Coming Soon – 2023 and Continuing Thereafter

WindowView takes a unique perspective on bringing together Science and Scripture evidence. The objective is to let the reader consider a merging of perspectives that meet the ultimate appreciation of how our lives in the material world relate to what biblical evidence tells us is ahead in time. Scripture has been delivered to us through Israel’s scribes, prophets, and authors who are Jewish and reflect from two or more thousand years ago what the God of Israel (the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) relates to the world, allowing all to investigate, study and read what is coming soon.

An article now being drafted for the Science Area relies on scientific evidence to correct a notion about variations and chance leading to our existence. The term evolution can be used in one of two ways. First, change over time is a kind of evolution that can be observed in shorter durations of time. Such changes fall under the heading of ‘microevolution.’ These kinds of changes have been documented for various species of plant and animal and scientists can record the change within a human lifetime.

The second use of the word evolution falls under the heading of ‘macroevolution.’ This is what is associated with Charles Darwin. Scientific evidence now counters the thoughts and theory presented by Darwin. WHAT IS REMARKABLE is that the more recent scientific data really speak to how our human bodies reveal molecular components that operate like micro-machines. And thousands of molecules act like component parts–just like parts assembled when making a robot. The article now being drafted uses the analogy that humans are ‘carbon-based robots.’ The article soundly points to the fact we humans are not here by chance. And with that you will need to assess who you are, how life came to be, and how scientific evidence begs everyone to contemplate a greater purpose to our being alive. Please remember this article is being written by a PhD scientist and someone who looks at perspectives beyond science alone to define life and purpose.

For the Harmony Area, where scriptural evidence is considered, another article is being prepared. If you are Jewish, you may well be so familiar with the Law of Moses. Rabbis have probably urged you increasingly to follow the Mosaic Law (i.e., in the Hebrew Bible, the Tanach, with the first five books being the Torah). Gentiles who study the Bible (inclusive of Hebrew and Greek texts) and who respect Israel and God’s purpose for the nation Israel to be a light to all nations, the idea of following the Mosaic Law has been subject of study. There are those today, even in Christian gatherings, who say that the Mosaic Law is still in effect. Our team at WindowView has made an in depth study of Torah and the Mosaic Law as well as a reading of the Brit Chadeshah (a.k.a. New Covenant, writings in Greek written by Jewish writers). The team is now drafting this second article.

The focus of an article on the Law will reveal a shift from the Mosaic Law as presented in the Torah, to the presence of a new priesthood and thus a change to the preceding Law. All of this occurs within Israel and is a Jewish-based phenomenon. What our team will document requires following some events along a timeline. Once you see the mechanics of the steps along time and the scriptural evidence, you will see a ‘Messianic-based upgrade’ to the Mosaic Law. In fact, certain specific events in the history of Israel and in Jerusalem, help to emphasize the importance of the shift and how that applies to everyone alive on planet Earth.

WindowView will consider the two articles described above to be pivotal to understanding how both science and scriptural evidence declare something incredibly important about a choice you have and a promise offered by God to all persons.

Other updates will come to the WindowView, so please visit time and again in the days ahead and this blog will help to present notices on what is new. Posts here will give you specific links to new content when added.

Thank you for visiting!



WindowView 2021

Over the past several years only limited updates have been made at Stay tuned! There are several very important changes planned for 2021.

The base format will remain the same. Some fine tuning to the introductions, overviews, and thesis pages will be made to refine content. Most important is several vitally important articles will be added in the near future.

The new content will add one critically important piece of evidence from science that absolutely redefines human origins. In fact, this perspective completely alters material views on life’s origin and how evolution should be regarded. This is objective and fact based only, not opinion nor speculation. The word evolution can still be used, but we need to be careful on how that word is applied. As you will see, the conclusion to our new information makes you and your life something special and not by chance.

Another perspective from the realm of Scripture will clear up misunderstandings about biblical guidance on the way one lives a life during a human lifetime on Earth. That is, life we live now and also something about life in the eternal framework. The article is in development now and provides not only a Jew and Gentile perspective, the content is described along a historical timeline and that is key to understanding what is in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures–which by the way all were written by Jewish persons over several thousands of years.

Time and history play an important role in the context and understanding of the evidence from science and Scripture and that is in part the objective of looking through the WindowView! The ultimate objective is to point to a life choice and a resulting promise for you. More on that objective will start to appear in this blog in days to come.



In the End Time Era

The WindowView Press has been silent for a number of years. Our intention is to update WindowView and to make related posts here in time ahead. The reason for this comes with the realization that people are watching the news and not responding. In the era of an end time, events will come and blindside the unaware and unprepared—and as it is indicated in the ancient text: even the ‘elect’ will be thrown off by world events and decieved.

The reference to End Time is biblical, found in the Hebrew and Greek texts, but also immediately temporal. The end of an era of diplomacy comes as friends become disenfranchised and enemies are referenced as innocents. We are at the end of truth and right becomes wrong, wrong becomes right—also a biblical point of reference that may elude you, but not the one writing here.

The Greek Scriptures reference seven ages that characterize ‘churches,’ but please be aware the Greek word translated to ‘church’ is not exact. The more appropriate translation would be ‘body of believers.’ So there have been identified seven characterizations that describe ages where the larger body of believers are positioned in various ways in the eyes of the LORD. But the ‘seven letters to the seven churches,’ as is often the reference is also a timeline of periods of time or outline of chronological ‘church ages.’ You can follow scholarly-theological studies on the letters and these ages, but the bottom line is this: “we are now in the last age, the age of apostasy.” And this means the focus on the G_d of Israel has taken a back seat and the Scriptures are being interpreted to human purpose and not G_d’s righteousness. The last age of apostasy is so evident in so many venues, it almost seems as if what is happening everywhere on earth is okay … step back and be objective and you’ll see otherwise.

Stay tuned. A Ph.D. scientist and one familiar with policy and biblical insight writes here. The Greek text warns that we are in this era of apostasy and distraction. Not all are fooled, but a mass of many people is following the piper leading to the sea of ultimate dilution—where truth is swamped by ill fated material promises.

Underlying the posts here is a Hope for a future that has long been recorded as “on the way” and coming soon. In the meantime, ask yourself, are you relying on what is true?

Director, WindowView


Snapshot of the Middle East: October 6, 2015

  • The US State Department denied reports it had issued Israel an ultimatum this week threatening not to veto a UN Security Council resolution declaring West Bank settlements illegal if Israel announced new settlement construction.

    Deputy State Department Spokesman Mark Toner said that while his office was aware of such reports in the press, those reports were “false.”

    “Our position on settlements is well known and hasn’t changed,” he said. “We convey it regularly to the Israeli Government. I know we don’t generally comment on private conversations, but I’d like to nip that story in the bud. We haven’t issued any kind of ultimatum on this.”

    Toner emphasized that far from issuing any such ultimatum regarding a UN resolution, “there’s not even a resolution out there right now.”

  •  The US government has said that the bombing of the hospital in Kunduz, which killed at least 19 people and wounded dozens more, was a “tragic incident,” but has refrained from condemning the attack as “the facts are still emerging” and it is still under investigation.

    During the daily press briefing, reporter Matthew Lee recalled that the State Department had issued a “very, very strong” statement after Israel bombed the UN school in the Gaza Strip, saying, “The suspicion that militants are operating nearby does not justify strikes that put at risk the lives of so many innocent civilians.”

    An Associated Press reporter on Monday grilled a State Department spokesperson over the US’s condemnation of an Israeli strike on a UN-run school in Gaza last summer, contrasting that response to Washington’s failure to condemn its own apparently accidental strike on a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan last week.

  • President Bashar Assad said a military campaign by Russia, Syria and its allies will decide the fate of the Middle East, and a year of US-led air strikes against Islamic State militants had only helped the spread of terrorism.

    In an interview with Iranian television broadcast on Sunday, Assad said if Syria, Russia, Iran and Iraq unite in battling terrorism their efforts would yield practical results.

    He was speaking days after Russian jets, based in western Syria, launched air strikes against targets Moscow has identified as Islamic State bases, but which Assad’s opponents say disproportionately hit rival, foreign-backed insurgents.

