Apostate State of World Being

An overly simplified summary of what the WindowView web site is all about comes down to one initial concept: “Looking at multiple perspectives helps one to see the greater context to what life is.”  Within each perspective—such as those at WindowView, including Change, Science, Harmony, Timeline—one still needs to do some thinking. A keyword for all of us is “discern.” And to discern means to look at the larger field of information to assess what is true as opposed to false, misguided, bias, interpretation, assumption, or anything that is misleading. To discern in a way that is fair, this requires an open mind that is willing to be objective, but also a mind that is willing to go to multiple information sources and to look around. If you sit at your ‘window’ and really look at the lager view, then you will find opportunities to be objective and to seek what is a reliable viewpoint.

The fact that scientific and theistic information can be considered together may offer difficulty for some people. If that is you, then it’s less likely you will open your mind and explore. To look at a world of change, diametrically opposing views from science, theism, business, politics, and to include the oppositional behaviors and forces posed by various nations all over the world—this all leads to something that has been long ago projected as the eventual state of being. Yes, that is already documented in advance.  And it seems we have arrived at that state. This should be a concern to all alive today.

The title of this post starts with the word ‘apostate.’ This is being referenced in relation to one portion of Scripture that describes the status of believers at a specific point in world history—and that point in time appears to be now. Apostate is a term that can be defined as: “a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle.” And sound principles might be objective or well founded on truth. To go one step further, apostasy is more the activity of abandoning such relevant belief or foundational principles. 

Today we see persons who abandon the notion that change is occurring in the natural world—as in climate change—or that science information is helpful in addressing important issues—like taking a vaccine to prevent the further spread of a pandemic disease—or more so to contradict Scripture as religious groups decide to use Scripture in ways to their liking … and not as the biblical text intends.

This post is not going to lay down examples to say you may be involved to apostate actions or behaviors, but instead is simply pointing to this being a time when apostasy is occurring today in so many areas of the human experience—across the entire globe today—to signify something that the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures foretell as coming next. We are complex and specific human beings built on highly specified genetic information, living in a universe with highly fine-tuned conditions … so much so, as to point to our being here by design. And if that Designer is the God of the Bible, then Scripture that says apostasy will come to bring an end of an era, then you might want to see the relevance to change, science, and what the harmony of biblical texts say … and seeing how that pertains to your life right now. 

In case you are wanting a reference … from the Greek [Revelation 3:14-21], you can, in part, see the reference to apostasy through people who are material and not attentive to God’s will. Reference to repenting, for example, exposes leaders who lead for their own purposes and not in the way Scripture would point to the Designer’s will.

Ears to hear, eyes to see, fully, allow a mind to truly discern. And that is why WindowView was developed. Maybe not perfect, but certainly here to get you to do some thinking!

Director, WindowView.org

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

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Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


unChristian Faith Refresher

The title above is one of this things that reads the opposite of the underlying intention. A book entitled “unChristian” is the inspiration of this post. But read the book and you will be sobered by multiple realities, for those who hold to biblical faith and those who have put faith in Bible as a mere side note to life.

Further below we provide an image of the book cover and a link to the book at Amazon. Take a look and read the reviews if you like.


The majority of the text to unChristian addresses a rather in-depth assessment of Christianity in language most Westerners would find familiar. But the revelations come by marketing analyses and surveys of young persons and then place that in the context of society today.

Bottom line to all this might be stated, at least in one way, as: “Bible believers and those outside the faith are both in trouble. Both are not on sound footing. Christians need to hold to the real core values of their faith and this means putting love in place of the “anti-this and anti-that” opinions that outsiders have of Christians. What’s worse, but not having a factual example to refer to, outsiders are not getting real information that should garner true attention to what biblical faith is, really is.”

Getting facts straight works in all directions. Misperceptions are often hard to correct, unless good examples come along.


There is a ‘window perspective’ we have to all this.  And this comes from the Bible itself. In the last book there are seven letters delivered to seven churches (and to be clear the English word church really should be translated as ‘group of believing people,’ because at the time the letters were written these groups included both Jew and Gentile … whose faith was based on Messiah). The last letter typifies where we are on Earth today, in that many who profess to be believers are neither hot or cold. Being lukewarm is not acceptable.

And this is where we are today. Many believers are lukewarm. Many non-believing (non-Christian, non-Messianic, secular, atheist, agnostic, etc.) are lukewarm (to more than to just biblical core values).

In the weeks to come WindowView.org will add new pages that address factual information that is illustrated in ‘unChristian.’ Until we do, we wish to leave the believing community (those who declare a faith in Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus) with points for a refresher.


