The Prophet Identifies Messiah

Every year Israel celebrates Passover. Each year during the Pesach seder there is a moment when the matzah is broken and the Cup of Redemption is lifted to drink wine. This breaking of bread and drinking of the cup was a new adjustment to the Pesach tradition and seems to correspond with who the Jewish Messiah is. So, who is that?

Of whom does the prophet Isaiah speak?

To read about the prophet Isaiah’s exact words that align closely with the true identity of the Jewish Messiah, we recommend a visit to See the web page and read the WANTED poster and get the REWARD!

In a world of increasing chaos and confusion, peace is to be found in Messiah–for Jew and Gentile alike, this one identity rises in importance above all else.


Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

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Science Area

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Boundary to Science?

What is your existence? What if you could sit in a class and just have a wide open discussion on science and see many avenues of thought open up … even leading to concepts you’d never really given much serious thought … AND then your thinking expands and the discussion is so amazing and engaging? Would you want to explore concepts that lead you to think of why or what is existence?

We strongly recommend a new book that tells a story about a college class and the classroom open ended teachings that expand the view and open to ideas and perspectives that do entertain existence in a freely open discussion!


From the book listing at Amazon:

Eric Hedin was enjoying a productive career as a physics professor at Ball State University when the letter from a militant atheist arrived and all hell broke loose. The conflict spilled first onto the pages of the local newspaper, and then into the national news. The atheist attack included threats from the Freedom from Religion Foundation, which targeted Hedin after learning his Boundaries of Science course exposed students to an evidence-based case for design and purpose in cosmology, physics, and biochemistry. Canceled Science tells the dramatic story of the atheist campaign to cancel Hedin’s course, reveals the evidence the atheists tried to bury, and explores discoveries that have revolutionized our understanding of the nature and origin of matter, space, and even time itself.

The book cover is below and you can order HERE on the internet.


Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

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Science Area

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History in the making comes as the NASA Martian rover, Perseverance, landed on Mars February 18, 2021.

So many people are wondering, will the rover’s instruments finally find evidence for life on Mars (be it in the past or living today). One would fully expect a rapid conclusion that such evidence is proof of Darwin’s theory on evolution.

CAUTION: Any evidence for life on Mars is possible, but the conclusion regarding evolution and life elsewhere in the universe is not only premature, but could very easily be false and totally misleading.

Persons with a material naturalism perspective have no expectation for anything but ‘nature’ to explain life. However, life contains information that is far superior to any chance origin. In fact,. highly specific and complex information supports the concept of Intelligent Design. And design certainly provides a viable explanation for life created life on Earth.

And microbes adapted to Earth’s extreme environments (e.g., in and near a volcano as one example, where there is extreme heat) could be ejected by volcanic eruption on Earth and that ejecta could travel from Earth to Mars and thus seeding life on Mars. But truth be told, rock from Mars comes to Earth as meteorites and ejecta from Earth likewise travels to Mars.

The WindowView page regarding life on Mars has been posted for well over a decade. Evidence for design has only increased. We recommend the following pages for your reading and review:

Life’s Molecular Machine Tools by Design

We are Carbon-Based Robots by Design

Life on Mars


PS for other Science Area articles take a look at the Science page Directory.


Humans Are Robots by Design


Two interrelated articles are now posted to, these are:

1) Human Beings Are Carbon-Based Robots 

2) Proteins Are Machine Tools by Design

In a previous entry here at WindowView Press there is reference to new content being added and two articles (titles above, are linked to respective pages) are critical to being awakened to scientific evidence and perspectives about our human existence and our life’s origin. These articles are not the only evidence for our design and design in nature, but a reading offers a significant set of points to bring home that your life is not by chance. And if there is evidence of design in nature, then the obvious question is who or what is the Designer. WindowView is here in defense of a position that there is a harmony from science to Scripture and it takes an integration of fact, data and real evidence to illustrate this point–this helps immensely in leading to the answer concerning the identity of the Designer.

Many visitors to WindowView arrive at one page, read and review what is there, and then often times pop off to read other web content. Before you read and then just exit the window, take a moment to consider the introductory, overview, and thesis pages in the Science, Change, and Harmony areas. Time exploring here potentially offers a change to your former thinking, adds new perspectives to current thinking, and ultimately brings you to a conclusion that saves a life–specifically: your life!


Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


Climate Change Thru Time

Soon the Change Area of will add more perspectives on climate change. As always, the WindowView concept of multiple perspectives would rather relate the keyword ‘global’ to change because weather and climate are only part of the big picture. Because the ‘window’ includes both scientific and theological perspectives, it takes your open mind to incorporate a “science-plus-Scripture big brush” that paints the global picture for what we can see for life on Earth, now and what is yet to come (as written in the ancient biblical texts).

