Full Length Introduction Video to WindowView

One way to see what a fully opened Window View brings regarding our lives and the future … is a full length introduction starting from a home page intro and then going from one area to the next to cover what the window reveals. Take a look, share with a friend, and help the video on the YouTube channel with a ‘Like.’

Yes, this is a bit long, but if you ever truly discover what WindowView is and how this leads to an everlasting life … then spending some time now to discover all the perspectives that stream through your window reveal something incredible about this life we live.

Yes, there is something additional beyond living a day at a time … explore, open your eyes, look a bit deeper and then realize the Good News that is available to you … and that news is exactly why there is a window for each person to take a view and see truth.

Director, WindowView.org

PS: A special request is for a click on ‘Like” but furthermore ‘Subscribe’ to the @WindowViewHarmony YouTube channel! That will help the channel and help you to learn about future videos.

The YouTube video descriptions often list a series of links and those help you to arrive at any of the key areas of WindowView. Here are some of those link:

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


Amazing Cape Grace and Wonderful Beach and Dunes View – Drone Flight

Flying a recreational drone over a Cape Cod coastal area with beach, dunes, and nearby salt marshes comes with amazing grace!  This is one of many drone flights that will come out in the days to come—‘subscribe’ and you see more in the future. 

The drone videos are here to offer a bit of peace, praise music, and an option to open to a window view … that if you look and see you will come to good news and a lifetime beyond today. Really, watch, enjoy, share, but do open WindowView and see the Convergence of window perspectives that are all relevant to your life now and evermore!

Take a look, help the @windowviewharmony YouTube channel with a click on ‘Like’ and share this link with a friend!

Director, WindowView.org

PS: A special request is for a click on ‘Like” but furthermore ‘Subscribe’ to the @WindowViewHarmony YouTube channel! That will help the channel and help you to learn about future videos.

The YouTube video descriptions often list a series of links and those help you to arrive at any of the key areas of WindowView. Here are some of those link:

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


Change In The World Leads To An End

How many changes impact humanity today? What are the differences? Human history is a reflection of changes that have occurred over time. The WindowView Change Area opens to layers of changes that lead humanity forward to global changes, including changes in human behavior, and ultimately to an end of the current era of time that has already been described. Do you know what that is? Do you know what opportunity is available to you? What about life now and beyond the present day–life everlasting! Open the Window! 

Take a look, help by visiting the YouTube channel with a click on ‘Like’ and share this link with a friend!

Director, WindowView.org

PS: A special request is for a click on ‘Like” but furthermore ‘Subscribe’ to the @WindowViewHarmony YouTube channel! That will help the channel and help you to learn about future videos.

The YouTube video descriptions often list a series of links and those help you to arrive at any of the key areas of WindowView. Here are some of those link:

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


Drone Flight With Life Relevant Questions For You

Flying Over Conservation Area Fields with DJI Mini 4 Pro and thoughts about life, design, our options and what the future is bringing to us now and forever. If you are ready to explore a notion that your life comes with an opportunity to gain good news and understand what science and faith have for you, then open the window, open your mind, take a look, and help the @windowviewharmony YouTube channel with a click on ‘Like’ and share this link with a friend!

Director, WindowView.org

PS: A special request is for a click on ‘Like” but furthermore ‘Subscribe’ to the @WindowViewHarmony YouTube channel! That will help the channel and help you to learn about future videos.

The YouTube video descriptions often list a series of links and those help you to arrive at any of the key areas of WindowView. Here are some of those link:

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


New WindowView Welcome Video

Do you see the purpose to life? Have you figured this out? If not by now, maybe important and worth a bit of time to figure out what life is—right now without further delay! WindowView opens to science and faith evidence by viewing multiple perspectives that come together to reveal purpose to life and what was recorded in the past to describe exactly what the future is about to bring to everyone. Look, think, and please share this window with others!

Take a look, help the YouTube channel with a click on ‘Like’ and share this link with a friend!

Here is the Link of click the image: https://youtu.be/utgjAxPcvR0


Take a look!

PS: A special request is for a click on ‘Like” but furthermore ‘Subscribe’ to the @WindowViewHarmony YouTube channel! That will help the channel and help you to learn about future videos.

The YouTube video descriptions often list a series of links and those help you to arrive at any of the key areas of WindowView. Here are some of those link:

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


WindowView Flyover

Do you like videos with a drone flying over the countryside? Flying over fields and woodlands comes with questions and thoughts to provoke a deeper look at our lives and an opportunity to take in a window view with eyes open, ears open, with a look at science and faith. For those who go one step further the WindowView themes bring us to a convergence of multiple lines of sight and to an opportunity to make the most significant choice in life … to bring faith to fullness and true purpose to this life! And you can share WindowView with a family member, friend, or anyone by passing along the web site address featured in the flyover video … so take a Look: https://youtu.be/QZhyLaox9NY

Director, WindowView.org

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


Why WindowView?

