Cicadas – Are An Intelligent Design

Is there more to the appearance to these insects than they pop out of the ground and fly around for up to six weeks … every 17 years? Did they evolve or is there something about these lifeforms that have a higher function than what you may first think … well, a scientist has written this blog post to get you to think beyond the ordinary explanations! Read on!

Cicada – Nymph (shell on right) and Adult (winged on left)

Darwin’s hypotheses that certain insects have corresponding relationships and even mimic plants in ways that identify a functional relationship is often taught in college textbooks. Coevolution seems the term of art–but is this the full and true explanation? But if you have been reading the books recommended here at this WindowView blog, then you realize that life is obviously exhibiting design features. In fact, information that is at the root of every organism’s existence is complex, specific, and far beyond the reach of appearing by chance and then natural selection steps in and as Darwin says lends to the survival of the fittest. But chance and natural selection fail to explain life.

Design in an emerging truth … but the root of what is fascinating is further down … keep reading

Information and the first origin of life on Earth, plus fine tuning of Earth and universe lend strong evidence to design and as you may come to realize the complexity of design really requires mind … and if that mind is behind the origin of the universe and life … then the existence of Cicadas–that now appear after 17 years of development as nymphs below ground and living on tree roots–brings up an even more fascinating observation.

As the nymphs arise out of the ground, they bore holes that end up aerating tree roots.

Cicadas by their life cycle design bury themselves underground and the nymphs live on tree roots for 17 years and then emerge from the ground. The result is the holes all around the base of trees. The real point that should be stressed is these holes aerate the soil and allow more air to reach tree roots in this 17 year cycle. Trees and shrubs benefit from air reaching roots and that this happens periodically is the key to a cyclical design.

The lack of periodic aeration plus soil compaction over time will dwarf a tree or shrub, even cause a limit to growth and a shorter life span for the plant. Insect and plant together make a design system requiring two sophisticated life forms–tree and cicada together are a complex system, even if it never occurred to you until now!


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Book Review – First Look at Meyer’s Newest Writing

For those persons who are skeptical of looking at a combination of perspectives that pull together data from science discoveries and possible theistic implications, then avoiding Dr. Meyer’s book “The Return of the God Hypothesis” might make sense. A word of caution, don’t let the book title throw you toward avoidance … the writing is science, philosophy, history, discoveries and much much more!

But … avoidance comes with missing an exceptional opportunity to experience a well written text. This book is addressing much of what science reveals in a way that gently explains certain technical perspectives … but more than that … the book lays out a story of science discoveries along time. The scientists deal with certain possible approaches to expanding our human understanding of the universe, the earth, life, and what explains our existence is really is the core of what this book does best.

Further, each explanation given in the book examines multiple sides of any evidence humanity has derived over time. Seeing what works and how information, data, and our understanding from our material existence of what may ultimately explain our conscious mindful understanding beyond the material existence is exactly why you will benefit from reading this book.

If you believe your life is simply a result of natural forces and chance … you need to read this book. If you believe theistic writings alone explain why you live, then you can expand your awareness of the specificity and complexity of nature that points to the source of your life. Simply put, so many people just haven’t really experienced such a well thought out set of considerations, data, and evidence as presented by Dr. Meyer. The book is easy to read and incredible in the ultimate implications as to who you really are! And that is worth knowing!

Click here to see the book for purchase or simply read the online reviews at the designated web page.


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Who Is Objective About This Life

Bottom line up front: Scroll down this blog and you’ll find two books recommended, one by Dr. Hedin and the other by Dr. Meyer. Read one or both and your life and perspectives on who you really are may be dramatically clarified and make for life changing evidence–your WindowView perspectives may well lead to awesome wonder. And this is a statement made by a PhD scientist who is writing up entires for this blog! [book links are provided at each blog post below]

DATA IS VITAL: At the WindowView home page there is reference to a model with four compartments that hold data for Science, History, Theology, and combined Archeology plus Paleontology. The key to understanding the illustration is that each compartment holds information. But data if objective is not based on bias, interpretation, opinion, political influence, or worldview. Data does not matter where you are on this planet–what matters is finding the origin of your life. WindowView is about perspectives and thus data if collected in legitimate and good fashion becomes solid evidence for something. Follow the evidence where it leads!

SOURCES OF DATA: Science data is not to be confused with ‘scientists’ who sometimes say things beyond what the evidence supports, NOR theology data is to be tied to ‘theologians’ who make their commentaries, which may or may not be appropriate. If you are objective, then you keep asking: What is the core information here in scientific results to studies or what is the primary set of key points that are the core data of biblical writings (and by this we mean Scripture in the Bible, both original Hebrew and Greek texts).

Both recommended books review some history to science, developments that help illustrate what science data has been gathered as well as logic and reason to a theistic perspective on your life’s origin. You may be surprised that it is information and mind that makes for an origin. We live on a special planet, in a special universe, and have been given texts that project guidance for human life … but more than guidance, the theological data reveal a timeline of events past, present, and yet to come. Once you grasp the specifics from what science data really tell us about our complexity and specificity to being alive … that alone begs a shift in our understanding of life now and going forward. So then the scriptural timeline is supported by specific data in the Hebrew and Greeks texts–that at first may seem far fetched–become much more reason-able.

If you are truly objective, you will have no problems reading either the book by Dr. Hedin or D. Meyer … both point to intelligence, special conditions, and reasons to think life really is special.


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