Isaiah 53 As A New Song

In a previous post you were able to connect to a web page that provides access to understanding the importance of the verses in Isaiah 53. The prophet is essentially letting all Israel know who the Messiah is … His identity is unmistakable and the prophet’s words were written hundreds of years before Yeshua appeared to Israel. As then and as is now, these words are a key that unlocks so much of what else Scripture. has to tell us.

Today we received an email from Joshua Aaron that included a link to his friend’s new song … the song is based on Isaiah 53, sung by Aaron Shust and accompanied by Shai Sol.

Click on the image below to be taken to YouTube to hear the song!


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The Prophet Identifies Messiah

Every year Israel celebrates Passover. Each year during the Pesach seder there is a moment when the matzah is broken and the Cup of Redemption is lifted to drink wine. This breaking of bread and drinking of the cup was a new adjustment to the Pesach tradition and seems to correspond with who the Jewish Messiah is. So, who is that?

Of whom does the prophet Isaiah speak?

To read about the prophet Isaiah’s exact words that align closely with the true identity of the Jewish Messiah, we recommend a visit to See the web page and read the WANTED poster and get the REWARD!

In a world of increasing chaos and confusion, peace is to be found in Messiah–for Jew and Gentile alike, this one identity rises in importance above all else.


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Boundary to Science?

What is your existence? What if you could sit in a class and just have a wide open discussion on science and see many avenues of thought open up … even leading to concepts you’d never really given much serious thought … AND then your thinking expands and the discussion is so amazing and engaging? Would you want to explore concepts that lead you to think of why or what is existence?

We strongly recommend a new book that tells a story about a college class and the classroom open ended teachings that expand the view and open to ideas and perspectives that do entertain existence in a freely open discussion!


From the book listing at Amazon:

Eric Hedin was enjoying a productive career as a physics professor at Ball State University when the letter from a militant atheist arrived and all hell broke loose. The conflict spilled first onto the pages of the local newspaper, and then into the national news. The atheist attack included threats from the Freedom from Religion Foundation, which targeted Hedin after learning his Boundaries of Science course exposed students to an evidence-based case for design and purpose in cosmology, physics, and biochemistry. Canceled Science tells the dramatic story of the atheist campaign to cancel Hedin’s course, reveals the evidence the atheists tried to bury, and explores discoveries that have revolutionized our understanding of the nature and origin of matter, space, and even time itself.

The book cover is below and you can order HERE on the internet.


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