CONVERGENCE of all window perspectives brings you to the point of making a vital life decision and how life can move you to what is eternal.… click on “more” to read important information; WindowView opens a very unique view to your future so indeed please “Subscribe,” click “Thumbs Up,” and share with family, friend, or anyone about the importance of how this window reveals remarkable reality to life and there is a future to learn about right now during your lifetime.
Take a good look to see your life really has a purpose and is not by chance!
Sight lines, angles, views, perspectives, information within the entire window include … SCIENCE is evidence for why life is by design, CHANGE relates to added perspective within the larger window in relation to global environment, human behaviors, and how change will steer humanity to a specific set of future events and an end to this era on Earth. The HARMONY relates to all humanity and a basis for well founded beliefs leading to a most important relationship and the TIMELINE illustrates past, to present, and to what the future will bring.
All perspectives lead to making a key choice in this lifetime and this is found within:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
While theological and applicable to all Jewish and Gentile persons, this Harmony reveals an important relationship to make during this lifetime … click on “more” to read important information, please “Subscribe,” click “Thumbs Up,” and share with family, friend, or anyone about the importance of how this window reveals remarkable reality to life and there is a future to learn about right now during your lifetime.
Take a good look to see your life really has a purpose and is not by chance!
HARMONY is a keyword that relates to one of several unique perspectives within the larger window. WindowView opens a very unique view to identify the Messiah and reveal your future based on a divine promise. If you haven’t discovered it, there is good news regarding eternity, but serious news about future events to come to Earth. All is documented and available for you to view and understand!
The window adds a look at CHANGE in the world, SCIENCE evidence for why life is by design, and the TIMELINE illustrates past, to present, and to what the future will bring. CONVERGENCE of all perspectives brings you to the point of making a vital life decision and how life will move you to what is eternal.
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
WindowView reveals SCIENCE is evidence for why life is by design! Come see the evidence! … click on “more” to read important information, please “Subscribe,” click “Thumbs Up,” and share with family, friend, or anyone about the importance of how this window reveals remarkable reality to life and there is a future to learn about right now during your lifetime.
Take a good look to see your life really has a purpose and is not by chance!
Sight lines, angles, views, perspectives, information within the entire window also includes …
CHANGE relates to added perspective within the larger window in relation to global environment, human behaviors, and how change will steer humanity to a specific set of future events and an end to this era on Earth. The HARMONY relates to all humanity and a basis for well founded beliefs leading to a most important relationship and the TIMELINE illustrates past, to present, and to what the future will bring. CONVERGENCE of all perspectives brings you to the point of making a vital life decision and how life will move you to what is eternal.
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
Does human history have a path forward? Have you ever explored what has been reported as the timeline horizon ahead of us? This 10 minute introduction is for a timeline that spans from eternity past that leads to a documented set of specific future events that move humanity to an eternal future. Take a look, think about what is to come to all humanity, and what you can see as a vital opportunity while you are alive today! But indeed look today while you are still alive!
PS: A special request is for a click on ‘Like” but furthermore ‘Subscribe’ to the @WindowViewHarmony YouTube channel! That will help the channel and help you to learn about future videos.
The YouTube video descriptions often list a series of links and those help you to arrive at any of the key areas of WindowView. Here are some of those link:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
One way to see what a fully opened Window View brings regarding our lives and the future … is a full length introduction starting from a home page intro and then going from one area to the next to cover what the window reveals. Take a look, share with a friend, and help the video on the YouTube channel with a ‘Like.’
Yes, this is a bit long, but if you ever truly discover what WindowView is and how this leads to an everlasting life … then spending some time now to discover all the perspectives that stream through your window reveal something incredible about this life we live.
Yes, there is something additional beyond living a day at a time … explore, open your eyes, look a bit deeper and then realize the Good News that is available to you … and that news is exactly why there is a window for each person to take a view and see truth.
PS: A special request is for a click on ‘Like” but furthermore ‘Subscribe’ to the @WindowViewHarmony YouTube channel! That will help the channel and help you to learn about future videos.
The YouTube video descriptions often list a series of links and those help you to arrive at any of the key areas of WindowView. Here are some of those link:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
How many changes impact humanity today? What are the differences? Human history is a reflection of changes that have occurred over time. The WindowView Change Area opens to layers of changes that lead humanity forward to global changes, including changes in human behavior, and ultimately to an end of the current era of time that has already been described. Do you know what that is? Do you know what opportunity is available to you? What about life now and beyond the present day–life everlasting! Open the Window!
Take a look, help by visiting the YouTube channel with a click on ‘Like’ and share this link with a friend!
PS: A special request is for a click on ‘Like” but furthermore ‘Subscribe’ to the @WindowViewHarmony YouTube channel! That will help the channel and help you to learn about future videos.
