MAGA Evangelicals Beware

Political campaigns in the United States of America often are founded on principles that comply with the nation’s constitution. But when biblical principles are drawn into the realm of political considerations, then those persons who claim to be evangelical (Christian or Bible believing) should be reading the words of the Messiah and adhering to what the four gospels reflect. If an evangelical is not reading the Bible then they are NOT evangelical and possibly not moral, not just, and not godly.

Be Aware of What is True Evangelicals

Here is what a recent email from a Messianic organization included about Righteousness and Justice … which by the way the main MAGA candidate is not adhering to! That person speaks in anger and vengefulness and causes one to ask why support such a self centered and self righteous and non-biblical person? Also he is not abiding in the Constitution! And what if that person never repents of sin, disregards the government, and defames and demotes other persons?

MAGA seems unrighteous, injustice, and simply power centric AND here is what a religious organization has shared:

  • “Righteousness – Deuteronomy 16:18-20 calls for judges to be set in place that will judge in RIGHTEOUSNESS. Judges have to be trained in righteousness in order to judge effectively without political or selfish motives. Righteousness must be pursued and is the opposite of sin and corruption. Righteousness is the key to the motivation and the moral quality of how people are being judged.”
  • “Justice – When judging, Deuteronomy 25:1 explains justice in the simplest of terms: pardon the innocent and punish the wicked. Mistakes can be made by either punishing those who are innocent or by not holding accountable those who are doing evil. Justice also requires equality before the law. No favoritism is to be shown toward the rich or the poor. True justice forbids any bias based on political, racial, religious or socio-economic affiliations.”

The MAGA people claim the Department of Justice (DOJ) is weaponizing the political candidate … but what of God’s judgment based on righteousness and true God’s justice. What if the DOJ is doing the correct thing? MAGA doesn’t mean being godly—even inside of churches. So, what is the real meaning to the MAGA slogan used by the political side of reality today?

MAGA1Make Americans Grieve Again 

(undercutting of the nation for personal goals and not US citizens)

MAGA2Make America Grossly Atrocious 

(cut off allies and isolate the US)

MAGA3Make Autocracy Greatly Audacious 

(elect a dictator)

If you say you are evangelical … you had better be going back to what Messiah tells you and not some self-centered errant politician! Click on the following images … for a DVD that is wonderful to view and relive the Gospel of John, or another DVD pack with all four Gospels with one on its own separate DVD (and by the way these can be streamed on Prime).


Are End Times Arriving Soon


If you are political, material and wealth-centric, focused on current day events and do not think a religious perspective has any relevance, then you need to read this blog post. Or, if you are religious but bent on politics, nationalism, and not so focused on core biblical principles, then then you need to step back and look at the big picture and what you supposedly (superficially)  think you believe is biblical. 


The concept of End Times comes through mainly in two books of Scripture. One is written in Hebrew and Aramaic, that is the writings of Daniel. The second is the writings of John and the title in Greek is ‘apocalypsis’ which in English is translated revelation. What is revealed in both of these writings needs your attention today. If you wish to read a comprehensive writing that ties together these two author’s writings, we suggest Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s book (Footsteps of the Messiah).   

One focal point of what Daniel and John write is a series of events that do give a chronology of events that characterize the biblical end of an era. Some keys words would be ‘false religion,’ ‘political nationalism,’ ‘lawless leadership,’ and a lack of loving your neighbor and a lack of truly lifting one’s heart to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


What does that timeline reveal? One theme is a lawless leader who takes a primary role that is ungodly and worldly—that would be a leader who opposes what is Messianic and biblical. But not just one leader would be lawless and if you see any politicians today who disregard what is law abiding and common sense—yet autocratic, dictatorial, and disrespects citizens of a nation and the entire world—then you are looking straight into the eyes of one or more leading us all into the end of the era called the End Times.


The chronology of end events comes with a multiple facets. One is a seven year treaty that will come and seemingly solves the dilemma in Israel—might that be a two state solution or anything that promises peace in the Middle East. Second, the traditional Jewish support of a temple in Jerusalem will lead to building a third temple and suggests the revitalization of animal sacrifices even though the Jewish Messiah has already satisfied this need of a sacrificial system. Third, another worldly religious system (possibly based on a current ‘other religion’ or some materialistic based belief system) will arise. Might this come about because the world shifts and the experience is more than religion, but may also be pushed by stress on a planet undergoing environmental and ecological change. Global, including climate, change causes stress today and only seems to be worse in time to come.


