
In your own words talk to God…
Confess your sins. Call them by name — pride, cheating, lying, immorality, greed, unforgiveness, etc.

- Tell God you are repenting — willing to forsake all known sin and the root of your sins which is selfishness.

- Tell God you are believing in Him — giving yourself entirely to Him and receiving Yeshua (Jesus) into your life as Lord and Savior.

- He will keep His word, forgive you and come into your life, making you new.

- You may make this commitment with or without deep emotions. Your reaction is determined by temperament, background, and God's individual approach to you. You do know you have committed your will to please the Lord and this is essential. Emotions will pass, but the choice of your heart stays the same.

- Thank the Lord now for redeeming you and for giving you His new life.

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