The YouTube video descriptions often list a series of links and those help you to arrive at any of the key areas of WindowView. Here are some of those link:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
Do you see the purpose to life? Have you figured this out? If not by now, maybe important and worth a bit of time to figure out what life is—right now without further delay! WindowView opens to science and faith evidence by viewing multiple perspectives that come together to reveal purpose to life and what was recorded in the past to describe exactly what the future is about to bring to everyone. Look, think, and please share this window with others!
Take a look, help the YouTube channel with a click on ‘Like’ and share this link with a friend!
PS: A special request is for a click on ‘Like” but furthermore ‘Subscribe’ to the @WindowViewHarmony YouTube channel! That will help the channel and help you to learn about future videos.
The YouTube video descriptions often list a series of links and those help you to arrive at any of the key areas of WindowView. Here are some of those link:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
Many read the Brit Chadeshah (Greek text also called New Covenant) and references to ‘the rapture.’ You can go online to study the event in advance. OH, but what if it already happened? A recent book entitled “After the Rapture” was written by Dr. David Jeremiah. Reading this is unique because it addresses folks after the rapture takes place. Why important now? Take a look and be safe! Just sharing what may be hugely important! Read about this here:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
The WindowView ( ) is a look at SCIENCE (data for design in nature), CHANGE (global, climate, etc.), HARMONY (data in biblical texts), TIME (line of events from eternity past to the future) all fill the window of YOUR LIFE. Science reveals we are not here by chance! Harmony from the roots of biblical text. Study the window’s perspectives and see what comes by way of a SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP! CONVERGENCE is when all merges to seeking truth!
Share this link with friends, family, people you meet along the way day-to-day and within the Convergence is the life opportunity to gain a relationship with the One who gave us all life now and into the future!
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
If you are political, material and wealth-centric, focused on current day events and do not think a religious perspective has any relevance, then you need to read this blog post. Or, if you are religious but bent on politics, nationalism, and not so focused on core biblical principles, then then you need to step back and look at the big picture and what you supposedly (superficially) think you believe is biblical.
The concept of End Times comes through mainly in two books of Scripture. One is written in Hebrew and Aramaic, that is the writings of Daniel. The second is the writings of John and the title in Greek is ‘apocalypsis’ which in English is translated revelation. What is revealed in both of these writings needs your attention today. If you wish to read a comprehensive writing that ties together these two author’s writings, we suggest Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s book (Footsteps of the Messiah).
One focal point of what Daniel and John write is a series of events that do give a chronology of events that characterize the biblical end of an era. Some keys words would be ‘false religion,’ ‘political nationalism,’ ‘lawless leadership,’ and a lack of loving your neighbor and a lack of truly lifting one’s heart to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
What does that timeline reveal? One theme is a lawless leader who takes a primary role that is ungodly and worldly—that would be a leader who opposes what is Messianic and biblical. But not just one leader would be lawless and if you see any politicians today who disregard what is law abiding and common sense—yet autocratic, dictatorial, and disrespects citizens of a nation and the entire world—then you are looking straight into the eyes of one or more leading us all into the end of the era called the End Times.
The chronology of end events comes with a multiple facets. One is a seven year treaty that will come and seemingly solves the dilemma in Israel—might that be a two state solution or anything that promises peace in the Middle East. Second, the traditional Jewish support of a temple in Jerusalem will lead to building a third temple and suggests the revitalization of animal sacrifices even though the Jewish Messiah has already satisfied this need of a sacrificial system. Third, another worldly religious system (possibly based on a current ‘other religion’ or some materialistic based belief system) will arise. Might this come about because the world shifts and the experience is more than religion, but may also be pushed by stress on a planet undergoing environmental and ecological change. Global, including climate, change causes stress today and only seems to be worse in time to come.
One thing to be aware of is the totality of humanity is not focused on love or true solutions to planet-wide problems. Fossil fuel loving promotion (for example) counters the factors that lead to climate temperature change—but climate change is much more than just temperature and includes loss of species globally. Scientific data regarding change is not political and demonstrates real change. Yet politicians and power seeking leaders today work against global unity to solve problems. Wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines are all noted in Scripture as to what leads into signs for the coming of the End Times. The United Nations meets in New York, and yet nations work against one another, regionally or singularly due to their nationalistic philosophy, self centered goals, and political motives.
For persons alive today, regardless of your politics, economics, religious, or other beliefs, there is a need to look at the biblical chronology and then take a look at what you see in the news today. Social media can be helpful or misleading, but one thing is certain, during the end of this era everyone will be able to stream video of live events and witness exactly what the End Times chronology of events as have already been described by Daniel and John. Regardless of what you have thought to this point in time … YOU have the opportunity to explore the writings and see how relevant the revelation truly is and then YOU can wake up to what is coming.
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following: