New Intro for the Window

We are trying out a new introduction (an intro video) on the home page at WindowView.

This short video gives a general overview and with the help of a harpist and some melodic background notes, the introduction touches on all the elements that make the window a complete presentation.

In the past 20 years WindowView has grown from a wee web presence of a few pages to four full feature areas and a number of separate articles and various resources for downloading.

In this span of time we have seen staggering and significant developments in each of the main topic areas.  Scientific exploration of the universe and the minute details in living cells continually declare something special about this place we live in … and something incredibly detailed by complex structures and highly specified information (in our DNA).  It’s increasing more difficult to say all the complexity and specificity comes about by some material tendency to make or support life.  And while a debate rages on, no matter where scientists stand on the issues, we are all awed by the data and marvel at life’s existence.

The Change Area and Harmony Area also get us thinking in other ways.  Our most recent shift on change is not whether global changes are occurring, the real issue in a scientific and even biblical dimension is whether humans really know how to respond to change.  Maybe the real clue is how we treat each other more than just stopping global warming, if that is even possible.

The Harmony area looks into a combination of themes that describe a woven network of Scripture related topics.  The network makes for a harmonious overview and we believe all this reflects back on the issues in the Science and Change Areas.

Well, can we consider different perspectives describing one larger concern.  Does this help us see what comes in the future?  If the window gets us thinking along these lines, then perhaps the purpose to taking in the larger view has been set in motion.