    “The chances of this alliance’s success are big, not small,” Assad said, adding that failure would mean “we face the destruction of the whole region.”

  • A month after the leader of al-Qaida said that the Islamic State and its leader are illegitimate, a recording of Ayman Zawihri was released Monday, documenting an even harsher tirade against ISIS and the man who refers to himself as the Caliph of Islam, ISIS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

    “You spill blood and attack the Muslim people in order to rule,” Zawihiri said in his fourth recorded lecture released as part of his “Islamic Spring” lessons. He added that, “Baghdadi’s Caliphate is a Caliphate of explosions, damage and destruction.”

    The bulk of the criticism dealt with the manner in which ISIS forces those under its rule to convert to Islam and succumb to the organization’s rule. “Pledging allegiance by force, which some spiritual leaders have allowed, is not our way,” he said.

  • The Census Bureau’s 2014 American Community Survey  (ACS) reveals that Arabic and Urdu – Pakistan’s national language– are the fastest-growing foreign languages spoken at home, according to a new report by the Center for Immigration Studies.

    After five decades of large-scale immigration, a record 63.2 million U.S. residents, or more than one-in-five, speak a language other than English when at home.

    Previous reports have shown that the United States is now the second largest Spanish speaking country in the world. But the new census study shows that the fastest-growing foreign languages, in percentage terms, are languages spoken by immigrants from Muslim-majority countries.

    Between 2010 and 2014, there was a 29 percent increase in Arabic, a 23 percent increase in Urdu, and a 9 percent in Persian, which is spoken in Iran.

  • A senior Iranian military leader warned this weekend that “all U.S. military bases in the Middle East are within the range of” Iran’s missiles and emphasized that the Islamic Republic will continue to break international bans on the construction of ballistic missiles.

    Much of this missile work, like the details of Iran’s advanced arsenal, remains secret, according to Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force.

    Hajizadeh dismissed the threat of military action by the United States, warning that all U.S. assets and allies are in range of Iran’s current missile arsenal, according to comments made Sunday in Tehran and recorded by Iran’s state-controlled Fars News Agency.

    The threats of attack on the United States were issued as Iran unveiled new high-tech torpedoes and the formation of a joint war room along with Russia, Syria, and Iraq.

  •  Russia’s deputy chief of staff, Gen. Nikolay Bogdanovsky, accompanied by a large military delegation, arrives in Israel for a two-day visit on Tuesday, Oct. 6, to discuss increased coordination between the two militaries. However, Moscow seems to be sending Jerusalem an altogether different message: Friday, Oct. 2, the Russian Defense Ministry announced the surprise deployment of Navy cruiser, the Moskva, armed with 64 advanced anti-aircraft missiles S-300 ship-to-air missiles opposite the Syrian coastal town of Latakia.

    DEBKAfile’s military sources point out that Russia, without saying so publicly, has thus created an effective no-fly zone over most of Syria, most of northern Israel, including the Golan, as well as southern Turkey, for US aircraft based there for air strikes in Syria; Cyprus, the site of British air force bases; and Jordan.

    Since 2012, The Obama administration has been discussing the possibility of establishing no-fly zones in northern and southern Syria on a number of occasions, but has shelved the plan whenever a decision was imminent. Now, with one move, Moscow has imposed a no-fly zone over Syria.

  • Eitam Henkin and Naama Henkin of Neria, who were murdered in a drive-by terror attack near Nablus on Thursday, October 1, 2015. (screen capture: Channel 2)

    Israeli security forces have arrested the Palestinian terror cell that carried out the murders of Naama and Eitam Henkin in the West Bank on Thursday, the Shin Bet security service said Monday evening.

    A statement from the Shin Bet said it had carried out the operation in conjunction with the Israel Defense Forces and Israel Police. The suspects had been taken in for questioning by the Shin Bet and had admitted their involvement in the attack, the statement said.

    The five cell members are Hamas members from Nablus, the Shin Bet said.

    The Israeli couple, both in their 30s, were driving in their car with their four children when they came under attack from Palestinian gunmen. The two were shot dead in front of their children; the children were unharmed.

  • Israeli jets bombed a target in the Gaza Strip early Monday morning after a Palestinian terror group launched a rocket into southern Israel.

