A Vital STEP UP TO LIFE and Real Opportunity and Reason Why You are Alive!

WindowView opens your window to looking at various perspectives. Pull together all the window streams to your attention and then comes the opportunity to appreciate a promise for you.

The promise can be secured for yourself is you make some steps upward and arrive at the high point that leads to everlasting life. Yes … steps up make it to that life! That is GOOD NEWS!

Millions upon billions of humans are missing something so incredibly important—find out about this now. 

Watch the video about making key steps and think about where you are. Take a little time to reflect on how this is relevant to you! Yes, life was given to you. You arrived and options are available. Engage in a most important relationship and life takes on an incredible value often not realized by many people … but for you now is an important opportunity!

And if you wish … take a good look at the entire window to gain perspectives and to see life really does have a purpose and is not by chance!



All perspectives lead to making a key choice in this lifetime and this is found within:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


CONVERGENCE Sight Lines To Faith and Seeing Good News and The Future

CONVERGENCE of all window perspectives brings you to the point of making a vital life decision and how life can move you to what is eternal.… click on “more” to read important information; WindowView opens a very unique view to your future so indeed please “Subscribe,” click “Thumbs Up,” and share with family, friend, or anyone about the importance of how this window reveals remarkable reality to life and there is a future to learn about right now during your lifetime.

Take a good look to see your life really has a purpose and is not by chance!  

Sight lines, angles, views, perspectives, information within the entire window include … SCIENCE is evidence for why life is by design, CHANGE relates to added perspective within the larger window in relation to global environment, human behaviors, and how change will steer humanity to a specific set of future events and an end to this era on Earth. The HARMONY relates to all humanity and a basis for well founded beliefs leading to a most important relationship and the TIMELINE illustrates past, to present, and to what the future will bring.


All perspectives lead to making a key choice in this lifetime and this is found within:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


HARMONY to See Truth, Faith, For All Jews And Gentiles

While theological and applicable to all Jewish and Gentile persons, this Harmony reveals an important relationship to make during this lifetime … click on “more” to read important information, please “Subscribe,” click “Thumbs Up,” and share with family, friend, or anyone about the importance of how this window reveals remarkable reality to life and there is a future to learn about right now during your lifetime. 

Take a good look to see your life really has a purpose and is not by chance! 

HARMONY is a keyword that relates to one of several unique perspectives within the larger window. WindowView opens a very unique view to identify the Messiah and reveal your future based on a divine promise. If you haven’t discovered it, there is good news regarding eternity, but serious news about future events to come to Earth. All is documented and available for you to view and understand!

The window adds a look at CHANGE in the world, SCIENCE evidence for why life is by design, and the TIMELINE illustrates past, to present, and to what the future will bring.  CONVERGENCE of all perspectives brings you to the point of making a vital life decision and how life will move you to what is eternal.


Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


SALVATION – SAVED and the Ultimate Relationship

Salvation is the ultimate place of safety for the best of life’s relationships. Come see how WindowView opens a very unique view to your future … click on “more” to read important information, please “Subscribe,” click “Thumbs Up,” and share with family, friend, or anyone about the importance of how this window reveals remarkable reality to life and there is a future to learn about right now during your lifetime.

Millions upon billions of humans are missing something so incredibly important—find out about this now. Take a good look at the entire window to gain perspectives and to see your life really has a purpose and is not by chance!

SALVATION is one key element to understanding there is a PROMISE, an ATONEMENT, and support for accepting the Good News that is provided in the Gospel as presented in the Scriptures. Open your eyes, ears, and mind and see why this is vital to recognize right now while alive and to form the most important of all relationships with the One who gave you this life and an opportunity to be saved over for what is an eternal future.

Director, WindowView.org

PS: A special request is for a click on ‘Like” but furthermore ‘Subscribe’ to the @WindowViewHarmony YouTube channel! That will help the channel and help you to learn about future videos.

The YouTube video descriptions often list a series of links and those help you to arrive at any of the key areas of WindowView. Here are some of those link:

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


Full Length Introduction Video to WindowView

One way to see what a fully opened Window View brings regarding our lives and the future … is a full length introduction starting from a home page intro and then going from one area to the next to cover what the window reveals. Take a look, share with a friend, and help the video on the YouTube channel with a ‘Like.’

Yes, this is a bit long, but if you ever truly discover what WindowView is and how this leads to an everlasting life … then spending some time now to discover all the perspectives that stream through your window reveal something incredible about this life we live.

Yes, there is something additional beyond living a day at a time … explore, open your eyes, look a bit deeper and then realize the Good News that is available to you … and that news is exactly why there is a window for each person to take a view and see truth.

Director, WindowView.org

PS: A special request is for a click on ‘Like” but furthermore ‘Subscribe’ to the @WindowViewHarmony YouTube channel! That will help the channel and help you to learn about future videos.

The YouTube video descriptions often list a series of links and those help you to arrive at any of the key areas of WindowView. Here are some of those link:

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel


Life’s Unique Opportunity – Saving the Future

The harmony that presents itself when looking through the window is simple. We have arrived at a time when scientific evidence points to life’s origin as dependent on information, fine tuning (of Earth, solar system, galaxy, and entire universe) and complexity with specificity (in chemistry, physics, and biological systems). In other words a mind is behind your being alive and you having the most incredible opportunity of all time. Design in nature points to a designer, creator, and intelligence. Scripture points to who that Designer is. Critics will say what they will, skeptics will hold fast to doubts, but an assessment of science plus Scripture reveals truth.

Question: How will you respond to the ultimate truth?

Question: Have you taken time to investigate and then decide the purpose to you being alive?

If Science and Scripture are in harmony, then you need to consider stepping up to the truth and Step Up to Life

The entire WindowView is filled with much information, but the bottom line, the summary, the main point is that you can save yourself for the future beyond this life. The science evidence will be updated, the themes of Scripture involve an understanding that applies to all Jewish and Gentile persons. Everybody has the same choice and thus the opportunity applies to all … but the choice one needs to consider can only be addressed while still alive.

Director, WindowView.org


WindowView Updates

A number of years ago (as far back as 2014) the content of WindowView.org was last updated. A change in internet services in 2020 also caused some minor problems within the web pages, but many corrections have been applied recently and future updates are being planned! One helpful update is a new home page. The startup video makes the initial visit to WindowView.org simpler and provides a brief orientation, which at present during the fall of 2022 is the same as the video here!

Director, WindowView.org

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel
