Evidence For Life and Our Existence

Science and Faith actually do come together and this is the main reason for the first WindowView YouTube channel full presentation. How does science evidence clarify what is noted in some places in scripture? What science evidence reveals you are not by chance? A scientist who has explored scientific and theological information opens a window to answers and unique perspectives! Take a look: https://youtu.be/abYksx6jR8Q

Director, WindowView.org

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


Why WindowView?

The WindowView ( https://www.windowview.org ) is a look at SCIENCE (data for design in nature), CHANGE (global, climate, etc.), HARMONY (data in biblical texts), TIME (line of events from eternity past to the future) all fill the window of YOUR LIFE. Science reveals we are not here by chance! Harmony from the roots of biblical text. Study the window’s perspectives and see what comes by way of a SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP! CONVERGENCE is when all merges to seeking truth!

Share this link with friends, family, people you meet along the way day-to-day and within the Convergence is the life opportunity to gain a relationship with the One who gave us all life now and into the future!

Director, WindowView.org

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


WindowView Updates

A number of years ago (as far back as 2014) the content of WindowView.org was last updated. A change in internet services in 2020 also caused some minor problems within the web pages, but many corrections have been applied recently and future updates are being planned! One helpful update is a new home page. The startup video makes the initial visit to WindowView.org simpler and provides a brief orientation, which at present during the fall of 2022 is the same as the video here!

Director, WindowView.org

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


Boundary to Science?

What is your existence? What if you could sit in a class and just have a wide open discussion on science and see many avenues of thought open up … even leading to concepts you’d never really given much serious thought … AND then your thinking expands and the discussion is so amazing and engaging? Would you want to explore concepts that lead you to think of why or what is existence?

We strongly recommend a new book that tells a story about a college class and the classroom open ended teachings that expand the view and open to ideas and perspectives that do entertain existence in a freely open discussion!


From the book listing at Amazon:

Eric Hedin was enjoying a productive career as a physics professor at Ball State University when the letter from a militant atheist arrived and all hell broke loose. The conflict spilled first onto the pages of the local newspaper, and then into the national news. The atheist attack included threats from the Freedom from Religion Foundation, which targeted Hedin after learning his Boundaries of Science course exposed students to an evidence-based case for design and purpose in cosmology, physics, and biochemistry. Canceled Science tells the dramatic story of the atheist campaign to cancel Hedin’s course, reveals the evidence the atheists tried to bury, and explores discoveries that have revolutionized our understanding of the nature and origin of matter, space, and even time itself.

The book cover is below and you can order HERE on the internet.

Director, WindowView.org

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel



History in the making comes as the NASA Martian rover, Perseverance, landed on Mars February 18, 2021.

So many people are wondering, will the rover’s instruments finally find evidence for life on Mars (be it in the past or living today). One would fully expect a rapid conclusion that such evidence is proof of Darwin’s theory on evolution.

CAUTION: Any evidence for life on Mars is possible, but the conclusion regarding evolution and life elsewhere in the universe is not only premature, but could very easily be false and totally misleading.

Persons with a material naturalism perspective have no expectation for anything but ‘nature’ to explain life. However, life contains information that is far superior to any chance origin. In fact,. highly specific and complex information supports the concept of Intelligent Design. And design certainly provides a viable explanation for life created life on Earth.

And microbes adapted to Earth’s extreme environments (e.g., in and near a volcano as one example, where there is extreme heat) could be ejected by volcanic eruption on Earth and that ejecta could travel from Earth to Mars and thus seeding life on Mars. But truth be told, rock from Mars comes to Earth as meteorites and ejecta from Earth likewise travels to Mars.

The WindowView page regarding life on Mars has been posted for well over a decade. Evidence for design has only increased. We recommend the following pages for your reading and review:

Life’s Molecular Machine Tools by Design

We are Carbon-Based Robots by Design

Life on Mars

Director, WindowView.org

PS for other Science Area articles take a look at the Science page Directory.


Science Area Thesis at WindowView

Starting Fall 2014, all Window Areas have updated Overview and Thesis pages. For the Science Area the following thesis now appears with a detailed explanation:

Thesis: Looking across all scientific disciplines—including, astronomy, biology, cell biology, chemistry, evolution, genetics, geology, information theory, paleontology, and physics—the scientific evidence provides support for an intelligent coordination of events in nature. This occurs throughout the history of the universe and on earth, making possible the rapid appearance of life forms, a vast diversity and abundance of species, all to prepare the planet for human life. Life is therefore special and not by chance.

Visit the Introduction, Overview, or Thesis page to experience the full WindowView!

