Book Listings at WindowView

The WindowView touches on many sources to help build the ‘big picture’ that leads to providing you with the most important question … the vital question we all need to consider in our lifetime! Science, theology, paleontology, archaeology, and historical timelines all merge to assemble the multiple perspectives and provide real evidence that makes the window unique and useful!

The website has needed updates for some time now. Updates will start to appear in the coming year. Current pages with book lists have received minor updates and focus on the earlier sources.

Main Book List Link

Apologetics Book List

Take a look, you might find interesting titles. Click on a book cover and visit a bookseller and read reviews. If the price is too much, search the web!

The main book list can (as of 2022) be considered a bit historic because some of the titles are important in understanding the base of information rom which more current writings gain momentum and support. For example, the Science Area of WindowView relies on many of these sources to help build reasonable to solid perspectives. It is not opinion that is the concern, sound information builds the true view!

Apologetics relates more to the theological side and once you see life is by design, not by chance, and there is more to consider than a temporary and material life … there is the big question about life eternal.

WindowView also looks at many other sources that are available to download or referred to in various places, thus he book lists only represent some of many sources used at this web site. Being objective is extremely important. Avoiding unsupported opinion, bias, or by false interpretation is fundamental to forming a solid set of important perspectives. That is the main goal of embracing the fullness of the window (combine these areas … Science, Change, Harmony, Timeline, and Convergence and assemble the big view on what and why life!).


Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

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Designed Universe Reveals Need For Paradigm Shift

A paradigm shift comes with evidence and changes the way we look at our world (and universe)!

Regarding design and our universe, the following is a bit of text from a bookseller web page:

“Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson once declared, “The universe is a deadly place. At every opportunity it is trying to kill us.” Tyson is not alone in his dark, doomsday perspective. Many have sought to warn of the weapons the universe might use to wipe out humanity.

“In Designed to the Core, astrophysicist Hugh Ross uses the newest astronomical research to not only inform but also inspire the reader with this conclusive truth: While one person sees a razor-sharp blade as a deadly weapon’ the other sees it as a life-saving scalpel.

“The motive of the one who wields that blade makes all the difference.”

Here the author Dr. Ross is actually referring to the author of the Universe itself. A paradigm shift in science and current thinking is a change based on scientific astronomy evidence. If design requires a mind and not simply any unguided process, then the author of he universe is also the author of the book of nature.

At WindowView we see multiple sources that reveal how a paradigm shift is needed not only in science, but theological thinking and in your everyday approach to understanding your existence, your life, and the ultimate reason you are alive … once you see unique perspectives, very detailed information, truth, and awake to he reality of who we all are and why we are here for a short lifetime, then the door to something truly eternal opens up. The shift with sound science takes us from an old and now out-of-date explanation to something incredibly eye opening and better way to see what science is revealing to us today!

To be clear, ‘Designed to the Core’ is a book full of specific info that describes the universe, galaxies, our Milky Way Galaxy, Earth, and all the way to the core … technical descriptions indeed, but unique factors that as you read the descriptions from research, exploration, and scientific discoveries all reveal how we live in an exceptional and incredibly suitable (even rare) location in the universe. In fact, so much else of the universe is not suitable for advanced life to exist, anyone who thinks life forms occupy numerous locations in the universe will see there are few options (i.e., opportunities and possibilities are so limited) outside of where we exist. You don’t need to be an astronomer or scientist to read, but the book is information rich and somewhat technical. Yet, this is well written and summaries, helpful graphics, and numerous references are clearly listed in the text.

This book and other recent titles, many of them noted in posts at this blog, all help in adding to the main reason for looking through the WindowView!


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Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

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Yom Teruah – Rosh Hashanah – Surprise

Recommendation: Visit the YouTube video regarding one particular High Holy Day on the Jewish calendar. There is a surprise that everyone–Jewish and Gentile persons both–should hear about. And you can visit that video at this LINK.

To be clear, Yom Teruah is documented to be “the day” designated for a specific purpose. Each year this day starts a period of ten days for reflection and personal repentance and that leads up to another holy day. But when a specific and unique purpose is fulfilled is further described in the video. Reference to Messiah may be easy or hard to accept for some viewers, but the Hebrew Scriptures help to specifically identify who that identity is! In fact, deeper study of the Tanach (the Hebrew Bible) reveals passages in Genesis, Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, and many other places in the text that contribute to full identity revealed! One passage often mentioned is in Isaiah stating with the words “Behold my servant … .” (Tanach Isiah 52;13). Then read through all of the rest of chapter 52 to the end of 53. Each year in the reading of the Torah, these verses are typically skipped over … it is time for a complete reading … today!

Many will celebrate Rosh Hashanah without realizing the origin of that celebration … the video provides the surprise and explains the true origin of this celebration day! And to be sure, apples and honey make for a sweet celebration! So, two unique purposes are celebrated on one High Holy Day, but the reality as to why Yom Teruah was set in place in Scripture is given a nice and extremely important explanation in the video.


Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

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There Is A New World Coming

Years ago Hal Lindsey wrote a book about a new world coming. The question we might ask today is: “How will we recognize the signs of that world coming to us?”

Look out your window! What do you see in the world today?

As this post is being typed up, divisions, splits, adversarial relationships are evident all around the globe. World leaders contribute to conflict and the idea of global cooperation is a distant and lost concept.

The photo of the cover of the Lindsay book is is from the original edition published in 1973. While the basic study in the text of this book is a biblical look at Revelation, the text touches on a timeline of events looking forward. But the text also looks back to the writings of Daniel. And the text written by John (who penned the text of the ‘apocalypsis,’ i.e., revelation and revealing of Messiah and what brings in the new age, new era, and new world) touches on images, themes, timing, and points made by Daniel in what his text states going back some 500 to 600 years before John was born. As noted online, “Daniel was a righteous man of princely lineage and lived about 620–538 B.C.”

A Divided House Cannot Stand

Today’s polarization and division between countries, political division within countries, and a lack of collaboration and caring … reveals a world in a crumbling state. Indeed, in the past there were periods of decline, but never with as many people that live on planet Earth today!

The book highlighted here is a bit dated in some of its presentation. Yet, some very interesting observations are included in the text! Maybe you can find a copy of the original book, but one important fact is that back in the 1970s Mr. Lindsey wrote about two witnesses who would appear in Jerusalem (Revelation chapter 11). These remarkable individuals would be a sign of a specific event that takes place before the new world arrives. In the 70s the idea that the entire global community–all of us–would be able to see these two witnesses in Jerusalem led to the idea that a TV satellite would make it possible (i.e., Telstar). Fast forward to today and the smartphones and internet streaming services make it even more possible. Once everything is in place to make all the prophetic events work like clockwork, the the teachings, events, and chronology revealed by John and Daniel will come together and take place … a house divided will crumble and the world will need unified leadership. For a time a false leader, the anti-Messiah, will step onto the world stage. A crumbled and fragmented humanity will look up to false leadership. Even today false leaders get unwarranted attention! But the story does not end with that false presence and study of Scripture will prepare you to fully understand the passing of this world and the coming of the next!

A Remarkable Network of Information

One added point that warrants you making a detailed study of the writings of Daniel and John. Simply put, the text of each source requires the other to complete a bigger picture of what is to come. This is like pulling together pieces of a puzzle from two authors and the incredible unity, logic, and good sense the puzzle image makes once assembled! Daniel even gives a means to calculate the year Messiah first appears. John describes churches in cities in a way that outlines historical eras from the time of Messiah’s first appearance to today! The study you might make offers an opportunity to see a remarkable network of information that arises all across he biblical text. That network is evidence that the entire text of Scripture is not simply separate and unrelated writings. Just the opposite, the entire text looks forward (and beyond) the new world that is coming.

A more current book that accomplishes what Lindsay wrote and even goes deeper into the relevant information is Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s book: “The Footsteps of the Messiah.” (<– first link is to a bookseller with reviews, but may be a bit more expensive, a ministry website with same book at alternate price … use this LINK)


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