At the convergence of science (the Book of Nature) and the Bible (the book of Scripture) we see two different kinds of communications. Style, level of detail, and origin of content for both sources is essentially and ultimately one and the same. Appreciating the convergence of these sources could take some study to fully appreciate and that is why topics under Science and Harmony are presented in each respective area within 

This blog post could be diverse and lengthy, but instead read down the page to see a line of reasoning that illustrates key points from science evidence that supports the convergence of science and faith.

The following outlines how it is that science points back to one and the same author, a mind, creator of universe, Earth, and life:



First, ask yourself: why am I here?

Second, why is there a here, instead of nothing at all?

Hebrew (biblical) Scripture indicates a beginning initiated by God. 

Science more recently affirms, a universe initiated from nothing. 

An event, call it creation, ex nihlo, that is Greek for something came from nothing, appears before us. 

We sit here in this room, it took an architect’s mind to design this place. 

That means use of mind to produce information and to design a plan.

Are we a result of something random, unguided, and by chance?


Who designed us?

We have highly specified-complex information inside of us.

Where did that come from?

Science Example: Look at one enzyme (a complex protein molecule, made up of many amino acid molecules linked in a specific sequence) that has a specific function.

<p>Each enzyme has what is called an ‘active site’ that performs the enzyme’s function. Some enzymes are called Allosteric enzymes which typically have multiple active sites located on different protein subunits. 

An active site, for example, is produced by the genome: “Of the possible genes encoding protein chains 153 amino acids in length, only one in about a hundred trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion is expected to encode a chain that folds well enough to perform a biological function!” (Douglas Axe, 2016, “Undeniable — How Biology Confirms Intuition That Life is Designed.” Page 181)

In other words the chance of forming a functional active site is one chance in 10 raised to the 74th power. This site is just one part of the entire enzyme that also needs a particular three dimensional shape. So, put 74 zeros after a 1 and you can see the probability of the active site is essentially nothing. And remember, one expression is that our universe is made up of 10 to the 80th number of particles. Now that makes an interesting comparison!

Further, be mindful that our bodies require some 1300 types of enzymes, some with more than one active site. We also depend on a balance of multiple physiological (metabolic) systems (composed of enzyme functions), organs, and structure supporting life.  Imbalance leads to death.

The information represented by the genome (genetic information) has been demonstrated more and more to have purpose with little to no non-functional sequences. That is there is no junk DNA.

So, not only are proteins highly specified, but the genetic information required to make a protein is just as complex.

Ok, so does life just originate by itself?

Humans (many scientists) now realize that life cannot be created in a test tube. Chemicals required for life need a cell to be produced. The complexity of the chemistry of the cell includes examples of what is called causal circularity. This means all the components and all the chemicals must be present all at the same time, and cannot be derived on a partial basis in order to initiate life. 

The circularity is when the chemical being produced needs the same chemical in the production process. Think about that! Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Origin of life … what about the origin of information making life?

There are numerous other facets to understanding design that points back to a mind as the source of our being.

Scripture simply indicates the Word from God is the source. Words are information and information comes from a mind. The Messiah is identified by Isaiah as “Immanuel,” that is “God with us.” When Yeshua (Messiah, Jesus) is identified by Yochanan (i.e., John) the identification is simple; the Messiah is the Word. The mind of Adonai comes through this incarnate being.

Again, in Scripture the first Hebrew word is ‘bereshit’ or ‘bereishith,’ meaning ‘beginning.’ And the following text describes events that follow to make for the universe, earth, and life.

What science does in recent time is to uncover multiple factors, evidence, and perspectives that indicate the universe, earth, and life are by design. Here is a listing of some categories of that support design and suggest a mind of Designer is responsible:

— The universe, Earth, and life all exhibit numerous examples of what is identified as ‘fine tuning.’ This evidence added together supports the concept of design—our existence is not by chance. Several hours would be needed to describe all facets of fine tuning.

— The genetic code in organisms is highly specified and exhibits a complexity in the way this information is decoded and multiple ways it is read in the process of supporting life functions.

— The only known source for (intelligible, functional) information is a mind. Human minds exceed all other species on Earth in the exhibit of composing music, mathematics, ability to investigate and research, create art forms, etc.

