Getting Hotter: Human influence on climate clear, IPCC says

To Our WindowViewers:

A while back we came across an article about the potential release of methane that currently is held in the permafrost of the northern latitudes.  If the permafrost region experiences temperature increases … then methane will be released into the atmosphere.  AND once that happens, warming will accelerate.  The international panel of scientists has just released new documentation and in January a report will be posted with their latest assessment.

BOTTOM LINE:  If the IPCC is correct and the further warming also influences methane releases … then the Change we speak of at WindowView will come quicker than anyone, you, us, all plain folks, could ever imagine.

—————    IPCC PRESS RELEASE  ————-

27 September 2013

Human influence on climate clear, IPCC report says

STOCKHOLM, 27 September – Human influence on the climate system is clear. This is evident

in most regions of the globe, a new assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes.

It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century. The evidence for this has grown, thanks to more and better observations, an improved understanding of the climate system response and improved climate models.

Warming in the climate system is unequivocal and since 1950 many changes have been observed throughout the climate system that are unprecedented over decades to millennia. Each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850, reports the Summary for Policymakers of the IPCC Working Group I assessment report, Climate Change 2013: the Physical Science Basis, approved on Friday by member governments of the IPCC in Stockholm, Sweden.

“Observations of changes in the climate system are based on multiple lines of independent evidence. Our assessment of the science finds that the atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amount of snow and ice has diminished, the global mean sea level has risen and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased,” said Qin Dahe, Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group I.

Thomas Stocker, the other Co-Chair of Working Group I said: “Continued emissions of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and changes in all components of the climate system. Limiting climate change will require substantial and sustained reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.”

——————- end quotation from press release ————

We’ll provide more on the methane story in a future post.  One thing is certain, the news on climate change is heating up.  Sea level is rising, migration patterns have changed, and life on earth is shifting!

Visit our change pages at WindowView

Director, WindowVieworg

Window Related Links:
Thesis on Change
Climate Change
Historic Scientists’ Warning


When It Looks Like It’s Getting Better …

… It isn’t necessarily so! Really good news is bad news. Why?

New energy reserves are coming globally in the form of natural gas in areas formerly considered out of production, oil from fields labeled the same way, oil sands and oil shale in areas previously thought too costly to process. Never mind any questions about renewable energy technology or use of carbon based fuels on climate change … The world has received a carbon-energy injection releasing us of near future energy reserve depletion. Consider the following news clip:
HEADLINE: U.S. oil boom leaves OPEC sidelined from demand growth – Reuters
Rising U.S. shale oil production will help meet most of the world’s new oil demand in the next five years, even if the global economy picks up steam, leaving little room for OPEC to lift output without risking lower prices, the West’s energy agency said.
WindowView is a ‘thinking place in cyber space.’ So think about this! The energy supply leaves humanity temporarily euphoric and free of concerns that would restrict material economies … But at the same time the source of relief is the problem. A blind eye will be turned to consequences as long as markets are on the rise or stable. But who has the money to pay for the consequences to come? Cash strapped governments? You?

Consider this: Sea level rise already spurred by climate change will only accelerate as carbon dioxide rises further from carbon fuel use. Sea level rise means coastal flooding, over 800 Million persons globally will need to move, dikes, walls and dams will need to be built. If not that, new homes, new towns, new infrastructure, new expenses to tax humanity for a global result of change. Who cares how it happened! Who will pay? Diseases will rise as invading waters complicate coastal life. Local economies and forms of employment will change … the entire shift will unsettle life on planet earth … human and all other.

The theme of the window is “Science and Scripture in Harmony.” If you look objectively through the window, have some understanding of how our material dilemmas lead to a spiritual side to being, then this theme rings true. We invite you to sit at your window, look, think and know the future is still ahead of all of us.



Warming Rates Significant Since First Earth Day

In an article on warming rates in the US it becomes clear that there is CLIMATE change and all that is a micro-picture to what is happening on a GLOBAL scale.

WindowView Press is really geared to the data and evidence that describe change and how that plays into a “Science and Scripture in Harmony.”  As unlikely as that harmony may be at first look … the material world is experiencing change that is forcing us to take a spiritual look at who we are … how we treat one another … and the chance or purpose to being alive.  We think the window begs us to examine purpose … and if so … then to look at how we live life.  In so doing, we might think of stewardship and environment … and as such we see climate change as a product of how we live on our planet.

From the article cited above …

“In commemoration of Earth Day, 2013, Climate Central has created an interactive graphic that shows a state-by-state analysis of temperature trends since the first Earth Day took place in 1970. That occasion marked a significant change in America’s environmental consciousness, and led to the creation of, among other things, the Environmental Protection Agency and passage of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.”

Take a look at the graphic and if you click on a state … you’ll see evidence for temperature rise in many highly populated areas of the US.

