Drone (mini 4 pro) Flight Reveals Fall Color over Trees and Lake with Agnus Dei

A drone flown over Fall Color with trees revealing colors from green, orange, yellow, to red. Flying across the trees to view the nearby lake with waters so calm as to mirror the sky and illustrate the clouds above. 

To fall color is added music that is a reflection of peoples around the world having a need for the Lord and this honors to the One who gives life now and into the future.


Permission granted by One For Israel for ( https://www.oneforisrael.org/ ):  “Agnus Dei” (Lamb of God) Hebrew – Arabic – English, Live From Jerusalem YouTube Song Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbHyu2uFfac

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

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Mini 4 Pro Drone Video of a Sunset Unto Heaven with Added Hyperlapse Views

The DJI Mini 4 Pro drone is flown in a single location to observe a sunset. Some video is hyperlapse (time lapse) to help reveal the setting sun. Sun is setting slowly into clouds along the distant horizon. Relax, listen to peaceful Hebrew singing up to heaven.

In the background is music that reflects on heaven before us. A sunset is common to all peoples around the world; all having a need for the Lord and this video honors to the One who gives life now and into the future. 


Permission granted by One For Israel for ( https://www.oneforisrael.org/ ):  “I Need Thee Every Hour – WORSHIP FROM JERUSALEM in Hebrew | Arabic | English” YouTube Song Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfxueTraMcs  

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

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Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


Field and Stream – Drone Fly Over with Praise

The drone is flown close over a stream and open field in a nature area where wildlife live freely. While a bit shaded in stream areas the color of the vegetation, trees, and water are pleasing and adding music that is a reflection of peoples around the world having a need for the Lord and this honors to the One who gives life now and into the future. 

Enjoy the drone video but also take a moment to open your life’s window! Visit WindowView.org and see that your life has a purpose and you are not here by chance! WindowView opens a very unique view to your future and you can begin to see why by visiting the WindowView Home Page … take a moment and look.

Director, WindowView.org

PS: A special request is for a click on ‘Like” but furthermore ‘Subscribe’ to the @WindowViewHarmony YouTube channel! That will help the channel and help you to learn about future videos.

The YouTube video descriptions often list a series of links and those help you to arrive at any of the key areas of WindowView. Here are some of those link:

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


WindowView Flyover

Do you like videos with a drone flying over the countryside? Flying over fields and woodlands comes with questions and thoughts to provoke a deeper look at our lives and an opportunity to take in a window view with eyes open, ears open, with a look at science and faith. For those who go one step further the WindowView themes bring us to a convergence of multiple lines of sight and to an opportunity to make the most significant choice in life … to bring faith to fullness and true purpose to this life! And you can share WindowView with a family member, friend, or anyone by passing along the web site address featured in the flyover video … so take a Look: https://youtu.be/QZhyLaox9NY

Director, WindowView.org

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel
