History in the making comes as the NASA Martian rover, Perseverance, landed on Mars February 18, 2021.

So many people are wondering, will the rover’s instruments finally find evidence for life on Mars (be it in the past or living today). One would fully expect a rapid conclusion that such evidence is proof of Darwin’s theory on evolution.

CAUTION: Any evidence for life on Mars is possible, but the conclusion regarding evolution and life elsewhere in the universe is not only premature, but could very easily be false and totally misleading.

Persons with a material naturalism perspective have no expectation for anything but ‘nature’ to explain life. However, life contains information that is far superior to any chance origin. In fact,. highly specific and complex information supports the concept of Intelligent Design. And design certainly provides a viable explanation for life created life on Earth.

And microbes adapted to Earth’s extreme environments (e.g., in and near a volcano as one example, where there is extreme heat) could be ejected by volcanic eruption on Earth and that ejecta could travel from Earth to Mars and thus seeding life on Mars. But truth be told, rock from Mars comes to Earth as meteorites and ejecta from Earth likewise travels to Mars.

The WindowView page regarding life on Mars has been posted for well over a decade. Evidence for design has only increased. We recommend the following pages for your reading and review:

Life’s Molecular Machine Tools by Design

We are Carbon-Based Robots by Design

Life on Mars


PS for other Science Area articles take a look at the Science page Directory.


Humans Are Robots by Design


Two interrelated articles are now posted to, these are:

1) Human Beings Are Carbon-Based Robots 

2) Proteins Are Machine Tools by Design

In a previous entry here at WindowView Press there is reference to new content being added and two articles (titles above, are linked to respective pages) are critical to being awakened to scientific evidence and perspectives about our human existence and our life’s origin. These articles are not the only evidence for our design and design in nature, but a reading offers a significant set of points to bring home that your life is not by chance. And if there is evidence of design in nature, then the obvious question is who or what is the Designer. WindowView is here in defense of a position that there is a harmony from science to Scripture and it takes an integration of fact, data and real evidence to illustrate this point–this helps immensely in leading to the answer concerning the identity of the Designer.

Many visitors to WindowView arrive at one page, read and review what is there, and then often times pop off to read other web content. Before you read and then just exit the window, take a moment to consider the introductory, overview, and thesis pages in the Science, Change, and Harmony areas. Time exploring here potentially offers a change to your former thinking, adds new perspectives to current thinking, and ultimately brings you to a conclusion that saves a life–specifically: your life!



Messiah in Tanach

WindowView includes several perspectives that when added together compose a ‘big picture’ relating to true information from science to Scripture. Yes, one needs to acknowledge that there are many opinions and interpretations that can distract from truth, but please consider the following scriptural insight because a key reason for looking through the ‘window’ is that your eternal destiny is really the main focus.

FACT: the Hebrew Scriptures do include information that identifies the Jewish Messiah. Yes, that is information each Jewish person needs to know–but many do not read their own Scriptures–and thus something of vital importance is being missed.

FACT: many gentile readers of the Bible have not recognized the numerous places where the Jewish Messiah is identified even before reading the Greek text (i.e., New Covenant). And if more Jewish readers saw what was in the Tanach (i.e., Hebrew Bible), then what is written in the Greek would make huge impacts on the Jewish peoples and all Israel!

There is a website that currently lists each letter in the Hebrew alphabet with a link to Scripture that identifies the Jewish Messiah. The image below is what is currently appearing at the site (as this writing is being composed. Visit the site at: Messiah Comes (

If you are Jewish or gentile, everyone needs t see how incredibly the truth of Messiah is interwoven throughout the Hebrew and Greek texts. This complex relationship in the biblical text is actually a testimony in itself. After all, 100s of years span the times when these writings were recorded, but a unity of that authorship is focused on the Messiah and the events that are yet to come in this day and age (in an era slated to end with Messiah’s return).

Take a moment and look at the web site and the Scripture references and please share this information with a Jewish or gentile person who needs to understand the incredible complexity and specificity of the Scriptures.



Evolution? Information First, Change Later … the last nail in Darwin’s coffin

The debate over evolution and origins and really knowing about how life started has long been a focal point of lectures, monographs, textbook and popular authors. But the attention has mostly been on life after its existence … leading to a false paradigm.

The following video is built on evidence that goes back to thinkers of old, but is renewed and refocused in the current era by arguments so compelling as to tell us our true origin.  Will you get the ultimate message? You and everyone needs to think about what you’ll see here.


“Darwin’s Doubt” with Stephen Meyer

This video presentation has received positive reviews because so much is clearly explained by Dr. Meyer about his book “Darwin’s Doubt.”

“Darwin’s Doubt” with Stephen Meyer from Socrates in the City on Vimeo.

Watch and hear from the author himself.




“From The Herald and Presbyter, November 22, 1911, Cincinnati, Ohio. We reprint this excellent paper as the remarkable utterance of a Christian layman on a most important subject. — Editor


Perhaps the most remarkable movement in philosophic thought that has occurred in any age was the rise and general acceptance by scientific circles of the evolutionary theory as propounded by Darwin, Huxley and Spencer. It was remarkable that men of science, whose peculiar boast it is that they deal only with established facts, should have so readily departed from this rule and accepted a system based upon hypothesis only, and which was, and is still after the lapse of forty years, without a single known fact to support it. Even when allowance is made for the well-known eagerness of many scientists to do away with all dualism, which was Mr. Darwin’s aim, it was still remarkable that men of trained intellect should have so promptly accepted at face value his two principal works, in which the expression, “we may well suppose,” occurs over eight hundred times, as a basis for the argument. Pure supposition may answer as a foundation for fanciful sketches like those of Jules Verne’s; but as ground upon which to base a sober scientific argument it appears to the average man as little less than farcical. Why it did not so appear to the scientific mind, the scientific mind may perhaps be able to explain. We frankly confess our inability to do so.”

From THE FUNDAMENTALS – A TESTIMONY TO THE TRUTH Volume 4 Edited by R.A. Torrey, A.C. Dixon and Others.


Planthopper by Design … Just Look At This!

We are certain that this blog will not be the only place where a claim of design in nature will be linked to the handy work of an Intelligent Designer. No matter where you are in terms of thinking about design being a cause for our lives … the picture of gears presented below is remarkable. Take a look, but then read the quote to follow!

Planthopper Gears on Rear legs

Planthopper Gears on Rear legs

The photo above is of a page from the September 13, 2013 Washington Post. The article states: “Its remarkable that these gears look so similar to the gears man has designed, even the individual teeth are so similar,” said Burrows, author of a study that was published online Thursday in the journal Science.’

Well, we have examples of macro-molecules at the cell level acting and functioning like machines. Too often structures like feathers seem to be accepted as the result of evolution, yet historical commentaries even back to Darwin’s contemporaries likened feathers and even metamorphosis (of a caterpillar to a butterfly) as examples of [intelligent] design. All this with good reason due to specificity, complexity, and design features that chance just does not adequately explain.

Today the argument from design holds water in many ways … only the unwillingness to venture into exploring the relevance of design and the designing intelligence behind the scenes holds us back from a full exploration of who we are and how we got here!

Could we … should we … add this to Darwin’s list of doubts? (see our article on Darwin’s Doubts)

Think about it! Enjoy! This is a wonderful example.

A Washington Post video of the gears in motion may still be viewed at this link.



Help for Syrian Refugees in Jordan

The following post presents the words from a friend who is working with Operation Blessing International. We are providing Jennifer’s personal account. For additional information we refer you to Operation Blessing Intl.‘s website.


I have been working with the Syrian refugees in Jordan for about the past year now. We just recently went to Jordan on Sept 9th. These are some pictures I took. The situation in Jordan is severe and that does not count Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and other countries where they are fleeing. To hear their stories up close and personal is heartbreaking. The people have fled with NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING. We are trying to raise money to help them. My boss was here and he is a filmmaker so he took video. You will be able to see that in a few days on


From listening to these stories, even if the US did something to deter the situation of the systematic killing of the Syrians, it would be worth it. Sometimes you have to put your comfort/thoughts/resources aside to help those in need and to defend those who cannot defend themselves. Social justice is a major theme in the bible throughout the prophets. I am in a position to change the situations of the refugees and I am going to do my best to make that happen.

Jennifer’s Coworker Providing Support


IMG_7649jaOf note, what you might not expect … The Israeli’s and I are working together on this. Yes, the Israelis want to help the Syrians and I am here to tell you that it is happening more than you know and more than you will hear.


At this point we have delivered food, clothing, blankets to the refugees about 7,500 so far. We are working to meet the ongoing needs of Refugees as the come across the border with absolutely nothing. The take their family which could be as many as 12-20 people in one family and cross the border overnight. They come into the towns and villages looking for shelter and food. The UN camp is to capacity at 120,000 people. The UN is trying to build two more camps but in the mean time, the refugees overflow into the towns to stay in abandoned buildings, with families or anywhere they can find. You can see UN tents scattered around northern Jordan, one here, two there, a few clustered together. We were taken to one makeshift camp of 25 families, about 160 people. They were telling us that we were the only people who had come to help them. No one else has come. We supplied them with food and the returned with 100 blankets the next day.


As you stand face to face with these people who are soldiers, teachers, bakers, people of every kind you can’t help but think, “if I were in your shoes what would I want you to do for me?” The only answer I can come up with is to change their situation in any way possible. That means food, water, medication, shelter, work, any type of provision is something. Each one of these areas is being considered as we address those who want to help in this situation. The winter is coming and in northern Jordan it is already cool at night. The terrain is dry and open so the wind cuts across the area and it does get very cold.


The winter is coming and in northern Jordan it is already cool at night. The terrain is dry and open so the wind can come across the area and it does get cold. I met a few women who have newborns that they gave birth to in their tents. There is no food, no milk, no supplies for the children. They have only a little when it comes to clothing. They are stranded in a situation that needs to be changed.

There is no food, no milk, no supplies for the children. I am working with Arabs, Christians and Jews to assist the Syrians. We have cut across the political, social and religious aspects of this situation to get to the heart of the matter – meet the needs of the refugee.