    Palestinian media in Gaza reported Israeli strikes shortly after 2:30 a.m., a matter of hours after a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip Sunday night landed in open territory in the Eshkol Regional Council in southern Israel, causing neither injury or damage.

    There were no immediate reports of injuries.

    The IDF said in a statement that Israeli aircraft struck “a Hamas terror site in the northern Gaza Strip.”


Global Focus on the Middle East

From (April 17)

  • As talks intensify, Netanyahu mulls narrow coalition

    Likud sources: Initial coalition could include Likud, Kulanu, Habayit Hayehudi and ultra-Orthodox parties, after which Netanyahu would invite Labor to join • PM hopes to seal deal with Kulanu party by Tuesday before final two-weeks of talks commence.
    Coalition talks shifted to high gear on Wednesday when Likud and Kulanu negotiators met to finalize the terms of their emerging coalition deal. Both sides appear poised to sign the deal as early as next week. 
    Netanyahu, who is about to exhaust the 28 days he had been allotted by the president for the coalition talks, is expected to arrive at the President’s Residence on Tuesday to ask for more time. (Under the law, he may get another 14 days, at the president’s discretion.) Netanyahu hopes to have at least one official coalition partner when he makes that request, and has indicated that if he fails to seal the deal with Kahlon, he could turn to the ultra-Orthodox parties — Shas and United Torah Judaism.

  • Hamas calls to abduct Israelis for future swaps

    A senior Hamas official in the Gaza Strip called on Thursday for the abduction of Israelis, who would be swapped for Palestinians held by the Jewish State. 
    “We tell the Zionist enemy: you are all a target for us and the resistance, we will fight you until we finally get rid of you and take as many captives as possible to free our heroes,” said Khalil al-Haya, whose Islamist movement de facto rules the Palestinian enclave.
    “Our men, our women, our children all envision kidnapping your soldiers and settlers, wherever they are,” he said on the eve of Prisoners Day which Palestinians mark April 17. 

  • Lapid to Mogherini: EU foreign ministers are calling for a de-facto boycott of Israel

    A call by 16 European Union foreign ministers to label West Bank settlement products is irresponsible, Yesh Atid party head Yair Lapid said Thursday night as he spoke by telephone with the EU’s foreign policy chief Frederica Mogherini.
    “This is a de-facto call to boycott Israel,” he said. “There is no difference between products which are produced over the Green Line and those that are produced within the Green Line.
    “This is an irresponsible call that could create wreak havoc on the Israeli economy. This kind of call is a stain on the EU, and the state of Israel has to fight to prevent this kind of initiative,” he said.
  • Arab world: Egypt’s dangerous stalemate

    Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is fighting for his country’s survival – and his own.
    Islamic terrorism is not abating, hampering vital efforts to bring a better life to the people through a revitalized economy and political stability. Sisi knows he has to show results soon to prevent Egypt from slipping back into anarchy and chaos.
    Despite the army’s all-out effort to defeat Islamist insurgency in Sinai, there is no end in sight. F-16 fighter planes and Apache helicopters have joined the campaign, security forces have killed or wounded hundreds of terrorists, destroying their haunts and their training groups – but more keep coming.

  • On the heels of a bad Iran deal: Obama Says ‘Never forget. Never again,’ in Remembrance Day Message

    US President Barack Obama called for a forceful stand against anti-Semitism in a message marking Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.
    “It is incumbent upon us to make real those timeless words, ‘Never forget. Never again.’ Yet, even as we recognize that mankind is capable of unspeakable acts of evil, we also draw strength from the survivors, the liberators, and the righteous among nations who represented humanity at its best,” Obama said.
    “With their example to guide us, together we must firmly and forcefully condemn the anti-Semitism that is still far too common today. Together we must stand against bigotry and hatred in all their forms. And together, we can leave our children a world that is more just, more free, and more secure for all humankind.”

