Years ago Hal Lindsey wrote a book about a new world coming. The question we might ask today is: “How will we recognize the signs of that world coming to us?”

Look out your window! What do you see in the world today?
As this post is being typed up, divisions, splits, adversarial relationships are evident all around the globe. World leaders contribute to conflict and the idea of global cooperation is a distant and lost concept.
The photo of the cover of the Lindsay book is is from the original edition published in 1973. While the basic study in the text of this book is a biblical look at Revelation, the text touches on a timeline of events looking forward. But the text also looks back to the writings of Daniel. And the text written by John (who penned the text of the ‘apocalypsis,’ i.e., revelation and revealing of Messiah and what brings in the new age, new era, and new world) touches on images, themes, timing, and points made by Daniel in what his text states going back some 500 to 600 years before John was born. As noted online, “Daniel was a righteous man of princely lineage and lived about 620–538 B.C.”
A Divided House Cannot Stand
Today’s polarization and division between countries, political division within countries, and a lack of collaboration and caring … reveals a world in a crumbling state. Indeed, in the past there were periods of decline, but never with as many people that live on planet Earth today!
The book highlighted here is a bit dated in some of its presentation. Yet, some very interesting observations are included in the text! Maybe you can find a copy of the original book, but one important fact is that back in the 1970s Mr. Lindsey wrote about two witnesses who would appear in Jerusalem (Revelation chapter 11). These remarkable individuals would be a sign of a specific event that takes place before the new world arrives. In the 70s the idea that the entire global community–all of us–would be able to see these two witnesses in Jerusalem led to the idea that a TV satellite would make it possible (i.e., Telstar). Fast forward to today and the smartphones and internet streaming services make it even more possible. Once everything is in place to make all the prophetic events work like clockwork, the the teachings, events, and chronology revealed by John and Daniel will come together and take place … a house divided will crumble and the world will need unified leadership. For a time a false leader, the anti-Messiah, will step onto the world stage. A crumbled and fragmented humanity will look up to false leadership. Even today false leaders get unwarranted attention! But the story does not end with that false presence and study of Scripture will prepare you to fully understand the passing of this world and the coming of the next!
A Remarkable Network of Information
One added point that warrants you making a detailed study of the writings of Daniel and John. Simply put, the text of each source requires the other to complete a bigger picture of what is to come. This is like pulling together pieces of a puzzle from two authors and the incredible unity, logic, and good sense the puzzle image makes once assembled! Daniel even gives a means to calculate the year Messiah first appears. John describes churches in cities in a way that outlines historical eras from the time of Messiah’s first appearance to today! The study you might make offers an opportunity to see a remarkable network of information that arises all across he biblical text. That network is evidence that the entire text of Scripture is not simply separate and unrelated writings. Just the opposite, the entire text looks forward (and beyond) the new world that is coming.
A more current book that accomplishes what Lindsay wrote and even goes deeper into the relevant information is Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s book: “The Footsteps of the Messiah.” (<– first link is to a bookseller with reviews, but may be a bit more expensive, a ministry website with same book at alternate price … use this LINK)
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