Book Review – First Look at Meyer’s Newest Writing

For those persons who are skeptical of looking at a combination of perspectives that pull together data from science discoveries and possible theistic implications, then avoiding Dr. Meyer’s book “The Return of the God Hypothesis” might make sense. A word of caution, don’t let the book title throw you toward avoidance … the writing is science, philosophy, history, discoveries and much much more!

But … avoidance comes with missing an exceptional opportunity to experience a well written text. This book is addressing much of what science reveals in a way that gently explains certain technical perspectives … but more than that … the book lays out a story of science discoveries along time. The scientists deal with certain possible approaches to expanding our human understanding of the universe, the earth, life, and what explains our existence is really is the core of what this book does best.

Further, each explanation given in the book examines multiple sides of any evidence humanity has derived over time. Seeing what works and how information, data, and our understanding from our material existence of what may ultimately explain our conscious mindful understanding beyond the material existence is exactly why you will benefit from reading this book.

If you believe your life is simply a result of natural forces and chance … you need to read this book. If you believe theistic writings alone explain why you live, then you can expand your awareness of the specificity and complexity of nature that points to the source of your life. Simply put, so many people just haven’t really experienced such a well thought out set of considerations, data, and evidence as presented by Dr. Meyer. The book is easy to read and incredible in the ultimate implications as to who you really are! And that is worth knowing!

Click here to see the book for purchase or simply read the online reviews at the designated web page.


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Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

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Losing Sight of Where We Are


Each month or more so each week NASA scientists are able to discern the existence of yet another planet or solar system in our galaxy. Over the past decade or two we have watched the Hubble telescope upgraded and the reach of this instrument gets us ever closer to the beginning of the universe. This is marvelous advancement and the images and data are awesome.

To many, the data are material evidence for humans being only a material existence in a material universe … to such thinking THIS is all there is.

At this point we could write an appeal for the non-theistic minded to be awestruck to the point of saying our knowledge of the complexity and vastness of the universe reveals the nature of an awesome intelligence, a creator, and thus open the door for God … why not reveal His being through the science information we have today.

After all, if Darwin could see Hubble images or the extreme electron microscope magnification of cell details, from animals and plants, wouldn’t that have affected his theorizing?


Sad thing is, as we see marvelous scientific discoveries, we also have news of struggles in the Middle East. Isaiah 17 decries the woes of Damascus and today we see the words come true. The tide of Arab nations also turns against Israel and that is a tell tale sign of where the world really is today. Not just a world on a planet in outer space … but a world hell bent in turmoil.

We can gather the data from our technically awesome machines … but what we really do is exhibit sin and strife. We are really living the themes, events, and predictions of the Bible. That IS where we really are! Ironically, the extremists plot and exercise their plans in the name of religion, but this too only fulfills what the Bible has reported in advance, for hundreds of years. This biblical fact is inescapable and not masked by competing texts. Think about it … sit and look out the window of your existence.

The contrast between our objective nature, to gather scientific information that truly reflects the awesome nature to our existence, is offset by the myopic and subjective nature that says the struggles foisted on the masses is in some way advancement of the human race. Struggles come through more than wars and terrorism … also through unemployment, poverty, greed, political unrest and the list goes on and on. This is where WE are. Are we a good example for the rest of the universe?

In the end, the subjective thinking will be attacking a chosen people … chosen for saving and chosen for leading the objective few to the Eternity that the Bible clearly states is ahead of us.

So, where are you today?