What might believers focus on to tighten their focus on faith.  The following seven elements are from the book:

– worshipping God intimately and passionately
– engaging in spiritual friendships with other believers
– pursuing faith in the context of family
– embracing intentional forms of spiritual growth
– serving others
– investing time and resources in spiritual pursuits
– having faith-based conversations with outsiders

(p78, unChristian)



The world has grown ever more complex and confused. The focus on faith has blurred as social issues stray from a morality that was clearly evident in previous generations. To distinguish oneself today may make us feel a bit odd, but that’s because the world at large is on a tangent. It’s not good news what’s going on in the world. What is good news is being a part of what transforms us daily and what becomes a good example to those around us. That example removes negativity about faith and sheds light on the real promise for life.

Director, WiindowView.org

The Seventh Letter … from Revelation 3:14-22: “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’ –and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked– “I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.“As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.  To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”’”

unChristian Faith Refresher is co-posted on our companion blog



Google Seeks A Benefit as Gen Y Goes Cashless

Here is an unsettling thought  … the Internet age is setting us up for something many folks just don’t think about … yet … but like lemmings running into the sea we are all part of a building momentum. Trouble is, if we mention a biblical theme here, many of you will say “Nonsense!”

Is it? Really? Keep reading … and think about it!

The article we refer to below comes from MarketWatch.com (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/google-wallet-gen-y-credit-card-2013-05-17).

Here is our point. If you are temped to use a handheld device to be cashless as you walk around in your day-to-day routine, we believe that at some point the possible theft of handhelds will make something else more compelling. How about a tattoo with a code? So you swipe your hand across a scanner that can read a colorless tattoo and detect the code to conduct a cashless transaction. Cool? Yeah! But there is a catch.

The Bible refers to a time when no person will be able to buy or sell without the ‘mark of the beast.’ Oh, prophecy stuff you say. Not to worry, couldn’t happen here … right?

——————– Article ——————————–
Google Wallet: Gen Y credit card?
Emailing money may appeal to generation that’s already abandoned cash

By Quentin Fottrell

Facing stiff competition and tepid demand, Google Wallet has not made a big splash in the world of mobile payments. But experts say young Americans may help revive its fortunes.

In an effort to boost the popularity of its mobile payment system, Google this week announced that it
is integrating Google Wallet with Gmail. Customers who’ve linked Google Wallet to their bank account or maintain a balance with Google Wallet can simply click the dollar icon on their Gmail to make a payment. It’s not the first time Google Wallet introduced new features. ….

… there are signs that there is untapped demand for mobile payments. Just one-fifth of young Americans ages 18 to 30 always carry cash, according to a new survey by CouponCodes4U … . Nearly half said cash would not be used in the future. “It’s a generational trend,” … And some 72% of Gmail users are under the age of 34, according to a survey by Hunch.com, …. “The younger generations are adopting this technology in droves.” PayPal and Google Wallet, for example, connect to a bank account or a debit or credit card through a person’s smartphone.

“It’s early days for mobile payments,” says technology analyst Jeff Kagan. “I have children in their early 20s who rarely carry as much as $5 in their wallet.” That’s just enough for tips. “Today, we leave the house with a wallet, car keys and smartphone,” he says. “There will come a time when it will only be our smartphone. … Thousands of merchants are still not set up for mobile payments, making it more difficult for smartphone evangelists to cut up their plastic. What’s more, some consumers are still concerned about security issues of making payments via mobile phone. One U.K. survey found that 44% of people were reluctant to adopt mobile wallets due to fears of phone hacking; only 17% of those surveyed say they would use mobile wallets. (Google did not return requests for comment.)
——————- WindowView Perspective ——————————

We rest our case. It’s a generational thing. In an increasingly material and secular global society, the younger generation will be swept by the momentum the Bible already anticipates. To address the latter security issues … we are waiting for the charismatic leader who seduces the masses to be inscribed with some type of mark. And that will seal together the notion put forth in the article above and in what the Bible declared thousands of years ago.

Far fetched you say?

Have you been looking out your window to see the implications for what is going on out there?

Well, that’s why this window is here!

Our comments here relate to global changes … many of which creep up on us while we are distracted by our day-to-day life. Change is surrounding our lives in many ways … all the more reason now is time to look at the implications.

Director, WindowView.org


Unsettling Thoughts — Humanity’s Narrow Existence

The Window is a thinking place in cyberspace.  Some material here relates to biblical prophecy (a prediction).  Some information here relates to changes in our environment.  We do not prophesy (that is make predictions), nor do we care for sensational claims.  There is enough stern faced Bible thumping and irate environmentalism to have us want to move on … but if there is pertinent information regarding things biblical, even in environmental terms, then it might be worth a look at dimensions of information put before us long ago.  Let’s just look at what evidence is there already.


Some number of years ago I, Director of WindowView, attended professional scientific meetings and heard what might be the early descriptions of global climate change.  Scientists from around the US and the world, attended the annual meeting for the American Association of the Advancement of Science (AAAS).  The latter part of the same year, now two decades ago, came with another scientific symposium on global change and the prospects for humanity in the face of coming change.  Scientists were beginning to grasp the fullness of changes that were just beginning to reveal themselves.  Yet, change itself had not just begun, it was humanity’s consciousness of change that was beginning.  There is a difference here.  Some consequences were obvious, others to come.

