Life and Death

The are two decisions we are free to make. One choice leads to another.
The first choice is to decide on discovering the answer to : Does God exist? And part of that is founded on asking about the God who says there are no other gods. This is a singular choice.

Today the younger generations feel that they are freer to do as they choose. Opinions of their peers and networking matters. The old guidelines may still engender some respect, but the political and moral boundaries are blurred. And why not? After all we are free to choose. Right?

The response to freedom and choice is affirmative. This leads us to realize that everyone in fact has free will. And if there is a God, free will may be a gift from him. If no God, then the process of unguided events delivers us past chaos to this moment. Then, as chance would have it, the youth of today would be totally free in their choices … driven by culture, the tribe, the tribal beat of rap or even country, and a free spirit that owes nothing to anyone … perhaps not even to self.

The backdrop of history suggests that there is sufficient evidence to ask the question about God’s existence. Evidence including the walk through of that God on the earthly stage in a former time. It’s perhaps too incredible that the author of life could do that, but then no Hitchcock film was ever made without the film-master’s cameo moment. Yes, a walk-through as incredible as that may be, but then in this context our existence is also rather incredible. In fact, science can’t explain all there is to providing an explanation to how life came to be. If God exists, then there is an explanation from him.

But let’s just consider the answer to the first question is yes. The second choice is to consider life or death. God’s testimony in Scripture is an ultimate choice: Will you choose life or death?

Today humans choose their life styles and beliefs. They choose how to treat themselves and other people. The choice in the voter’s booth and opinions expressed in public or private are all driven from self. You might think it unfair that there are prejudices and discrimination in and around where you live. But at the end of the day, the choice between life and death, as referenced here, is the only real choice there is. And only you make that choice.

What hangs on the choice is purely your own destiny. As Scripture essentially puts it, you choose and the blood (consequence) of your decision making is on your hands … so we are encouraged to choose life (eternal) because the answer to the first question is yes. Saying no to life in the second choice has eternal and final consequence.

Today, the youth of this world are seeing transitions take place at a record pace. Global changes, political shifts, marketplace swings, uncertainty, change in morals and norms … the way the media reports it, all is simply a matter of fact. The real disconnect is in forgetting we ultimately have two questions to ask and two answers to give.

People get wrapped up in saying others are anti this or that, or are too political, too religious, too phobic or judgmental. Yet, ironically, take away all other sources of intellectual entanglement and you, and I, all of us, are left with two choices. This brings back all the external negatives to beg us to engage in the only positive and constructive process there is … and that is we each think, discern, and seek truth. Even if we were merely here by chance, that would be truth. But scientific evidence cannot support the merely by chance explanation. So we arrive back at the first question.

How you answer the second question will determine everything else about how you live your life. The rappers and country singers may espouse all kinds of experiences and ideologies, but if you live life by choosing life, then his walk-through means a lot to the point your life now becomes different … it becomes a walk from here into eternity.

Being alive means you can choose. Physical death ends the option to choose. Now is the time to think and choose.


Deuteronomy 39:19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;


unChristian Faith Refresher

The title above is one of this things that reads the opposite of the underlying intention. A book entitled “unChristian” is the inspiration of this post. But read the book and you will be sobered by multiple realities, for those who hold to biblical faith and those who have put faith in Bible as a mere side note to life.

Further below we provide an image of the book cover and a link to the book at Amazon. Take a look and read the reviews if you like.


The majority of the text to unChristian addresses a rather in-depth assessment of Christianity in language most Westerners would find familiar. But the revelations come by marketing analyses and surveys of young persons and then place that in the context of society today.

Bottom line to all this might be stated, at least in one way, as: “Bible believers and those outside the faith are both in trouble. Both are not on sound footing. Christians need to hold to the real core values of their faith and this means putting love in place of the “anti-this and anti-that” opinions that outsiders have of Christians. What’s worse, but not having a factual example to refer to, outsiders are not getting real information that should garner true attention to what biblical faith is, really is.”

Getting facts straight works in all directions. Misperceptions are often hard to correct, unless good examples come along.


There is a ‘window perspective’ we have to all this.  And this comes from the Bible itself. In the last book there are seven letters delivered to seven churches (and to be clear the English word church really should be translated as ‘group of believing people,’ because at the time the letters were written these groups included both Jew and Gentile … whose faith was based on Messiah). The last letter typifies where we are on Earth today, in that many who profess to be believers are neither hot or cold. Being lukewarm is not acceptable.

And this is where we are today. Many believers are lukewarm. Many non-believing (non-Christian, non-Messianic, secular, atheist, agnostic, etc.) are lukewarm (to more than to just biblical core values).

In the weeks to come will add new pages that address factual information that is illustrated in ‘unChristian.’ Until we do, we wish to leave the believing community (those who declare a faith in Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus) with points for a refresher.


What might believers focus on to tighten their focus on faith.  The following seven elements are from the book:

– worshipping God intimately and passionately
– engaging in spiritual friendships with other believers
– pursuing faith in the context of family
– embracing intentional forms of spiritual growth
– serving others
– investing time and resources in spiritual pursuits
– having faith-based conversations with outsiders

(p78, unChristian)



The world has grown ever more complex and confused. The focus on faith has blurred as social issues stray from a morality that was clearly evident in previous generations. To distinguish oneself today may make us feel a bit odd, but that’s because the world at large is on a tangent. It’s not good news what’s going on in the world. What is good news is being a part of what transforms us daily and what becomes a good example to those around us. That example removes negativity about faith and sheds light on the real promise for life.


The Seventh Letter … from Revelation 3:14-22: “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’ –and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked– “I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.“As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.  To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”’”

unChristian Faith Refresher is co-posted on our companion blog



Darwin’s Doubts Then and Now

Did Darwin Have Doubts About Evolution

Yes and he described a number of cases that he worried about as he penned manuscripts, letters, and editions to The Origin of  Species.  Some of these issues are described on our page entitled Darwin’s Doubts.

Here is a screen shot from that page:

Darwin Had Doubts, Read Why

Darwin Had Doubts, Read Why

This is one of the most visited pages at WindowView. And as we look at the numbers roll in, we are asking a simple question: “If Darwin had reasons for doubts back then, might we have more reasons for doubts on evolution today?”

On the page shown above we just added a book link to Dr. Meyer’s latest publication, entitled: “Darwin’s Doubt.”

Darwin's Doubt by Dr. Stephen Meyer

Darwin’s Doubt by Dr. Stephen Meyer

Some consider the book to be controversial and the reviews can be very critical. We have looked at a few of these negative commentaries and realize some critics don’t actually read what they “review.” That makes no sense and likewise their reviews don’t make sense.

What you will find on our page is enough to realize Darwin tried as best he could to really think things through. But his data of his day was more limited. Today we have more information and in fact it is biological information that is in focus in Dr. Meyer’s book. Instead of reading reviews, we encourage a read of Dr. Meyer’s book. The text is well written in a style that explains concepts as well as makes a case that certainly would have caught Darwin’s attention. And if Darwin’s attention would captivated by the evidence that sheds a whole new light on evolution … what about you?

Does it matter so much that Darwin had doubts if we have evidence that cast a deep shadow over the theory so many have taken for granted.

Time to open the window and see the broader context of what the evidence really tells us today!



Timeline is up to date July 2013

Just a quick note to say the WindowView Timeline is now up to date through July 2013.

Start Here to Check Recent Events

Start Here to Check Recent Events

Travel the entire timeline to get a sense how humanity has been building activity levels with an ever higher rate of events. At what point does our pace of utilizing our planet go beyond what resources are on Earth?

Here is Your Invitation!

Here is Your Invitation!

Come by and take a look through the window!



Convergence – Three Vanatage Points In One

WindowView points to a Convergence

As the new format was being created, there was a need to integrate all of the content. New navigation features help, but a new emphasis on what really summarizes the content throughout the site was desperately needed. In the past there were summary sections and a few pages entitled Convergence, but what really are we talking about?


To keep this post simple, here is one way of looking at convergence at WindowView: “Few people really stop to look at life and to understand that what is happening around the globe today was actually anticipated centuries ago.” 

If you glean the key realizations in the areas dealing with Change, Science, and Harmony … plus take a peek at the Timeline, you will see that there is an explanation for life and what is happening in the world today. Resistance to seeing where the evidence leads us … is an issue for you or others around you. In a nutshell, life is an opportunity to “get the idea why we are here” and to further understand there is a promise extended to all of us. There is even a page within the window that describes the promise.

If you visit the window, please send a comment, there are little notebook and pencil icons all around the site. Let us know what you think!



What’s New in the View!

The recent upgrade at WindowView is foremost an update in format. However, new content, of great significance will begin to be incorporated in the weeks and months to come. There is already a hint of this in the newly added Overview and Thesis pages in the Science Area.

One key hint here is that the origin of biological information, genetic and epigenetic, that exists in cells and organisms, presents a unique challenge to the standard theory on evolution. This viewpoint presents a potential game changer in how we view life. The thesis page summarizes some of the key points in this regard.

Click on the image below to visit the new page and navigate around the window. In the weeks to come we’ll highlight specific articles and draw attention to the overall focus of WindowView.

The New Science Thesis Page

The New Science Thesis Page


Going Beta First!

Last week we posted a note saying WindowView would relaunch a whole newly formatted web site on July 25 … That is today!

UPDATE: with some bugs to fix and a few pages to edit and tighten up on the new site … the regular site is remaining online BUT the NEW site pages are all loaded and can be viewed at:

The comment feature is not fully active yet and some page content will be edited … But the full site in beta is available!