  • North Korea Transfers Missile Goods to Iran During Nuclear Talks: Intelligence suppressed by Obama administration

    North Korea supplied several shipments of missile components to Iran during recent nuclear talks and the transfers appear to violate United Nations sanctions on both countries, according to U.S. intelligence officials.
    Since September more than two shipments of missile parts have been monitored by U.S. intelligence agencies as they transited from North Korea to Iran, said officials familiar with intelligence reports who spoke on condition of anonymity.
    Details of the arms shipments were included in President Obama’s daily intelligence briefings and officials suggested information about the transfers was kept secret from the United Nations, which is in charge of monitoring sanctions violations.

  • Putin tells Netanyahu S-300 missiles not a threat to Israel

    After Russia okayed sale of advanced missile defense system to Iran, Netanyahu calls Putin to express concern that sale would bolster Iran’s regional terror activities.
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Russia’s president to convey his displeasure over Russia’s decision to sell advanced anti-aircraft missiles to Iran. Putin for his part told Netanyahu that the missiles had only defensive capabilities and “pose no threat” to Israel. 
     Netanyahu’s office said he spoke with Vladimir Putin Tuesday to protest Russia’s planned delivery of advanced S-300 air defense missile systems to the Islamic Republic. The Kremlin confirmed the call in a statement on Tuesday.

Genome as Library, Survival by Chance or Design

Sitting here for years and looking at how scientists regard evolution in daily terms and how the argument from design reveals organisms hold unique and highly specified information, that in turn drives the existence of complex structure and function, leads to an idea … the genome in organisms is a library. Libraries hold much more information than one reads at any time. Books are checked out for a time and later returned. All the while, the library holds a vast amount of information, even in books hidden or buried in the stacks.

The following news feed from a scientific list serve seems to hint that corals, themselves a complex relationship of organisms, have within themselves the ability to check out and utilize information to survive changes in environment. Recent review of the scientific literature by Meyer indicates the invention of new information, traits, and thus genetic abilities by organisms is not known to the datasets collected by the scientific community. Perhaps as junk DNA becomes even more an understood entity we will see how extant, present information within living types is already present. How that got there in the first place leaves out the standard model and opens science to the new challenge.

When the sea grows warm or acid, it’s not by mutation but by endowment that organisms adjust to change. A well endowed library is the gift of life and that is replete with complex and specified information … that comes with the appearance of life.

From the list serve:

Researchers find coral can change physiology to survive warming seas
When oceans become warmer or acidic, coral reef apparently have the ability to change their physiology to survive, researchers have discovered. Studying coral off Ofu Island in American Samoa, researchers found that the coral can use their genes to turn on heat-resistant proteins. “What we don’t know is what their limits are, and when those limits are going to be reached by future climate change,” said marine biologist Stephen Palumbi of Stanford University. Nature (free content) (4/24)

In recent decades the scientific community was discouraged by the thought corals would die off due to climate change leaving a barren sea across the globe. But if we look for the libraries in life, we might see an entire array of informational gifts within. Some will try to sell it as evolution, but the information is still highly specified and complex without substantial explanation as to the origin. To understand that requires the big picture view here at the window.



Billions of Earth-size planets … Yes, but ….

On the news wire for November 5:

Milky Way may host billions of Earth-size planets – LA Times
There’s no place like home, but scientists now say that Earth-size planets orbiting sun-like stars in a so-called habitable zone are so common that there could be as many as 11 billion in the Milky Way alone.”

We have NASA colleagues who strive hard to find evidence for water on Mars or to reach into space for habitable planets. And we may find many houses with rooms and spaces fit for life in the universe … but the real question is: Why do we make the leap to say if it’s fit for life, we will find life? Let us think one step further.

Starting on planet Earth and examining every aspect of life from sophisticated research efforts we now find the ultimate dilemma. Science indicates laws and conditions ( the application of physics, chemistry, and material sciences ) is likely equal across the universe. If life starts here it could by the same means start elsewhere. That is logic used by many persons.

Okay, now the wrench to throw into the works. Human explorations of planetary science (i.e. of Earth ) and every conceivable approach to how chemicals could or can come together to create first life … all come to dead ends. Human ingenuity suggests there must be an answer because … well … because here we are alive today.

Bottom line: Scientists cannot tell you how life arouse from chemicals. So why would any other planet elsewhere be any better than this known fit for life earth? You can think about that because we want to go to the bigger problem now known to the sciences.