A good place to see a more objective handling of he climate change issue with astronomy, planet science, as well as climate issues is presented in a recent book published by Dr. Hugh Ross. The only way to really understand a broader view on climate change, with added and very interesting additional perspectives, is to read the following book (to obtain a copy click on link below):

Weathering Climate Change – A Fresh Approach

What you will find includes details and considerations that are skipped by climate deniers, certain politicians, skeptics, particular business persons and others who just want go with personal bias or a skewed agenda. The subtitle includes fresh approach and this will have you take a step back to really look at a much larger picture and see some very interesting factors that are rarely addressed by the media or specialized information outlets. Even if you don’t agree, this review is comprehensive and deserves a respectful reading!


For more information and perspectives on change … WindowView Change Area

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


Messiah in Tanach

WindowView includes several perspectives that when added together compose a ‘big picture’ relating to true information from science to Scripture. Yes, one needs to acknowledge that there are many opinions and interpretations that can distract from truth, but please consider the following scriptural insight because a key reason for looking through the ‘window’ is that your eternal destiny is really the main focus.

FACT: the Hebrew Scriptures do include information that identifies the Jewish Messiah. Yes, that is information each Jewish person needs to know–but many do not read their own Scriptures–and thus something of vital importance is being missed.

FACT: many gentile readers of the Bible have not recognized the numerous places where the Jewish Messiah is identified even before reading the Greek text (i.e., New Covenant). And if more Jewish readers saw what was in the Tanach (i.e., Hebrew Bible), then what is written in the Greek would make huge impacts on the Jewish peoples and all Israel!

There is a website that currently lists each letter in the Hebrew alphabet with a link to Scripture that identifies the Jewish Messiah. The image below is what is currently appearing at the site (as this writing is being composed. Visit the site at: Messiah Comes (

If you are Jewish or gentile, everyone needs t see how incredibly the truth of Messiah is interwoven throughout the Hebrew and Greek texts. This complex relationship in the biblical text is actually a testimony in itself. After all, 100s of years span the times when these writings were recorded, but a unity of that authorship is focused on the Messiah and the events that are yet to come in this day and age (in an era slated to end with Messiah’s return).

Take a moment and look at the web site and the Scripture references and please share this information with a Jewish or gentile person who needs to understand the incredible complexity and specificity of the Scriptures.



Coming Soon – 2023 and Continuing Thereafter

WindowView takes a unique perspective on bringing together Science and Scripture evidence. The objective is to let the reader consider a merging of perspectives that meet the ultimate appreciation of how our lives in the material world relate to what biblical evidence tells us is ahead in time. Scripture has been delivered to us through Israel’s scribes, prophets, and authors who are Jewish and reflect from two or more thousand years ago what the God of Israel (the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) relates to the world, allowing all to investigate, study and read what is coming soon.

An article now being drafted for the Science Area relies on scientific evidence to correct a notion about variations and chance leading to our existence. The term evolution can be used in one of two ways. First, change over time is a kind of evolution that can be observed in shorter durations of time. Such changes fall under the heading of ‘microevolution.’ These kinds of changes have been documented for various species of plant and animal and scientists can record the change within a human lifetime.

The second use of the word evolution falls under the heading of ‘macroevolution.’ This is what is associated with Charles Darwin. Scientific evidence now counters the thoughts and theory presented by Darwin. WHAT IS REMARKABLE is that the more recent scientific data really speak to how our human bodies reveal molecular components that operate like micro-machines. And thousands of molecules act like component parts–just like parts assembled when making a robot. The article now being drafted uses the analogy that humans are ‘carbon-based robots.’ The article soundly points to the fact we humans are not here by chance. And with that you will need to assess who you are, how life came to be, and how scientific evidence begs everyone to contemplate a greater purpose to our being alive. Please remember this article is being written by a PhD scientist and someone who looks at perspectives beyond science alone to define life and purpose.

For the Harmony Area, where scriptural evidence is considered, another article is being prepared. If you are Jewish, you may well be so familiar with the Law of Moses. Rabbis have probably urged you increasingly to follow the Mosaic Law (i.e., in the Hebrew Bible, the Tanach, with the first five books being the Torah). Gentiles who study the Bible (inclusive of Hebrew and Greek texts) and who respect Israel and God’s purpose for the nation Israel to be a light to all nations, the idea of following the Mosaic Law has been subject of study. There are those today, even in Christian gatherings, who say that the Mosaic Law is still in effect. Our team at WindowView has made an in depth study of Torah and the Mosaic Law as well as a reading of the Brit Chadeshah (a.k.a. New Covenant, writings in Greek written by Jewish writers). The team is now drafting this second article.