Again, the evidence is telling us something … and if the material world is changing all around us … might this say something about humanity’s future.  And remember, temperature is only a single change in a HUGE matrix of changes across the globe … which is something we address in the Change Area at WindowView.



Climate for a Tribulation

Blog posts have to say the conclusion up front or you’ll move on quickly.  The main point here is that too much has changed in recent decades that all of the troubles humanity faces are getting beyond our abilities and resources to effectively respond.  Here is an UPDATE and even a link to a report on change. [Read the full article on the WindowView page on Climate for a Tribulation]

The POINT IS a present material dilemma soon leads to revisiting a spiritual question.  What is life?  How do we respond to mounting global woes?  Is change leading us to some kind of tribulation period?

The following account is an update of sorts. could include hundreds of articles and commentaries on climate change, but in reality, just a little information comes to some basic conclusions.  You can go everywhere else to read all the rest.

Our MAIN CONCLUSION is, in the face of global changes, not just climate change, we as a human race face the biggest dilemma on a spiritual scale.  How we respond to change and respond to humanity in a time of need and trial, that’s the point.  How you respond is sustainable, even if life on the planet loses its sustainability over time.  Our responses will encounter psychological stresses and a growing cry to fix it, do something, reverse the damage, make the planet a safe place for life.

————–  CHANGE UPDATED   —————-

There are numerous sources documenting humanity’s impressions on climate change–some scientific and others not so.  In fact, we paused on writing a lot about climate change due to the multitude of science sources and numerous doubts expressed by non-data driven counterpoint groups.  Why?  Simply because a key WindowView conclusion is that the most vital element to change is not in the OMINOUS consequences but instead it is HOW humans will respond.  Part of that response is to one another and ultimately relates to a spiritual reality beyond our physical condition. What we believe matters a great deal!

From the believer’s perspective, all things work together to God’s will and purposes.  In that context we need to accept what ever changes are at play, globally, and then consider the broader and deeper implications. The ultimate reality comes down to the interface between events and the dilemma of finding faith in the midst of chaos and emotional responses.  THIS IS the point we are highlighting here.

Belief is not an emotional response if also based on well grounded truth.  Let’s consider some information related to immediate episodes of change and think how the human condition is confused before grasping well founded faith.

The Australian Climate Commission just released their publication entitled: THE CRITICAL DECADE Climate science, risks and responses.  As we recall elsewhere in WindowView, the Sigma Xi scientific society called the 90’s a critical decade for responses to global change–to no avail–humans sat on their hands.  At the start of the Aussy Climate Commission’s document they note the following:

“Climate science is now being debated outside of the normal discussion and debate that occurs within the peer-reviewed scientific literature in the normal course of research. It is being attacked in the media by many with no credentials in the field. The questioning of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the “climategate” incident based on hacked emails in the UK, and attempts to intimidate climate scientists have added to the confusion in the public about the veracity of climate science.”  [Get your own PDF copy of the 2011 report HERE]


So clearly we have a population that sees both evidence for and against validation of climate change. Ironically, within the WindowView, we see so much evidence for precipitous GLOBAL changes (the list is long and way beyond climatic parameters) just by what an ever enlarging human population does, and that regardless of any CLIMATE considerations. People are just blind to the obvious implications.  As long as the consequences are not yet local, denial is okay. Once the reality sets in by some kind of poverty under the superficial affluence, or outright bare bones impoverished state of just surviving, then the cries of the affected are glossed over. Are we hoping the consequences can be ignored long enough the effects will just go away.

In biblical terms, consequences bring a kind of self inflicted or unintended judgment.  But how does one “get the concept,” as intended here?  If one says dry conditions are due to drought driven by extreme episodes of local climate change, then dry ground and brush fires occur.  But is that all?  Might other consequences reveal a more histerical component that will drive people askew?

The Climate Commission notes:

“For example, there is little doubt that extreme weather events such as bushfires and floods have significant impacts on human health and well-being. The 2011 Queensland floods have led to long-term, mental health and related problems, such as depression, bereavement, post-traumatic stress disorders and other mood and anxiety disorders; and the 2009 Victorian bushfires also led to considerable psychological distress, some of it prolonged, to those who experienced the fires and survived (A.J. McMichael, personal communication). Such extreme weather events have occurred before the advent of human-induced climate change, and the degree to which climate change affects risks associated with extreme events is a very active area of research.”

As long as the consequences seem removed from you, the thoughts of what life really means can be put off. But tornadoes in the middle of the US (a record breaking 875 in April 2011 alone — see NOAA Report), earthquakes around the world ( as described here in another blog post here), fires in Australia, floods all over the globe, and other physical and climatic challenges ALL are pause for thought.  And not just survival now, but thoughts on the value of our lives, what existence is, and the eternal implications. There are in fact eternal implications. Life now, and at no other time, is your opportunity to embrace the greater reality … or just live in denial of the greater truth.