Life is not simply metabolism, form, reproduction, or historical records of species. Life is an innovation. A first innovation for first appearance and we will not toss out the word evolution here, because some change in life forms appears over time (from existing life).

The problem is simply life is based on information. Information in DNA and also epigenetic information that is elsewhere in living beings and not in the DNA. The point raised here is simple. No one in science has explained how the initial information arouse. Most biological, genetic and evolutionary research shows change over time, but based on existing information in life forms. Explaining new innovation that gives us new forms based on new information is lacking.

There is more to this presentation than written here. The main point is that the universe can have trillions of habitable planets, but unless chemicals can make life and information is somehow introduced to direct life’s forms and being … you can count all the planets you want to no gain.

Is this a case of skepticism? Actually, not at all. This post is simply drawing attention to the status of what science also knows as fact. And that gives cause to not being so moved by planetary discoveries, because the real question for which we desire answers concerns the source and origin of life in the first place.


Related Window Links:
Chemical Origins — Yes or No — What Does the Evidence Show
Time Required for Macroevolution to Occur
Living On A Privileged Planet


Convergence – Three Vanatage Points In One

WindowView points to a Convergence

As the new format was being created, there was a need to integrate all of the content. New navigation features help, but a new emphasis on what really summarizes the content throughout the site was desperately needed. In the past there were summary sections and a few pages entitled Convergence, but what really are we talking about?


To keep this post simple, here is one way of looking at convergence at WindowView: “Few people really stop to look at life and to understand that what is happening around the globe today was actually anticipated centuries ago.” 

If you glean the key realizations in the areas dealing with Change, Science, and Harmony … plus take a peek at the Timeline, you will see that there is an explanation for life and what is happening in the world today. Resistance to seeing where the evidence leads us … is an issue for you or others around you. In a nutshell, life is an opportunity to “get the idea why we are here” and to further understand there is a promise extended to all of us. There is even a page within the window that describes the promise.

If you visit the window, please send a comment, there are little notebook and pencil icons all around the site. Let us know what you think!



What’s New in the View!

The recent upgrade at WindowView is foremost an update in format. However, new content, of great significance will begin to be incorporated in the weeks and months to come. There is already a hint of this in the newly added Overview and Thesis pages in the Science Area.

One key hint here is that the origin of biological information, genetic and epigenetic, that exists in cells and organisms, presents a unique challenge to the standard theory on evolution. This viewpoint presents a potential game changer in how we view life. The thesis page summarizes some of the key points in this regard.

Click on the image below to visit the new page and navigate around the window. In the weeks to come we’ll highlight specific articles and draw attention to the overall focus of WindowView.

The New Science Thesis Page

The New Science Thesis Page


Change From Many Perspectives Closes in on YOU

In a few months, maybe before, the web pages will be reposted with an entirely new format.  Part of this  will be a newly aligned focus stating the WindowView’s goal or focus is in simplest terms.

In a nutshell, the window is a metaphor for WHAT YOU see out there in the world today.  The view examines two spheres in parallel.  One sphere is science information, or data if you like.  The other sphere uses scriptural data, that is, information contained in the Bible.  The latter makes some people uncomfortable, but the idea is to understand that both sphere of information ARE telling all of us something today. What is key is an informational perspective. For those who turn away, the concept is a total loss. For those WHO LOOK at what information is plainly available to EVERYONE, the view is rather illuminating … down right interesting … and maybe by coincidences or purpose a real EYE OPENER! The WindowView therefore is not my window, or their window, it’s what you see … if you’ll just bother to look.

One problem today is we live in a world of too much information. Yeah … it’s mind numbing at times.  But that’s the point.  Too much and we turn off and just focus on the immediate needs, the paycheck, food, a place to live, and if the really bad news is about someone else, well, great!  We can’t be bothered.  Unless, events strike close to home. Then our perspective gets turned 180 and we are on the alert.  The adrenaline only surges when we face fright … and then flight … but where does one flee too when we’ve been so focused on only the small stuff for too long?

