Finishing A Must Read on Science and Theism

As the Director of WindowView and one who has examined both Science and Theistic data, I wish to convey an impression from finishing my first time reading Dr. Stephen C. Meyer’s book: “The Return of the God Hypothesis.” I’ll reread this book and in the near future, some of what is in book will add to the evidence in the WindowView site. But the ‘window’ offers multiple viewing perspectives to add to an even bigger picture—like the wider aspect of a picture window that ultimately clarifies what is coming soon to our world (whether you agree or not the evidence we have leads the way—not the web site or writings there, but what the evidence brings to us all).

First, I understand that many may simply reject he book based on the title. That would be an egregious mistake of huge proportions—simply because this book relates to authors and perspectives that span a huge range of disciplines and thought—historic and well recognized philosophic, scientific, and theistic thinkers. So, look at the title and just move on. 

The text of the book is based on a growing base of evidence, not conjecture or mere interpretation. Over time, human appreciation for what science shows can in fact develop a stronger appreciation for what is theistic.

The content addresses issues in sequence and looks at what you might simply put as pros and then considers contrary thought. The review is meant to leave essentially no stone unturned. Views you presently hold, evidence you have or have never considered, and other areas are all brought to the surface.

The conclusion of the book even considers how we all grow in this life to ask those significant questions about being—why am I, how can I figure out the answer, is there more to my just thinking in this moment—and thus relates back to how specific and complex information along with a fine tuned universe and the incredible display of life on earth are a reflection of something truly significant—design or chance, Designer or coincidence—the evidence brings clarity. 

The book reviews the significance of design in nature, physics, mathematics, start of a universe that is our home and in turn the evidence for intelligent design. However, the concept of intelligent design keeps running into critiques pointing to the idea of design comes without defining the designer. To the contrary, you are the one to think and possibly it will come to you and the answer presents itself regardless of any preconceived notion you may start with. Then think further. We all were brought into this life. I don’t recall being given the choice—I was born, have grown, am thinking, exploring, and with all the theistic and scientific data an answer appears.

You might start with the question as to whether scientific and theistic information can actually and seamlessly fit together. Specifically, do scientific journal data and the biblical text truly mesh into one consistent and comprehensive overview of our being and purpose for life? A major portion of what Dr. Meyer writes actually helps to provide perspectives providing an answer. But it is up to you to ask questions, think, and explore—your life is an opportunity to do so!

To read the book you may want to put in an online order here.

Again, WindowView brings multiple perspectives in sight and in the end the result is very well a harmony with Science and Scripture.


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Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

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