One thing to be aware of is the totality of humanity is not focused on love or true solutions to planet-wide problems. Fossil fuel loving promotion (for example) counters the factors that lead to climate temperature change—but climate change is much more than just temperature and includes loss of species globally. Scientific data regarding change is not political and demonstrates real change. Yet politicians and power seeking leaders today work against global unity to solve problems. Wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines are all noted in Scripture as to what leads into signs for the coming of the End Times. The United Nations meets in New York, and yet nations work against one another, regionally or singularly due to their nationalistic philosophy, self centered goals, and political motives.


For persons alive today, regardless of your politics, economics, religious, or other beliefs, there is a need to look at the biblical chronology and then take a look at what you see in the news today. Social media can be helpful or misleading, but one thing is certain, during the end of this era everyone will be able to stream video of live events and witness exactly what the End Times chronology of events as have already been described by Daniel and John. Regardless of what you have thought to this point in time … YOU have the opportunity to explore the writings and see how relevant the revelation truly is and then YOU can wake up to what is coming.

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Lawless World Leaders

There is currently an invasion by one country upon another. The invasion is basically the action of one leader who heads the invasion. The invading country is made up of citizens who include secular and religious peoples. Some head to the front lines of conflict and fire weapons that kill people, destroy homes, businesses, hospitals, schools, and other locations.

Take notice, we have all been warned that one day we would see the escalation of lawlessness. 

Today, lawless leaders are more evident than ever—both in promoting wars and ignoring the will of many citizens, and by their own will corrupt government. Lawlessness also comes in both the religious and secular spheres. Yes, the political leader in a current waring nation definitely does not listen to religious leaders. Religious leaders (those that say they follow the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) who do not oppose war are also equally corrupt and lawless (read further for the discrete details that apply here). Overall, this corrupts humanity, peace, and the will and intent of the One who has given us life in the first place.

Love versus Lawlessness

For persons who do not read the Bible the idea that we have been encouraged to think (to discern truth) and also warned may be out of sight. Take a moment and open your eyes and think about what you see today. Take a moment to reflect on the following basic points that this blog post highlights:

1) We are warned that toward the end of this age there will be wars and rumors of wars.

2) Lawlessness will be on the increase.

The following quotation is from the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Brit Chadeshah (i.e., New Covenant recorded by the Jewish writer in the Greek text) and is commonly entitled under the heading of “Signs of the End of the Age.” (Matthew 24: 3-14):

“As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”


The WindowView promotes taking a look at science and Scripture—and this applies to all Jewish and Gentile peoples. The science information reveals we are not alive by chance, but we are the product of mind and design (see the WindowView Science section for details). 

Within Scripture the English word ‘Christ’ should be properly stated as ‘Messiah’ (from the Hebrew for ‘anointed one’) and the people who accept the Messiah for who He truly is need especially adhere to a primary and most fundamental concept … love. Wars and lawlessness are not love. 

From the Torah: Leviticus 19:18 “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.” (NIV)

The same comes from the mouth of the Messiah Yeshua (Hebrew name); i.e., from Messiah’s Law: Matthew 19:19 “Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’”” (NIV)

Some Conclusions to Consider

There are some supposed ‘religious people’ who follow lawless leaders and the net effect is being biased, worldly, distracted from truth and non-discerning for what the Scriptures clearly state. Even peoples who have ignored and not read the Scriptures have a sense between what is righteous and what is wrongful … and if more discerning they might visit the overall context described in the Hebrew and Greek biblical texts. Life gives us all that opportunity.

The lawless leader is cold, self serving, not loving, not making comfort, nor peace or fostering great relations with neighbors, thus that person is headed to an eternal order of separation and condemnation. And that leader also leads many of his followers into what is called the eternal order of hell. So why follow that leader?

If there is truth to there being an end of an age, then what comes next? Do you choose love or do you prefer hell (in this life and thus in eternity to come)? Do you follow religious leaders who focus on politics and false leaders (and thus not love nor seek the wisdom delivered by the Lord)? Do you see peace or are you witnessing ‘nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” in the world today?

Beyond social media, politics, materialism, distractions from truth, you being alive today, you can still think, discern, and seek wisdom. The ultimate law is love (and giving your heart, strength, mind to the Lord) and that points to an age yet to come.


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