Director, WindowView.org


Question: What is the Ultimate Reality

WindowView is in a sense another way of saying “world view” except that a line of reasoning and an appeal to ‘data’ or information that is before us is indeed part of the real objective to presenting the Window. It’s YOUR window, you look, you see, you assess and in the end only you can conclude what is real.  But lets visit the vital questions in life for a moment.  If Darwin’s theory on evolution is all there is to being, then we are the result of chance and randomness in the universe. But Darwin had his doubts about evolution and the data today support good reason to doubt his theory. So, then, what is reality? What are the consequences to getting the correct data to determine who you are?

Dr. Samples offers the following list of critical factors and questions in his book “World of Difference.”

“An accurate road map supplies valid directions that profoundly guide a person’s life decisions. Therefore, a well-thought-out course, or worldview, needs to answer twelve ultimate concerns that philosophers identify as “the big questions of life”:

1. Ultimate Reality: What kind of God, if any, actually exists?

2. External Reality: Is there anything beyond the cosmos?

3. Knowledge: What can be known and how can anyone know it?

4. Origin: Where did I come from?

5. Identity: Who am I?

6. Location: Where am I?

7. Morals: How should I live?

8. Values: What should I consider of great worth?

9. Predicament: What is humanity’s fundamental problem?

10. Resolution: How can humanity’s problem be solved?

11. Past/Present: What is the meaning and direction of history?

12. Destiny: Will I survive the death of my body and, if so, in what state?

When a worldview elucidates reasonable answers to these ultimate questions, life (and death) issues become much more comprehensible and easier to get through.”

The concept of WindowView hinges on the fact that evidence from science, Scripture, changes around the globe, and a timeline sequences that follows a known chronology going forward, all this presents a convergence of driving forces.  All this provides an affirmative answer to the first questions and all the data from there on becomes easier to see. But what about these ultimate questions.  You have asked them, we all have. But have you taken time to look through the Window?

Director, WindowView.org



Billions of Earth-size planets … Yes, but ….

On the news wire for November 5:

Milky Way may host billions of Earth-size planets – LA Times
There’s no place like home, but scientists now say that Earth-size planets orbiting sun-like stars in a so-called habitable zone are so common that there could be as many as 11 billion in the Milky Way alone.”

We have NASA colleagues who strive hard to find evidence for water on Mars or to reach into space for habitable planets. And we may find many houses with rooms and spaces fit for life in the universe … but the real question is: Why do we make the leap to say if it’s fit for life, we will find life? Let us think one step further.

Starting on planet Earth and examining every aspect of life from sophisticated research efforts we now find the ultimate dilemma. Science indicates laws and conditions ( the application of physics, chemistry, and material sciences ) is likely equal across the universe. If life starts here it could by the same means start elsewhere. That is logic used by many persons.

Okay, now the wrench to throw into the works. Human explorations of planetary science (i.e. of Earth ) and every conceivable approach to how chemicals could or can come together to create first life … all come to dead ends. Human ingenuity suggests there must be an answer because … well … because here we are alive today.

Bottom line: Scientists cannot tell you how life arouse from chemicals. So why would any other planet elsewhere be any better than this known fit for life earth? You can think about that because we want to go to the bigger problem now known to the sciences.

Life is not simply metabolism, form, reproduction, or historical records of species. Life is an innovation. A first innovation for first appearance and we will not toss out the word evolution here, because some change in life forms appears over time (from existing life).

The problem is simply life is based on information. Information in DNA and also epigenetic information that is elsewhere in living beings and not in the DNA. The point raised here is simple. No one in science has explained how the initial information arouse. Most biological, genetic and evolutionary research shows change over time, but based on existing information in life forms. Explaining new innovation that gives us new forms based on new information is lacking.

There is more to this presentation than written here. The main point is that the universe can have trillions of habitable planets, but unless chemicals can make life and information is somehow introduced to direct life’s forms and being … you can count all the planets you want to no gain.

Is this a case of skepticism? Actually, not at all. This post is simply drawing attention to the status of what science also knows as fact. And that gives cause to not being so moved by planetary discoveries, because the real question for which we desire answers concerns the source and origin of life in the first place.

Director, WindowView.org

Related Window Links:
Chemical Origins — Yes or No — What Does the Evidence Show
Time Required for Macroevolution to Occur
Living On A Privileged Planet


Life and Death

The are two decisions we are free to make. One choice leads to another.
The first choice is to decide on discovering the answer to : Does God exist? And part of that is founded on asking about the God who says there are no other gods. This is a singular choice.

Today the younger generations feel that they are freer to do as they choose. Opinions of their peers and networking matters. The old guidelines may still engender some respect, but the political and moral boundaries are blurred. And why not? After all we are free to choose. Right?

The response to freedom and choice is affirmative. This leads us to realize that everyone in fact has free will. And if there is a God, free will may be a gift from him. If no God, then the process of unguided events delivers us past chaos to this moment. Then, as chance would have it, the youth of today would be totally free in their choices … driven by culture, the tribe, the tribal beat of rap or even country, and a free spirit that owes nothing to anyone … perhaps not even to self.

The backdrop of history suggests that there is sufficient evidence to ask the question about God’s existence. Evidence including the walk through of that God on the earthly stage in a former time. It’s perhaps too incredible that the author of life could do that, but then no Hitchcock film was ever made without the film-master’s cameo moment. Yes, a walk-through as incredible as that may be, but then in this context our existence is also rather incredible. In fact, science can’t explain all there is to providing an explanation to how life came to be. If God exists, then there is an explanation from him.

But let’s just consider the answer to the first question is yes. The second choice is to consider life or death. God’s testimony in Scripture is an ultimate choice: Will you choose life or death?

Today humans choose their life styles and beliefs. They choose how to treat themselves and other people. The choice in the voter’s booth and opinions expressed in public or private are all driven from self. You might think it unfair that there are prejudices and discrimination in and around where you live. But at the end of the day, the choice between life and death, as referenced here, is the only real choice there is. And only you make that choice.

What hangs on the choice is purely your own destiny. As Scripture essentially puts it, you choose and the blood (consequence) of your decision making is on your hands … so we are encouraged to choose life (eternal) because the answer to the first question is yes. Saying no to life in the second choice has eternal and final consequence.

Today, the youth of this world are seeing transitions take place at a record pace. Global changes, political shifts, marketplace swings, uncertainty, change in morals and norms … the way the media reports it, all is simply a matter of fact. The real disconnect is in forgetting we ultimately have two questions to ask and two answers to give.

People get wrapped up in saying others are anti this or that, or are too political, too religious, too phobic or judgmental. Yet, ironically, take away all other sources of intellectual entanglement and you, and I, all of us, are left with two choices. This brings back all the external negatives to beg us to engage in the only positive and constructive process there is … and that is we each think, discern, and seek truth. Even if we were merely here by chance, that would be truth. But scientific evidence cannot support the merely by chance explanation. So we arrive back at the first question.

How you answer the second question will determine everything else about how you live your life. The rappers and country singers may espouse all kinds of experiences and ideologies, but if you live life by choosing life, then his walk-through means a lot to the point your life now becomes different … it becomes a walk from here into eternity.

Being alive means you can choose. Physical death ends the option to choose. Now is the time to think and choose.

Director, WindowView.org

Deuteronomy 39:19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;


Life on Mars a Non-Starter?

The list serve delivered the following clip today:

Rover’s findings suggest Mars’ atmosphere was lost soon after formation
The inhospitable atmosphere of Mars has been around a long time — about 4 billion years or so, according to data collected by NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover, along with studies of Martian meteorites. Scientists think that the Red Planet lost its atmosphere fairly soon after its formation. “A lot of the atmosphere of Mars might have been lost pretty rapidly,” noted Paul Mahaffy of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, lead author of one of two studies published in the journal Science. Space.com (7/18)

On the one hand, the Earth’s atmosphere has long been protected by a magnetic field that is continually generated by the movement of an inner molten core. Were the core to cool and the inner motion cease, the Earth’s protective shield would drop and the atmosphere and water on the surface would begin to be stripped away.

So why is it so hard to understand that the non-molten core of the Red Planet goes hand-in-hand with the current lifeless conditions on Mars? And yet NASA spins on hopes of exciting life-supporting data from Mars, only to report the atmosphere has long been inhospitable. While the presence of water and signs of water’s activity on the planet surface are interesting data, the lack of a favorable atmosphere is sufficient to douse the fires of hope for life on Mars.

In a recent presentation on expoplanets, we observed the optimistic assessment of NASA scientists for more tantalizing data from distant solar systems. Yet Mars, so close by, reminds us that it takes a long list of factors to favor life, factors that Earth has in its column … sufficient for life here, but a list that many hopeful prospects will find a probabilistic stretch to acquire.

Are we saying no life nowhere else? Actually, no. But the priorities for finding life elsewhere might be tempered by the unsettling reality that conditions on Earth are undergoing dramatic change. We could focus more on space-based research to focus on Earth, because that IS where we know life certainly does exist!

The irony is in the scientists who want ever more to look outward and request more funds for doing so, when humanity ever more so needs to look back in on itself and what we are doing here. No atmosphere on Mars is an inhospitability worth waiting to explore later, while the atmosphere here is heating up … and we mean HEATING up in a big way!

Director, WindowView.org