The WindowView ( https://www.windowview.org ) is a look at SCIENCE (data for design in nature), CHANGE (global, climate, etc.), HARMONY (data in biblical texts), TIME (line of events from eternity past to the future) all fill the window of YOUR LIFE. Science reveals we are not here by chance! Harmony from the roots of biblical text. Study the window’s perspectives and see what comes by way of a SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP! CONVERGENCE is when all merges to seeking truth!

Share this link with friends, family, people you meet along the way day-to-day and within the Convergence is the life opportunity to gain a relationship with the One who gave us all life now and into the future!

Director, WindowView.org

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


MAGA Evangelicals Beware

Political campaigns in the United States of America often are founded on principles that comply with the nation’s constitution. But when biblical principles are drawn into the realm of political considerations, then those persons who claim to be evangelical (Christian or Bible believing) should be reading the words of the Messiah and adhering to what the four gospels reflect. If an evangelical is not reading the Bible then they are NOT evangelical and possibly not moral, not just, and not godly.

Be Aware of What is True Evangelicals

Here is what a recent email from a Messianic organization included about Righteousness and Justice … which by the way the main MAGA candidate is not adhering to! That person speaks in anger and vengefulness and causes one to ask why support such a self centered and self righteous and non-biblical person? Also he is not abiding in the Constitution! And what if that person never repents of sin, disregards the government, and defames and demotes other persons?

MAGA seems unrighteous, injustice, and simply power centric AND here is what a religious organization has shared:

  • “Righteousness – Deuteronomy 16:18-20 calls for judges to be set in place that will judge in RIGHTEOUSNESS. Judges have to be trained in righteousness in order to judge effectively without political or selfish motives. Righteousness must be pursued and is the opposite of sin and corruption. Righteousness is the key to the motivation and the moral quality of how people are being judged.”
  • “Justice – When judging, Deuteronomy 25:1 explains justice in the simplest of terms: pardon the innocent and punish the wicked. Mistakes can be made by either punishing those who are innocent or by not holding accountable those who are doing evil. Justice also requires equality before the law. No favoritism is to be shown toward the rich or the poor. True justice forbids any bias based on political, racial, religious or socio-economic affiliations.”

The MAGA people claim the Department of Justice (DOJ) is weaponizing the political candidate … but what of God’s judgment based on righteousness and true God’s justice. What if the DOJ is doing the correct thing? MAGA doesn’t mean being godly—even inside of churches. So, what is the real meaning to the MAGA slogan used by the political side of reality today?

MAGA1Make Americans Grieve Again 

(undercutting of the nation for personal goals and not US citizens)

MAGA2Make America Grossly Atrocious 

(cut off allies and isolate the US)

MAGA3Make Autocracy Greatly Audacious 

(elect a dictator)

If you say you are evangelical … you had better be going back to what Messiah tells you and not some self-centered errant politician! Click on the following images … for a DVD that is wonderful to view and relive the Gospel of John, or another DVD pack with all four Gospels with one on its own separate DVD (and by the way these can be streamed on Prime).


Windowview Holiday 2022 Update – Hanukkah and Christmas

While the ‘window’ illustrates a number of different perspectives that all point to one truth, the bottom line is rather simple. First, the ultimate good news and greatest holiday gift is good news. This relates to life now and the fact that you can make a decision that leads to a life eternal. Yes, for some folks, Jewish and Gentile folks all together, it may seem a hard concept to grasp. On the other hand, the doorway to an eternal life really is easier to open than many want to admit.

Here is the simple link to the Good News (recently a new page added to the window view!)

You can look at the biblical area (Harmony) and explore the scientific data in the Science Area, or you can think about human history over time (Timeline) or changes that are happening now and consequences yet to come … but all this provides evidence for something that brings us back to the One who gave us our life in the first place. You are not alive by chance. The universe is fine tuned, our biological information is so complex, molecular machines exist in us and the integration of biblical information across numerous books all is a testimony to being here is not just a product of material existence.

Receive the good news or not … the real holiday gift is an opportunity to figure out why you are here, the purpose, and the doorway to heaven.

Happy Holidays!

Director, WindowView.org

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


Life’s Unique Opportunity – Saving the Future

The harmony that presents itself when looking through the window is simple. We have arrived at a time when scientific evidence points to life’s origin as dependent on information, fine tuning (of Earth, solar system, galaxy, and entire universe) and complexity with specificity (in chemistry, physics, and biological systems). In other words a mind is behind your being alive and you having the most incredible opportunity of all time. Design in nature points to a designer, creator, and intelligence. Scripture points to who that Designer is. Critics will say what they will, skeptics will hold fast to doubts, but an assessment of science plus Scripture reveals truth.

Question: How will you respond to the ultimate truth?

Question: Have you taken time to investigate and then decide the purpose to you being alive?

If Science and Scripture are in harmony, then you need to consider stepping up to the truth and Step Up to Life

The entire WindowView is filled with much information, but the bottom line, the summary, the main point is that you can save yourself for the future beyond this life. The science evidence will be updated, the themes of Scripture involve an understanding that applies to all Jewish and Gentile persons. Everybody has the same choice and thus the opportunity applies to all … but the choice one needs to consider can only be addressed while still alive.

Director, WindowView.org