Isaiah 58:6-10 speaks of a true fast and if you see the hungry to feed him, the naked to clothe them, to provide shelter for the poor wanderer with shelter. We cannot sit idly by while these people suffer. It is our duty as human beings to respond and show that we do care and that we can change the situation.


We at believe that the larger picture on what is happening and will happen in the Middle East requires the compassion, understanding, and love that the Heavenly Father provides to all. If inspired, please visit Operation Blessing Intl.‘s website and consider how you might help. At the very least, be aware that the popular media hardly reports the complete story of events in the Middle East. Here are pictures from the full view.



Photo Credit and Permission granted by Jennifer Allen © 2013 all rights reserved



unChristian Faith Refresher

The title above is one of this things that reads the opposite of the underlying intention. A book entitled “unChristian” is the inspiration of this post. But read the book and you will be sobered by multiple realities, for those who hold to biblical faith and those who have put faith in Bible as a mere side note to life.

Further below we provide an image of the book cover and a link to the book at Amazon. Take a look and read the reviews if you like.


The majority of the text to unChristian addresses a rather in-depth assessment of Christianity in language most Westerners would find familiar. But the revelations come by marketing analyses and surveys of young persons and then place that in the context of society today.

Bottom line to all this might be stated, at least in one way, as: “Bible believers and those outside the faith are both in trouble. Both are not on sound footing. Christians need to hold to the real core values of their faith and this means putting love in place of the “anti-this and anti-that” opinions that outsiders have of Christians. What’s worse, but not having a factual example to refer to, outsiders are not getting real information that should garner true attention to what biblical faith is, really is.”

Getting facts straight works in all directions. Misperceptions are often hard to correct, unless good examples come along.


There is a ‘window perspective’ we have to all this.  And this comes from the Bible itself. In the last book there are seven letters delivered to seven churches (and to be clear the English word church really should be translated as ‘group of believing people,’ because at the time the letters were written these groups included both Jew and Gentile … whose faith was based on Messiah). The last letter typifies where we are on Earth today, in that many who profess to be believers are neither hot or cold. Being lukewarm is not acceptable.

And this is where we are today. Many believers are lukewarm. Many non-believing (non-Christian, non-Messianic, secular, atheist, agnostic, etc.) are lukewarm (to more than to just biblical core values).

In the weeks to come will add new pages that address factual information that is illustrated in ‘unChristian.’ Until we do, we wish to leave the believing community (those who declare a faith in Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus) with points for a refresher.


What might believers focus on to tighten their focus on faith.  The following seven elements are from the book:

– worshipping God intimately and passionately
– engaging in spiritual friendships with other believers
– pursuing faith in the context of family
– embracing intentional forms of spiritual growth
– serving others
– investing time and resources in spiritual pursuits
– having faith-based conversations with outsiders

(p78, unChristian)



The world has grown ever more complex and confused. The focus on faith has blurred as social issues stray from a morality that was clearly evident in previous generations. To distinguish oneself today may make us feel a bit odd, but that’s because the world at large is on a tangent. It’s not good news what’s going on in the world. What is good news is being a part of what transforms us daily and what becomes a good example to those around us. That example removes negativity about faith and sheds light on the real promise for life.


The Seventh Letter … from Revelation 3:14-22: “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’ –and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked– “I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.“As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.  To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”’”

unChristian Faith Refresher is co-posted on our companion blog



Darwin’s Doubts Then and Now

Did Darwin Have Doubts About Evolution

Yes and he described a number of cases that he worried about as he penned manuscripts, letters, and editions to The Origin of  Species.  Some of these issues are described on our page entitled Darwin’s Doubts.

Here is a screen shot from that page:

Darwin Had Doubts, Read Why

Darwin Had Doubts, Read Why

This is one of the most visited pages at WindowView. And as we look at the numbers roll in, we are asking a simple question: “If Darwin had reasons for doubts back then, might we have more reasons for doubts on evolution today?”

On the page shown above we just added a book link to Dr. Meyer’s latest publication, entitled: “Darwin’s Doubt.”

Darwin's Doubt by Dr. Stephen Meyer

Darwin’s Doubt by Dr. Stephen Meyer

Some consider the book to be controversial and the reviews can be very critical. We have looked at a few of these negative commentaries and realize some critics don’t actually read what they “review.” That makes no sense and likewise their reviews don’t make sense.

What you will find on our page is enough to realize Darwin tried as best he could to really think things through. But his data of his day was more limited. Today we have more information and in fact it is biological information that is in focus in Dr. Meyer’s book. Instead of reading reviews, we encourage a read of Dr. Meyer’s book. The text is well written in a style that explains concepts as well as makes a case that certainly would have caught Darwin’s attention. And if Darwin’s attention would captivated by the evidence that sheds a whole new light on evolution … what about you?

Does it matter so much that Darwin had doubts if we have evidence that cast a deep shadow over the theory so many have taken for granted.

Time to open the window and see the broader context of what the evidence really tells us today!

