This post is being put to both our ‘Press’ and ‘Harmony’ blogs because the topics that we have just posted to our WindowView time line speak of a convergence of events on both the scientific and Scripture sides of the window’s view.
If you wish to visit the recent events of this year, go to the TimeLine and scan down the page.
Take note, that in a true biblical fashion, we are seeing a turn of major events in a number of significant venues. This is incredible pause for thought, yet it’s not some dire straights scenario, not yet anyway. Yet, that’s the point that many are wondering about in the back of their minds. Is it another depression coming over the surface of the entire globe, or does this fit something else equally significant.
Put it together in the following fashion, some events occur in the natural world (fire, drought, tsunami, earthquakes, weather events) that cause significant impact on the human psyche–globally, not just in one or two local areas. Then there is the economic venue which is of human making and this is of proportions that could topple governments, stock markets, and retirement funds–employment and commerce are at risk. A third factor is the unrest between nations. Events around the globe can all spin down to a critical focus on the Middle East. Unrest in the Middle East can undo a lot of progress or recovery elsewhere might that come along.
And we see signs of progress and ends to technical accomplishments as medicine finds solutions to disease and mean while a space program comes to a historic end.
The global signs are ‘Signs of the Times‘ as expressed in the Bible. This all unfolds slowly, right before our eyes. to the material minded, the physical well-being seems uneasy. To the spiritually minded, the words of Scripture echo in the background.
One of the most popular areas of the WindowView is the Time Line.
Come for a look and think about what changes are altering the state of our world today!