Because of a biblical and scientific awareness, it seems important if not simply interesting to wonder if there are links between what we see currently in nature and what the Bible tells us about the future.  The sensational approach might be a screaming claim and you need to get down on your knees to pray for salvation or otherwise escape to the hills to save yourself.  Actually, at this point, it’s all a bit more subtle than that. This brief article simply points to something rather interesting.  You can form a personal conclusion if you like.


The AAAS meeting presented an opportunity to hear scientists who follow the weather, those who explore ice core evidence for past climate, modelers who try to predict consequences to desert or rain forest–should patterns persist and change have greater effect.  But a while back, the models used to predict complex systems, like what might happen to the Amazon rain forest, were too simple.  More computer strength, more computation power, more variables, more of a lot of sophisticated approaches needed to be brought online.  Modeling was a growing field.  But could I ask a question about models, change and a Bible prediction?


Let’s just start with a few briefly stated points.  Many people are aware that the Bible contains prophecies.  Some have been declared and fulfilled, others declared and await fulfillment.

One ‘waiting prophecy’ concerns a time when all green grass and one third of all trees burn.  Let’s just consider something interesting about consequences in relation to this prediction.  We equate this prediction to an environmental change and thus label this an ‘environmental type.’ We say ‘type‘ because it relates to circumstances in the present, yet this looks to the future.

First, if you are alive on the only known habitable planet in the solar system, or perhaps in the galaxy, or even perhaps the only habitable place in the universe, if you saw a huge fire consuming the Earth’s vegetation, would you not be concerned?!

Second, if that burn appears in order of a lager sequence of events, other pre-recorded prophetic predictions, might that garner further attention?  You have to admit, if someone pointed out the parallel occurrence, you’d give it some thought–wouldn’t you?

Third, green grass only grows in one of the Earth’s hemispheres at a time.  That is, it is only summer in the northern or southern hemisphere, but not both at the same time.   The Bible is predicting a rather large prophetic event for all green grass in one hemisphere.  If the northern hemisphere, it’s a lot of green that burns.

FOURTH, major point, 80 PERCENT of the foodstuffs we eat as humans (from plant sources) come from species of crops in the grass family!  Wheat, barley, corn, and other related crops are grasses.  And many domestic animals depend on the grasses for the food and thus all green grasses going away in rapid fashion also impacts farming.  Totally, a big impact.

Do we have your attention at this point?

From an economic point of view, the result on obtaining foodstuffs means what food remains after this event is a matter of possession–the cost to buy food will be out of sight.  And if you have some food, you’re not likely to give any out, at any price.

Survival?  Material existence and the meaning of life, will be keenly accentuated by an incredible predicament.


So I called up a scientist at NASA and asked: “What would be the consequences to the Earth’s environment if all green grass (in one hemisphere) and all trees burned at one time?”  He asked why I asked!  I was forthcoming about the concept based on the Bible’s prediction.  He told me I was crazy and had no interest in answering my question.

I then wrote a letter to Dr. James Lovelock, the author of the GAIA Hypothesis.  You can explore this hypothesis on your own (just use an Internet search engine).  This time I was careful to explain that I was not seeking to be sensational, but was scientifically curious.  I explained the scenario and its source. [also see a write up on this correspondence in relation to environmental types at WindowView (book outline here, plus you can click on the title to download Chapter 22 to read further about environmental types)]

Interesting and surprisingly, I got a reply.  Now, to be clear, the answer was to a hypothetical and by someone who is not concerning himself with the Bible or its predictions.  But the answer is remarkable.


The answer I got described consequences to the biomass burn (grass and trees) in terms of loss of sunlight reaching the earth surface, boost in carbon dioxide level, and negligible change in oxygen level.  Temperature would also change over time.  BUT remarkably, humans alive throughout this event would survive.  At least they would live to see the end of the fires.

Humans would have to think about what happened.  What you you think about in such a time as that?

CONCLUSION (one of many)

Today we are in possession of data of a much greater degree concerning global changes.  We know that some rather dramatic shifts can or are taking place.  Science gives us better models and better data sets to understand that we, humans, on the only habitable planet we know of, are living on a thread of life support.

If Bible be true and science information helpful, then the concept of all green grasses burring along with one third of all the trees (at one particular time), then this event will stare humanity in the face not only as prophetic, but with a question!  So many will yell: “Oh my God!”  So, do they believe?  Is there a God?  How do people in that moment respond?  Knowing ahead of time, how do you respond?

The idea behind WindowView is to tease out thoughts and to get you to think.

The Bible’s prophecy is for a time yet to come, but it begs a question.  When faced with the evidence in the material realm, how do we respond to something that goes to the spiritual realm?  And what if that provides an opportunity to walk through an open door from here to hereafter?

It’s that, or starve, because food will be in very short supply on that day.

Think about that!  Each day we live is a gift dangling from a thread of life support.

Director, WindowView.org

[See Revelation 8:7: The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.]