<p>— Irreducible Complexity is exhibited by life in various ways: information sequences, numerous molecular machines, bacterial flagellum, construction of the human eye, immune system, blood clotting pathway, and other examples that are appearing over time with new research findings. Bottom line is these are ‘all or none’ … there must be (all parts) present to function—with no stepwise derivation leading up to such entities.

Sudden appearance of life: Eidiacarian Era lifeforms, Cambrian Era animals, Insects, Plants all come with supporting evidence for sudden appearance plus specified complexity with no antecedents.

Developmental Circuitry: In simple terms we can use a electronic circuit board analogy to illustrate the hard wired process of human (and animal) life development. Each phase from fertilization to fetus is guided by a biological processor that directs birth of a being. Any impact that significantly deviates from the established biological circuitry leads to miscarriage.  No mutations assumed to lead to a new types of an organism are thus feasible.

Cells are integrated complex factories: Compartmentation, Information housed and processed, chemical and energy production supported by molecular machines (e.g., ATP-synthase, ribosomes, enzymes), cell ultrastructure Darwin never knew, chemistry inside a cell is immensely efficient, faster, and necessary for physiological function (all must be present all at once to make life) and cannot be likewise reproduced in a laboratory.

Human Being: looking at the numerous cells, tissues, organs, coordinated metabolism and physiology on a tissue to organ to whole body function reveals a balance of processes that support life. Not only is a medical perspective required to comprehend, but all systems reveal engineering and thus complex design.  Too often this is just something assumed, but this fails recognition that humans are a complex, specified, integration of systems that point back to the concept of intelligent design.

Origin of life researchers are now faced with the reality that a primordial soup, a puddle on an open landscape of a primitive planet, various inputs like water, electric discharge, various atmospheric or aqueous chemicals all fail to support life by chance physical and material processes.

All of the above factors, evidence, and perspectives from Scripture and science both point to life and humanity as not by chance. 

And if not by chance, then by purpose and mind, which then presents the possibility life provides an opportunity, that opportunity is to address a question regarding the one whose mind created in the first place. 

Will you join the Creator in a relationship that leads to life beyond this life?


P.S. This blog post contains information that appears in the ‘Convergence Area’ of window The Science Area in the near future will be updated with a focus on the lineup of topics noted above.


End Times Now Underway?

Opinion or Fact?

Watch the news. Tune into a second and third news source. See a pattern in what is being reported?

Ask yourself, do world leaders, their countries, even all of humanity work toward a global coordination to help the longevity of life on Earth? Humans, animals, plants, all life depends on stewardship, love of life, loving each other, and looking to sustain life on Earth. But what is happening around the globe today?

Where a leadership builds weapons of mass destruction, flies rockets over neighbor nations, seeks power by invasion of neighbors, and threats of taking future military action occurs … engaged in battles today that kill neighbors or fellow citizens … this is all evidence for a lack of love and no vision for an Earth sustaining advanced life for generation after generation.

And today, what you see is EVIDENCE FOR ARRIVING at the END TIMES.

Scientists would say we need to work together around the globe to counter climate change and preserve the earthly environment for all species to survive. And that’s good intentions. But the END TIMES events will press in on human life … politics, nationalism, power, material gain … forcing a truth and revealing what biblical prophecy has already foretold … and not assure any type of natural and material future. How do you respond to this … today?

End times is the end of this era of human history. The chronology of future events is already described in the biblical account of what to expect in the future … unless, in reality, the future is now upon us.

A world leader who tells his country to invade, kill, destroy, and disrupt the neighboring people’s home … is a world leader who is sin and an enemy to the One who gives us life. Psychologically sick, arrogant, and distorted in values … look, see, identify with ease those world leaders who today are taking us to the End of This Age … because of them … we have arrived at the END TIMES.

Then ask yourself: “Where can I read about what the end times brings to humanity and the Earth?”


P.S. And every day while you live there is an opportunity to …


Lawless World Leaders

There is currently an invasion by one country upon another. The invasion is basically the action of one leader who heads the invasion. The invading country is made up of citizens who include secular and religious peoples. Some head to the front lines of conflict and fire weapons that kill people, destroy homes, businesses, hospitals, schools, and other locations.