There rare several theme areas in the WindowView, including Science, Change, Harmony, and a Time Line.  The area on Change has not been given the attention it deserves and may be an area we’ll attend to more in the future.  But here too the message is a simple focus on an obvious observation: “If changes are truly global, then the impacts will hit everyone, sooner or later!”  You cannot escape such an observation if true.  That is, unless you can leave the planet for some other remote location.

Here are a few recent HEADLINES of articles that characterize a circle of change that is closing in on humanity …


China’s sea level continues to rise

“China’s sea level hit a record high in 2012 due to global warming and land subsidence, threatening millions of coastal residents, according to a government report.

The State Oceanic Administration report released on Tuesday said that last year, the sea level rose 122 millimeters more than the average level from 1975 to 1993, about 53 mm higher than 2011.”


Drought spurs ‘very aggressive’ USDA focus on climate change

“The Department of Agriculture will focus aggressively on climate change following last year’s crippling U.S. drought.

USDA plans to ramp up weather forecasting and encourage more sustainable farming practices to mitigate climate impacts on farmers and ranchers …”

“The focus on climate change comes after a historic drought last year gripped much of the United States, including the nation’s main corn-producing regions. For five months, more than 60 percent of the country was in moderate to extreme drought conditions, costing the agriculture sector more than $35 billion”


Climate Change, Migration and Conflict in the Amazon and the Andes

Rising Tensions and Policy Options in South America

“This report examines the interactions of climate change, environmental degradation, migration, and conflict in the Amazon; the tropical savannahs of Brazil—the Cerrado—and Bolivia; the Andean highlands of Peru and Bolivia; and the arid coastal plain of Peru. These regions represent the major geographic and climatic regions of the continent, encompass the range of socioeconomic trends reshaping the region, and capture the new heartland of the continent’s illicit economies, including the global cocaine trade.

The natural wealth of the Amazon and the Andes is a crucial strategic resource. The Amazon is central to the regional and global climate and contains priceless biodiversity. The mineral wealth and energy resources of the Amazon and the Andes are also important contributors to the global supply chain and the macroeconomic growth of the region. Further, the Amazon and the Cerrado have adopted a crucial role in regional and global food security. Finally, the rivers and glaciers of the region are fundamental to the energy security, water security, and agricultural health of much of South America. For all these reasons, the areas defined in this report demand attention.”


Why Innovation Alone Isn’t Enough to Win the Climate Fight

Why Innovation Alone Isn’t Enough to Win the Climate Fight

“Politics can be frustrating. Actually, it’s more like politics ARE frustrating, especially in America and especially in 2013, where a constitutional system designed for maximum gridlock has met intense partisanship fed by the nano-second news cycle of social media. Right now the government of the United States seems wholly incapable of getting out of a self-designed trap to needlessly slash billions of dollars in spending and cut hundreds of thousands of jobs at a moment when the American economy is beginning to pick itself off the floor. …”

“What does this mean for climate policy? Well, if the government can’t get itself together to deal with the much more immediate threats of sequestration, properly responding to a long-term and highly complex challenge like climate change has basically entered the realm fantasy. This is especially true when one of two political parties refuses to acknowledge the problem exists. There was a chance in 2009 and 2010 with comprehensive climate legislation, but that died for countless reasons. And while there are executive actions or EPA regulations that could begin to address carbon emissions, we really need more ambitious legislation. And that simply seems impossible.”


Sea level rise, alone, eventually will displace nearly 1 billion people from their present homes.  Who will pay?

You really need to read the full article in each case … but our point at WindowView is simple … the change issues are so large and they really impact the entire planet.

The bottom line … governments around the globe do not resolve issues by collaboration.  They do not have the funds to counter the changes that are coming.  Frankly, world governments are environmentally broke … no cash … no all encompassing plans that adequately address the complexity to a matrix of changes that fare hitting on many levels.  And where there are policies and plans … where are the funds to make it work?

All of this is not presented here to be sensational.  What we are saying is LOOK at what the entire WORLD is facing!  And realize that crises to come are of an order of magnitude that requires you to think … think about your life … do that with two spheres of information and decide it life is now only, or if there is more to it!

One of the two spheres we refer to above actually contains information about what to expect and how to respond before the really tough changes come …

