not embrace it and learn more and then be joyed by the fact that there is more to life than the mess we face here!  In this way, the future gets better, not worse.  A look around Earth today we see a lot of confusion.  Why not get beyond the confusion and clear up the view!  If science and theism bring you to a whole truth … you may not be in the majority, but at least you’ll know where YOU are headed!  And that answers the question: “Why Am I Here!”

Science can really tell us how special life is.  The Bible can tell us more about why we are here.  Together, these two perspectives give us a really wonderful big picture!



Keeping an Open Memory on Inheritance

Lets Really OPEN the Window!

The  WindowView metaphor is among other things a place holder for seeing unique thoughts and ideas.  This is not mere whimsical thinking.  Consider this: No one yet knows where the mind is or memory is stored.  And, no one yet knows where the blueprints are that direct the assembly of all those proteins and lipids and other molecules that make up your body.  No one yet knows where the body plan is stored.  Think about it!

An Interesting Thought on Memory:

The more we see of modern research on the brain the more we encounter  the presumption that the mind is wholly located within the brain.  We see an organ that interacts with thoughts, but with little to no real evidence that the brain does nothing more than serve as a processor.  Here’s a twist.  A two-way radio receives and sends signals.  When researchers use nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to explore the brain, they see areas ‘light up’ with brain activity.  During an operation the surgeon can place a probe on or in the brain and stimulate activity.  Might the brain be like the radio ‘transceiver.’  With no real tangible evidence that the mind and memories  are actually stored in the brain as a whole, we are then faced with the radio analogy pointing to mind beyond the physical location of the brain.

We’d like to see comments regarding the material brain and the more non-material aspects of mind.  Current research may be pointing to a mind and memory that is being tapped by the two-way radio-like function of a brain.  It’s possible.  And if so, the brain and mind become more a marvel than ever.  If the mind is outside, then where is that!

Inheritance Beyond DNA:

Equally interesting is the notion that DNA is not the sole source of inherited biological information.  In recent time science has discovered that the DNA does account for genes that direct protein production.  Some stretches of DNA with no known function were originally called junk DNA.  This is often referred to as leftovers from prior steps in evolution.  But the marvel here is that more and more of the junk is being ascribed to information processing tasks.  This is more like instruction code in a computer program.

The real challenge is the finding the location of the instructions, the blueprints, that put all the proteins and other biological molecules into their proper place in three dimensions.  And it turns out that certain physical locations in the egg cell and in membranes may be part of the blueprint.

What comes to mind is the criticism that apes and humans had to have evolved from one another because the DNA and genes are so similar.  But the sum total of biological information is just not the genes that make proteins!  The blueprints, where ever they end up being located, may prove to truly distinguish man from ape … and distinguish in a way that is orders of magnitude more complex than the apparent similarity in genes.

The Marvel of it ALL

We assume things way too often without knowing the real story.  Might the mind reside in extra-cranial space?  Might the instructions that direct the construction of an ape body be in fact dwarfed by the complexity of the blueprints for a human.  Or, at the very least, let us add the differences in blue print complexity to the known differences in the DNA of ape and human.  The sum of these differences is far greater than just in the genes in DNA alone.

In amidst all the talk of origins we forget the brain is a marvel of complexity that really defies an evolutionary explanation. Something happens in an organ beyond its physical structure that requires as much exploration and explanation than cell or tissue structure alone.  Inherited information that makes the brain (that supports the mind) is also a marvel and we have yet to learn more about this aspect of the complexity of our being.

Time at this window reminds us to consider our being here as the potential product of an act of intelligence.  This comes with some interesting prospects.  Some of which science cannot yet explain–if ever!  We think being here, living today, is a marvel and an opportunity to think of what purpose life offers.  And if we are purposed into being, then the location of the mind and blueprints of our body plan may be a wondrous bit of evidence in support of our being here by design.

Director,  WindowView


Darwin’s Dilemma Solved by Design

In time to come we will post more details, but for now it’s important to note that Illustra Media has released a new video, on DVD, entitled: Darwin’s Dilemma. This video follows on the heals of Dr. Meyer’s book, Signature in the Cell, with a more animated look at making many of the points described in the book–but with one major difference. This time the video adds in fossil evidence from the Cambrian explosion to make additional astounding points.

Both Meyer’s book and the video focus–ultimately in the overall importance of these works–on biological information. In the DNA we see a code that represents a complex set of information sources for making the proteins required for life. Darwin’s real dilemma was that the animals of the Cambrian era just appeared … really, just like that … in a “blink of time” to put it metaphorically. Darwin’s concept of evolution is a gradual series of changes over time leading to species making up separate phyla. But the evidence is the opposite, with phyla, a set of characteristics typical of a group, showing up first and finer differences, as multiple species, showing up over time.

Darwin knew the fossil record showed something troubling, simply because he had enough evidence to see the sudden appearance of the Cambrian life forms showing in the fossil record with no ancestral species developing before these multiple phyla just pop into view. The big distinctions of each phylum show up separately and independently of the others. There are no links between them! The fossil evidence before the Cambrian animals is there, it’s more like simpler sponges and nothing leading up to the animals that burst into view.

Darwin’s Dilemma reveals that the mass appearance of life also means a mass appearance of sophsticated information also arouse rapidly. And the standard explanations that Darwin put forth are beginning to show true failure. To really grasp why … we recommend a viewing of the DVD. The graphical images that bring the Cambrian era alive are great, but the illustrations help make finer points to reveal exactly why Darwin’s real dilemma to him in his day now opens a door to a solution and an explanation that derves serious consideration. And all this is based on the scientific evidence we have–right now!

Director, Windowview


A Signature In The Cell?

Yes, there is an ‘information signature’ placed in every cell of every living life form on earth.  The chromosomes and the genome we study in biology class contain a code.  This is no suprise since this is common knowledge.  What is not common, is our understanding exactly how complex the code really is. And complex code deserves a look from the standpoint of trying to explain where the complexity comes from.

What we are left to assume is that life is the product of chance events over long periods of time. The code in the genome, along with all the forms of life we see, are subject to the common assumption.

BUT THE ASSUMPTION IS WRONG.  And … if this is true, maybe the door to a better explanation for the origin of life is right there in front of our eyes.

You live in the day when a paradigm in biology will change. The assumption of chance occureneces leading to life is soon to be widly considered a non-starter, a dead concept, and simply wrong.

Dr. Stephen Meyer’s book, Signature in the Cell, is written in plain language with examples a grade school child will understand.  But the entire story told in the book takes you from science detective work, to explaining how, why, and where the genetic code is so complex as to not be the product of either chance or necessity. Dr. Meyer peels the layers of the story like removing layers of the onion. He is considerate, gentle, patient to explain, and then reinforces points with sound logic. And yes, he supports abductive reasoning much like Charles Darwin used in the first effort to explain evolution. But here, Dr. Meyer gives the best explanation we have for the origin of life as a product of design.

The book answers flawed thinking, illustrates problems with criticisms lowered on the design approach, and then goes further excplain how design theory can best explain biological information in the cell.

Signature in the Cell is a book you can get at a reasonable price.

We could just recommend the book and say: “Go read this great book!”  Or, we could say that in the months and years ahead this writing will change the way we think about the classroom, our life, and our origins!

Director, WindowView