Take notice, we have all been warned that one day we would see the escalation of lawlessness. 

Today, lawless leaders are more evident than ever—both in promoting wars and ignoring the will of many citizens, and by their own will corrupt government. Lawlessness also comes in both the religious and secular spheres. Yes, the political leader in a current waring nation definitely does not listen to religious leaders. Religious leaders (those that say they follow the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) who do not oppose war are also equally corrupt and lawless (read further for the discrete details that apply here). Overall, this corrupts humanity, peace, and the will and intent of the One who has given us life in the first place.

Love versus Lawlessness

For persons who do not read the Bible the idea that we have been encouraged to think (to discern truth) and also warned may be out of sight. Take a moment and open your eyes and think about what you see today. Take a moment to reflect on the following basic points that this blog post highlights:

1) We are warned that toward the end of this age there will be wars and rumors of wars.

2) Lawlessness will be on the increase.

The following quotation is from the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Brit Chadeshah (i.e., New Covenant recorded by the Jewish writer in the Greek text) and is commonly entitled under the heading of “Signs of the End of the Age.” (Matthew 24: 3-14):

“As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”


The WindowView promotes taking a look at science and Scripture—and this applies to all Jewish and Gentile peoples. The science information reveals we are not alive by chance, but we are the product of mind and design (see the WindowView Science section for details). 

Within Scripture the English word ‘Christ’ should be properly stated as ‘Messiah’ (from the Hebrew for ‘anointed one’) and the people who accept the Messiah for who He truly is need especially adhere to a primary and most fundamental concept … love. Wars and lawlessness are not love. 

From the Torah: Leviticus 19:18 “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.” (NIV)

The same comes from the mouth of the Messiah Yeshua (Hebrew name); i.e., from Messiah’s Law: Matthew 19:19 “Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’”” (NIV)

Some Conclusions to Consider

There are some supposed ‘religious people’ who follow lawless leaders and the net effect is being biased, worldly, distracted from truth and non-discerning for what the Scriptures clearly state. Even peoples who have ignored and not read the Scriptures have a sense between what is righteous and what is wrongful … and if more discerning they might visit the overall context described in the Hebrew and Greek biblical texts. Life gives us all that opportunity.

The lawless leader is cold, self serving, not loving, not making comfort, nor peace or fostering great relations with neighbors, thus that person is headed to an eternal order of separation and condemnation. And that leader also leads many of his followers into what is called the eternal order of hell. So why follow that leader?

If there is truth to there being an end of an age, then what comes next? Do you choose love or do you prefer hell (in this life and thus in eternity to come)? Do you follow religious leaders who focus on politics and false leaders (and thus not love nor seek the wisdom delivered by the Lord)? Do you see peace or are you witnessing ‘nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” in the world today?

Beyond social media, politics, materialism, distractions from truth, you being alive today, you can still think, discern, and seek wisdom. The ultimate law is love (and giving your heart, strength, mind to the Lord) and that points to an age yet to come.



Windowview Holiday 2022 Update – Hanukkah and Christmas

While the ‘window’ illustrates a number of different perspectives that all point to one truth, the bottom line is rather simple. First, the ultimate good news and greatest holiday gift is good news. This relates to life now and the fact that you can make a decision that leads to a life eternal. Yes, for some folks, Jewish and Gentile folks all together, it may seem a hard concept to grasp. On the other hand, the doorway to an eternal life really is easier to open than many want to admit.

Here is the simple link to the Good News (recently a new page added to the window view!)

You can look at the biblical area (Harmony) and explore the scientific data in the Science Area, or you can think about human history over time (Timeline) or changes that are happening now and consequences yet to come … but all this provides evidence for something that brings us back to the One who gave us our life in the first place. You are not alive by chance. The universe is fine tuned, our biological information is so complex, molecular machines exist in us and the integration of biblical information across numerous books all is a testimony to being here is not just a product of material existence.

Receive the good news or not … the real holiday gift is an opportunity to figure out why you are here, the purpose, and the doorway to heaven.

Happy Holidays!