In about two weeks the beta status will be terminated and all the new pages will simply replace the older ones.

Use the comment feature here if you wish to relate typos, glitches or other info regarding the beta site.




WindowView to Relaunch Next Week!

A new version of the WindowView site is planned for a launch online by July 25th, 2013.

If you visited before, all your bookmarks are still good! But the crisp new pages will give a vastly improved look and feel! If you visited before it’ll look like a new window! We are excited to finally be at the point of making this announcement!

For the past ten months, the web pages have been undergoing a process that will result in the following:

– New format for the entire web site
– New Introduction pages, with videos, Overview and a Thesis page for each main feature area
– New summary section entitled “Convergence”
– Better navigation features and reorganized menus
– Upgrades to HTML5 and use of CSS style sheets for more responsive web viewing
– New use of web based fonts
– Each page will now have a unique header photograph, some from far off, others from near by
– New video content, plus a video format that neither requires Flash or QuickTime
– Page dimensions that suit visitors on computers, hand held, or other mobile devices
– Attention to compatibility with most popular browsers – but we recommend using the most recent version of any browser for the best viewing experience. Our favorites include Safari and Chrome, followed by the newest Internet Explorer, with FireFox and Opera in the rear. The former browser types work best with the mp4 videos (the better quality format)

While all the above stated improvements will help make the ‘window’ more effective, some content is now offline in anticipation of content upgrades, to selected pages, that are planned for the months to come. In fact, recent developments give cause for some significant content upgrades that we hope will be incorporated in the weeks to come, sooner, as opposed to later this year.

Finally, an update to the comment feature is included in this update. We hope visitors will write notes and provide feedback.



Life on Mars a Non-Starter?

The list serve delivered the following clip today:

Rover’s findings suggest Mars’ atmosphere was lost soon after formation
The inhospitable atmosphere of Mars has been around a long time — about 4 billion years or so, according to data collected by NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover, along with studies of Martian meteorites. Scientists think that the Red Planet lost its atmosphere fairly soon after its formation. “A lot of the atmosphere of Mars might have been lost pretty rapidly,” noted Paul Mahaffy of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, lead author of one of two studies published in the journal Science. (7/18)

On the one hand, the Earth’s atmosphere has long been protected by a magnetic field that is continually generated by the movement of an inner molten core. Were the core to cool and the inner motion cease, the Earth’s protective shield would drop and the atmosphere and water on the surface would begin to be stripped away.

So why is it so hard to understand that the non-molten core of the Red Planet goes hand-in-hand with the current lifeless conditions on Mars? And yet NASA spins on hopes of exciting life-supporting data from Mars, only to report the atmosphere has long been inhospitable. While the presence of water and signs of water’s activity on the planet surface are interesting data, the lack of a favorable atmosphere is sufficient to douse the fires of hope for life on Mars.

In a recent presentation on expoplanets, we observed the optimistic assessment of NASA scientists for more tantalizing data from distant solar systems. Yet Mars, so close by, reminds us that it takes a long list of factors to favor life, factors that Earth has in its column … sufficient for life here, but a list that many hopeful prospects will find a probabilistic stretch to acquire.

Are we saying no life nowhere else? Actually, no. But the priorities for finding life elsewhere might be tempered by the unsettling reality that conditions on Earth are undergoing dramatic change. We could focus more on space-based research to focus on Earth, because that IS where we know life certainly does exist!

The irony is in the scientists who want ever more to look outward and request more funds for doing so, when humanity ever more so needs to look back in on itself and what we are doing here. No atmosphere on Mars is an inhospitability worth waiting to explore later, while the atmosphere here is heating up … and we mean HEATING up in a big way!



WindowView Nears Relaunch of Web Site

PHASE One Nearly Complete

WindowView is undergoing a two-step process.  The first is a complete overhaul of the web site’s pages. This means re-coded pages with HTML5 and CSS … which is a technical way of saying we are making the site work better! But more than that, it’ll look better, have better organization of content, explain itself better, and the navigation menus will be better.  It’s like “WindowView 2 point Oh” as they say!

PHASE Two Will Follow

Once the format and related improvements are in place, there are a number of very important content improvements that have to be made. Phase two will come during the fall of 2013 and into the 2014 new year. The content improvements will strengthen the Key Scenarios and better support the intended concept of the window.

The home page is going to speak of an analogy … where an old coin in our pocket always keeps coming out and showing ‘heads.’ The WindowView is like the surprise we get on the occasion we see the other side of the coin for the first time ever! A familiar coin, always within reach, shows us truth from the other side of what we already know. This is exactly what the WindwoView perspectives do … show us what’s just on the other side of what is so familiar to us … it brings a surprise.

And once the key scenarios are revealed, they  illustrate what is on the other side … the big picture is confirmed and the theme of “Science and scripture in Harmony” rings true.

Here is a link to view the NEW Home Page intro video …


