
You have a deep change of mind and heart and choose to reject and forsake all known sin and the right to run your life independently of God.

Repentance… is the act of your getting off the throne of your life so that God may take his rightful place there.

Repentance… is the spiritual U-turn necessary before you believe.

Repentance… is not just being sorry for your sins. With repentance there is sorrow, but you can have sorrow without repentance. Many people are sorry for the consequences of sin, but not sin itself. ''Pain handled in God's way produces a turning from sin to God which leads to salvation, and there is nothing to regret in that! But pain handled in the world's way produces only death.'' II Corinthians 7:10

Repentance… is not just quitting a sinful act. Some people have refrained from certain sins and reformed for personal reasons (health, reputation, family, business, etc.) not because their sins displeased God.

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