Life’s Unique Opportunity – Saving the Future

The harmony that presents itself when looking through the window is simple. We have arrived at a time when scientific evidence points to life’s origin as dependent on information, fine tuning (of Earth, solar system, galaxy, and entire universe) and complexity with specificity (in chemistry, physics, and biological systems). In other words a mind is behind your being alive and you having the most incredible opportunity of all time. Design in nature points to a designer, creator, and intelligence. Scripture points to who that Designer is. Critics will say what they will, skeptics will hold fast to doubts, but an assessment of science plus Scripture reveals truth.

Question: How will you respond to the ultimate truth?

Question: Have you taken time to investigate and then decide the purpose to you being alive?

If Science and Scripture are in harmony, then you need to consider stepping up to the truth and Step Up to Life

The entire WindowView is filled with much information, but the bottom line, the summary, the main point is that you can save yourself for the future beyond this life. The science evidence will be updated, the themes of Scripture involve an understanding that applies to all Jewish and Gentile persons. Everybody has the same choice and thus the opportunity applies to all … but the choice one needs to consider can only be addressed while still alive.



WindowView Updates

A number of years ago (as far back as 2014) the content of was last updated. A change in internet services in 2020 also caused some minor problems within the web pages, but many corrections have been applied recently and future updates are being planned! One helpful update is a new home page. The startup video makes the initial visit to simpler and provides a brief orientation, which at present during the fall of 2022 is the same as the video here!



Mosaic Law and Now Messiah’s Law

So many people say they read their Bible (be it Hebrew only or Hebrew plus the Greek text) and they might think the Law given to Moses by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is intended to remain in full application today. But after Moses, something happened to modify that application—a new look by way of a new covenant and the vital Promise offered by Messiah Himself! This is not to say the Mosaic Law is to be regarded without respect—we learn much from a reading of the books of Moses. But when the Jewish Messiah appeared, He stated something that makes for a shift and an emphasis direct from Adonai through the words of Messiah!

If you are a Jewish person, you might want to hear about how the Gentiles today need to approach the Bible’s teachings on the Law. This also puts a new light on an updated Jewish approach. But this also takes respecting the Messiah Yeshua and if you are not certain who the Messiah really is the please visit this Harmony page at WindowView! The links below lead to YouTube videos of an excellent Jewish (Messianic) teacher who addresses the content of the book of Galatians.

If you are a Gentile and a churchgoer, maybe you need to hear Mottel Baleston’s teaching on Galatians because this will inform you how you are to regard the Mosaic Law and what Messiah says about Gentiles not being under the Law. Most importantly, what are we ALL (Jew and Gentile together) to do with respect to what Yeshua has stated and is recorded in the Greek books (The New Covenant).

The six sessions with detailed teachings (each session is in two parts) are all captured on YouTube videos and the links are listed below.

Also, links to a couple books that are helpful in addressing the Law (then and now) are presented below. 

Session 1ASession 1B

Session 2ASession 2B

Session 3ASession 3B

Session 4ASession 4B

Session 5A Session 5B

Session 6ASession 6B

YouTube Search result for all sessions listed above: Click Here

Please consider sharing this blog post with others in your congregation!

A shorter but very helpful book is written by Michael J. Vlach. This book examines a specific text from the New Covenant and addresses The New Covenant Lawgiver!

Another longer and bit broader look at Scripture is written by John B. Metzger, entitled THE LAW Then And Now: What About Grace?

We are apparently entering a final era of time in human history when taking a look at a vital choice we all have (an exceptional opportunity) to make is available only while alive! The WindowView has considerable information, but if you have not visited even the window’s introduction, it might interest you to visit the HOME PAGE!




To be objective means to look at information, current events, and come to conclusions that avoid false assumptions, bias, or misguided opinions. has a goal of pulling multiple perspectives into view—mainly based on Science and Scripture. 

If you take a look, can you see the direction humanity is headed today? 

Here are a few thoughts on change in the world today—and ask yourself what the future holds.

First, in 2022, a world leader insulted a neighboring nation by invasion, killing citizens, and destroying jobs, homes, schools, and economy. This one person’s decision is padded with lies and a false motive for personal gain and historical reptation. A world leader who lies violates God’s will, as seen by reading the entirety of Proverbs 6 (but especially verses 12 to 19, where lying is specified as one of seven issues the Lord hates!). And these verses tell us what ultimately will become of a leader who lies, deceives, and resists truth, harmony, and humility. And note that the Bible speaks to is there will one day be “wars and rumors of war,” and now we see that is TODAY. One is at war, others are threatening war.

Second, concerning climate change, links to several newer sources have been added to the Window’s Change section. While we recognize climate change denial occurs, typically this is due to political, philosophic, economic, or simply a lack of objectivity. But the data, studies, and ongoing observations all reveal change is real. We also recognize that multiple change factors are going to continually stress humanity and reveal how nations and cultures prevent the possible long-term survival of humanity.  Survival on Earth is in jeopardy! The United Nations is a place to see how un-united humanity really is! Click on the image below and take a look at the reports linked at this WindowView page. And you can click on the image below to read the WindowView Thesis on Change!

Third, regarding change and a biblical view, we have recommended a specific book regarding the timeline and events that lead to the end of this age. Students who read all the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures are able to assemble all the pieces (past events and future events in passages of prophecy). In fact, a man named Daniel wrote a text some five hundred years before the Jewish Messiah arrived. In that text was a timeline date indicating exactly when the Messiah would appear a first time. But beyond that, Daniel describes events yet to come. Then some six hundred years later a man named John wrote another text that surprisingly compliments Daniel’s writings. The two texts are like puzzle pieces that are needed to complete the overall big picture. These two writings illustrate a Harmony that if you take time to look and explore then your eyes and heart will be opened like never before.

And the real question is: “What will you decide about your life and the future?”

Is there more to life than living today?

The short answer is: “Yes (and there is a promise in Scripture that affirms there is more to this life)!”

Explore the Window Harmony and seek the Promise! 

In recent time updates are starting to appear in various places across the WindowView web site. This will continue into the near future because so much new information needs to be added and older out-of-date material needs to be dropped or entirely modified. Incredibly, the original intent of WindowView only gets more and more validated by new developments in the realms of science and scripture.



Day of Atonement – Identifying Messiah in Yom Kippur

Each year the calendar presents us with the Jewish Biblical High Holy Days. What many Gentiles do not observe is a day of atonement called Yom Kippur. But even more interesting is that many persons in the Jewish community who do place high importance on Yom Kippur, they miss knowing the true identity of the Jewish Messiah. And for Gentiles who think they know who the Messiah is … they too might find interesting the audio presentation that is linked to this blog post!

Here is the link to the web page with the audio to listed to regarding the identity of the Messiah in relation to a High Holy Day! (opens in new browser tab)

Click on the image to visit the page!



Book Listings at WindowView

The WindowView touches on many sources to help build the ‘big picture’ that leads to providing you with the most important question … the vital question we all need to consider in our lifetime! Science, theology, paleontology, archaeology, and historical timelines all merge to assemble the multiple perspectives and provide real evidence that makes the window unique and useful!

The website has needed updates for some time now. Updates will start to appear in the coming year. Current pages with book lists have received minor updates and focus on the earlier sources.

Main Book List Link

Apologetics Book List

Take a look, you might find interesting titles. Click on a book cover and visit a bookseller and read reviews. If the price is too much, search the web!

The main book list can (as of 2022) be considered a bit historic because some of the titles are important in understanding the base of information rom which more current writings gain momentum and support. For example, the Science Area of WindowView relies on many of these sources to help build reasonable to solid perspectives. It is not opinion that is the concern, sound information builds the true view!

Apologetics relates more to the theological side and once you see life is by design, not by chance, and there is more to consider than a temporary and material life … there is the big question about life eternal.

WindowView also looks at many other sources that are available to download or referred to in various places, thus he book lists only represent some of many sources used at this web site. Being objective is extremely important. Avoiding unsupported opinion, bias, or by false interpretation is fundamental to forming a solid set of important perspectives. That is the main goal of embracing the fullness of the window (combine these areas … Science, Change, Harmony, Timeline, and Convergence and assemble the big view on what and why life!).