If you are interested, you can visit the Australian Climate Commission on the web and download the report, or again visit the WindowView link here to download the PDF.


There is a lot that is EMOTION driven about all the climate issues.  We know some reject the science because of personal beliefs.  But when changes occur, the emotions of the moment are in response to the ominous events.

The human response in the material moment should be to helping others get through the moment.  On the spiritual level, we need remember that our lives are temporal and the challenges we face may in fact help us to grow a deeply rooted faith.

Change brings tribulations.  The Bible speaks of a time of tribulations to come.  There may e some interplay between the biblical timeline and the global changes that create a human theater of sorts.  Will some god-like figure promise humanity a way out?  But there is no way out of the truth that our physical existence is only for a time.  The real God inure at the root of faith is one that supposes the temporal dilemmas we face in the present time.

The material thinkers will decry we must counter change to make the planet safe for life.  If you do a web search regarding the report cited here, you’ll see a lot of diverse reactions, but none bring into perspective the real reason for tribulations or finding solace in a greater biblical truth.


We say: Just remember, humans are at war, struggle over water rights, try to grow food to sustain the entire population, strive to achieve market success and expanding growth to build wealth, struggle politically, fall short of achieving peace, and fail to reach a harmonious and unified front to solve global problems.  We are a fractured family and species in peril. Global change is a growing matrix of complex issue!

They say a lot just about climate and you can read their summary points from the Australian report at the conclusion of our full article at Climate for a Tribulation (a WindowView page on Change).




Global Change Like Never Before … Where Will It Lead?

Over ten years ago WindowView posted information in anticipation of global changes. During 2006, we will be updating this web site’s content concerning change. Global changes are now widely recognized in the news. Climate change is getting more attention, but this only the tip of an iceberg.

There is a complex matrix of changes that brings about the visible climate change. Numerous sources of change are interwoven. You can’t say we’ll just fix this or that. Nothing is so simple and we’re backed into a corner! Want an example? Glaciers are gone or going quickly, the North Pole is slated to be – in a few decades, Greenland’s ice and the South Pole are all headed the same direction. Sea levels will change, it’s slow, but happening … now!

READ: Change Matrix

In the final analysis, in that matrix, a lot of this concerns how humans live. Humanity’s material and social lifestyles are a cause. Years ago we might have said cycles in nature are to be expected. But humans have caused the Earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide level to rise way above any known (geological record) historical level. We are in uncharted waters and still sailing on. Even our Window Area on change includes a warning posted by scientists about all this. (READ historic scientists’ warning). They knew it was coming over a decade ago. Who really listed? Economy and politics sail on.

If you look at the right side of this page, you see a link to our feature area on change. What’s not there yet are descriptions of some really historic events yet to come (like what we’ve said here about glaciers and the polar ice caps but on other different topics).

Major Global Ocean Currents To Stop Moving In Next 10 to 15 Years?

At the annual meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), in 2005, we heard oceanographers describe global change in terms of increased rainfall over the northern Atlantic Ocean. Here is how matrix relations get revealed. More rain brings more fresh water to the surface of a salty ocean. The fresh water is lighter than the salt water below. The lighter water does not push down with the weight of heavier salt water. Without this push, the currents that move northward to the upper Atlantic Ocean, cannot then bear downward to the bottom of the ocean to make the ocean current head back south along the ocean floor. Typically this action moved the global current from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and back again. Yes, right now there is a global current that links all the oceans. Global change, through the increased rainfall in one location, threatens to turn off the global current.

READ:  Global Ocean Currents Cease

So Is This ‘Doom Saying’ Or What?

Frankly, the talk about all this is going to get more intense. Eventually you’ll hear someone say: “What can be done?”  or in light of incredible consequences they may ask “Who will save us?” What will happen to the oceans? Indeed, will the now over-fished and decimated oceanic populations decline to nil? Again, we never stripped the oceans of fish like we see today. The ecology of a well mixed ocean will enter a new phase. We’ve never been here before. What about food supply? And the pressure for answers on all issues will get more intense. From all of our information sources that look to the future, global change is actually helping to accentuate a particular set of human circumstances.

A Window To A Choice, Not A Crisis

No one is going to say the challenges will go away. The effects are yet to be fully realized. But within the window are still other perspectives. If matters look ever darker and slow to realize an improvement, then is all this about a crisis? In fact, our material life is temporal. The window’s horizon looks beyond the current events and beyond what is simply this experience alone. Global change helps to get us thinking. This is something to consider on a personal level. Think about how society and humanity as a whole is responding. Think about how this is a reflection on what is key to understanding the value to our lives. Think. Change. Make a choice!