The focus of an article on the Law will reveal a shift from the Mosaic Law as presented in the Torah, to the presence of a new priesthood and thus a change to the preceding Law. All of this occurs within Israel and is a Jewish-based phenomenon. What our team will document requires following some events along a timeline. Once you see the mechanics of the steps along time and the scriptural evidence, you will see a ‘Messianic-based upgrade’ to the Mosaic Law. In fact, certain specific events in the history of Israel and in Jerusalem, help to emphasize the importance of the shift and how that applies to everyone alive on planet Earth.

WindowView will consider the two articles described above to be pivotal to understanding how both science and scriptural evidence declare something incredibly important about a choice you have and a promise offered by God to all persons.

Other updates will come to the WindowView, so please visit time and again in the days ahead and this blog will help to present notices on what is new. Posts here will give you specific links to new content when added.

Thank you for visiting!



WindowView 2021

Over the past several years only limited updates have been made at Stay tuned! There are several very important changes planned for 2021.

The base format will remain the same. Some fine tuning to the introductions, overviews, and thesis pages will be made to refine content. Most important is several vitally important articles will be added in the near future.

The new content will add one critically important piece of evidence from science that absolutely redefines human origins. In fact, this perspective completely alters material views on life’s origin and how evolution should be regarded. This is objective and fact based only, not opinion nor speculation. The word evolution can still be used, but we need to be careful on how that word is applied. As you will see, the conclusion to our new information makes you and your life something special and not by chance.

Another perspective from the realm of Scripture will clear up misunderstandings about biblical guidance on the way one lives a life during a human lifetime on Earth. That is, life we live now and also something about life in the eternal framework. The article is in development now and provides not only a Jew and Gentile perspective, the content is described along a historical timeline and that is key to understanding what is in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures–which by the way all were written by Jewish persons over several thousands of years.

Time and history play an important role in the context and understanding of the evidence from science and Scripture and that is in part the objective of looking through the WindowView! The ultimate objective is to point to a life choice and a resulting promise for you. More on that objective will start to appear in this blog in days to come.



In the End Time Era

The WindowView Press has been silent for a number of years. Our intention is to update WindowView and to make related posts here in time ahead. The reason for this comes with the realization that people are watching the news and not responding. In the era of an end time, events will come and blindside the unaware and unprepared—and as it is indicated in the ancient text: even the ‘elect’ will be thrown off by world events and decieved.

The reference to End Time is biblical, found in the Hebrew and Greek texts, but also immediately temporal. The end of an era of diplomacy comes as friends become disenfranchised and enemies are referenced as innocents. We are at the end of truth and right becomes wrong, wrong becomes right—also a biblical point of reference that may elude you, but not the one writing here.

The Greek Scriptures reference seven ages that characterize ‘churches,’ but please be aware the Greek word translated to ‘church’ is not exact. The more appropriate translation would be ‘body of believers.’ So there have been identified seven characterizations that describe ages where the larger body of believers are positioned in various ways in the eyes of the LORD. But the ‘seven letters to the seven churches,’ as is often the reference is also a timeline of periods of time or outline of chronological ‘church ages.’ You can follow scholarly-theological studies on the letters and these ages, but the bottom line is this: “we are now in the last age, the age of apostasy.” And this means the focus on the G_d of Israel has taken a back seat and the Scriptures are being interpreted to human purpose and not G_d’s righteousness. The last age of apostasy is so evident in so many venues, it almost seems as if what is happening everywhere on earth is okay … step back and be objective and you’ll see otherwise.

Stay tuned. A Ph.D. scientist and one familiar with policy and biblical insight writes here. The Greek text warns that we are in this era of apostasy and distraction. Not all are fooled, but a mass of many people is following the piper leading to the sea of ultimate dilution—where truth is swamped by ill fated material promises.

Underlying the posts here is a Hope for a future that has long been recorded as “on the way” and coming soon. In the meantime, ask yourself, are you relying on what is true?

Director, WindowView


Evolution? Information First, Change Later … the last nail in Darwin’s coffin

The debate over evolution and origins and really knowing about how life started has long been a focal point of lectures, monographs, textbook and popular authors. But the attention has mostly been on life after its existence … leading to a false paradigm.

The following video is built on evidence that goes back to thinkers of old, but is renewed and refocused in the current era by arguments so compelling as to tell us our true origin.  Will you get the ultimate message? You and everyone needs to think about what you’ll see here.
