Change In The World Leads To An End

How many changes impact humanity today? What are the differences? Human history is a reflection of changes that have occurred over time. The WindowView Change Area opens to layers of changes that lead humanity forward to global changes, including changes in human behavior, and ultimately to an end of the current era of time that has already been described. Do you know what that is? Do you know what opportunity is available to you? What about life now and beyond the present day–life everlasting! Open the Window! 

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Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

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Bin Laden is Gone but … A Greater Evil Is Coming

This is the Internet, so here is the bottom line up top. Bin Laden is dead YET the whole world will see something worse than the likes of this reclusive super terrorist. WHERE on Earth does one come to such a conclusion?! Here is the tag line that leads to the main message here: “The real threat is a terrorist–a materialistic man of great strengths– who will be accepted as a champion, a populist global governing leader in whom so many will misplace trust.”

Radical ‘religious driven’ idiologies may be part of the driving forces in play today, but global change–we are talking really BIG picture here– is the overall super matrix of problems that will drive human emotions in time to come. Circumstances yet to be realized will pit humanity against the greatest need for a single leader … to be (y)our ‘material savior.’ Yes, materialist, because the next ‘terrorist’ will hold the world’s population hostage to the idea of our ultimate physical survival needs. At what point is our survival threatened–globally? Might that be ‘tomorrow?’

World food supply, water, Earth as shelter … all are at perceived risk. Insufficient food or water to sustain us? Earth’s environment altered in frightening ways, to scare the collective psychology? Real or unreal, the emotional drive for survival will push for someone or something to make a world of 9 BILLION people, survivable, sustainable–if that is possible, even practical. That is the direction WE are all headed into. Who will hold out the survival promise? Actually, there is an answer to the question! Read on …

We can attribute one thing to Mr. Bin Laden … He has cost all people, even those he would espouse call his own, by a legacy at every airport security area. Increased law enforcement and security forces world wide have cost the collective economies of all nations–billions. Monies spent one way to address terrorism, are robbed from resources to provide a greater global need. Just think of the diversion of funds … that could have made the planet more secure for energy, food, water and life. Mr. Bin Laden, now even in his absence, is cause for diverse global insecurities in the face of continued changes.

With the death of Osama Bin Laden, the pundits all say the world has seen a most historic event. Is the world safer now? Like so many current events, there are milestones for humanity. From a biblical perspective, HOWEVER, the Bin Ladens of today will one day be eclipsed by something more ominous. WHAT is the bigger threat? The greatest terror that could ever be foisted on all of humankind comes, yet, as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Consider how the world is a merging of economies to meet human material needs. The former great powers are losing their edge and new players gain strength in an ever more interdependent global economy. We are at the brink of a global reorientation where it becomes ever more possible for a world with one global government.

The scenario for the ascension of a single global leader is already detailed in the biblical texts. It takes first the Hebrew writings of Daniel, and later the Greek manuscript by John, to put this storyline together. What is not clear is how something like the global change concerns we see today play a driving role in this future leader’s rise to power. But then the scenario is a mix of various material and spiritual factors. What we do know for certain is we draw ever closer to the alignment of events already described in the BibLe. The material resources of the globe that could promote peace have been robbed by terrorist aspirations. Other changes, the storms of this era, rob us further as humanity attempts a material repair. The earth quakes, the tsunamis are generated and the Earth draws ever smaller to the single truth, we are all facing one corporate truth of our life’s ultimate reality.

Where do you place your trust? How do you discern what is really happening? So, what is that biblical scenario of Daniel and John? If you like, here is a place to read some of the details.

Mean while, the world only has one less terrorist and we need to think deeply about the real truth to life. This is why the Window was assembled for thinking and seeing. From the material to the spiritual, from science to scripture, life is an opportunity to put it all together, a time to “Step Up To Life!”


P.S. See our companion posting about a recent perspective on the events in Israel and a further note on bin Laden at the WindowView Harmony blog.
