Designed Universe Reveals Need For Paradigm Shift

A paradigm shift comes with evidence and changes the way we look at our world (and universe)!

Regarding design and our universe, the following is a bit of text from a bookseller web page:

“Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson once declared, “The universe is a deadly place. At every opportunity it is trying to kill us.” Tyson is not alone in his dark, doomsday perspective. Many have sought to warn of the weapons the universe might use to wipe out humanity.

“In Designed to the Core, astrophysicist Hugh Ross uses the newest astronomical research to not only inform but also inspire the reader with this conclusive truth: While one person sees a razor-sharp blade as a deadly weapon’ the other sees it as a life-saving scalpel.

“The motive of the one who wields that blade makes all the difference.”

Here the author Dr. Ross is actually referring to the author of the Universe itself. A paradigm shift in science and current thinking is a change based on scientific astronomy evidence. If design requires a mind and not simply any unguided process, then the author of he universe is also the author of the book of nature.

At WindowView we see multiple sources that reveal how a paradigm shift is needed not only in science, but theological thinking and in your everyday approach to understanding your existence, your life, and the ultimate reason you are alive … once you see unique perspectives, very detailed information, truth, and awake to he reality of who we all are and why we are here for a short lifetime, then the door to something truly eternal opens up. The shift with sound science takes us from an old and now out-of-date explanation to something incredibly eye opening and better way to see what science is revealing to us today!

To be clear, ‘Designed to the Core’ is a book full of specific info that describes the universe, galaxies, our Milky Way Galaxy, Earth, and all the way to the core … technical descriptions indeed, but unique factors that as you read the descriptions from research, exploration, and scientific discoveries all reveal how we live in an exceptional and incredibly suitable (even rare) location in the universe. In fact, so much else of the universe is not suitable for advanced life to exist, anyone who thinks life forms occupy numerous locations in the universe will see there are few options (i.e., opportunities and possibilities are so limited) outside of where we exist. You don’t need to be an astronomer or scientist to read, but the book is information rich and somewhat technical. Yet, this is well written and summaries, helpful graphics, and numerous references are clearly listed in the text.

This book and other recent titles, many of them noted in posts at this blog, all help in adding to the main reason for looking through the WindowView!


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Finishing A Must Read on Science and Theism

As the Director of WindowView and one who has examined both Science and Theistic data, I wish to convey an impression from finishing my first time reading Dr. Stephen C. Meyer’s book: “The Return of the God Hypothesis.” I’ll reread this book and in the near future, some of what is in book will add to the evidence in the WindowView site. But the ‘window’ offers multiple viewing perspectives to add to an even bigger picture—like the wider aspect of a picture window that ultimately clarifies what is coming soon to our world (whether you agree or not the evidence we have leads the way—not the web site or writings there, but what the evidence brings to us all).

First, I understand that many may simply reject he book based on the title. That would be an egregious mistake of huge proportions—simply because this book relates to authors and perspectives that span a huge range of disciplines and thought—historic and well recognized philosophic, scientific, and theistic thinkers. So, look at the title and just move on. 

The text of the book is based on a growing base of evidence, not conjecture or mere interpretation. Over time, human appreciation for what science shows can in fact develop a stronger appreciation for what is theistic.

The content addresses issues in sequence and looks at what you might simply put as pros and then considers contrary thought. The review is meant to leave essentially no stone unturned. Views you presently hold, evidence you have or have never considered, and other areas are all brought to the surface.

The conclusion of the book even considers how we all grow in this life to ask those significant questions about being—why am I, how can I figure out the answer, is there more to my just thinking in this moment—and thus relates back to how specific and complex information along with a fine tuned universe and the incredible display of life on earth are a reflection of something truly significant—design or chance, Designer or coincidence—the evidence brings clarity. 

The book reviews the significance of design in nature, physics, mathematics, start of a universe that is our home and in turn the evidence for intelligent design. However, the concept of intelligent design keeps running into critiques pointing to the idea of design comes without defining the designer. To the contrary, you are the one to think and possibly it will come to you and the answer presents itself regardless of any preconceived notion you may start with. Then think further. We all were brought into this life. I don’t recall being given the choice—I was born, have grown, am thinking, exploring, and with all the theistic and scientific data an answer appears.

You might start with the question as to whether scientific and theistic information can actually and seamlessly fit together. Specifically, do scientific journal data and the biblical text truly mesh into one consistent and comprehensive overview of our being and purpose for life? A major portion of what Dr. Meyer writes actually helps to provide perspectives providing an answer. But it is up to you to ask questions, think, and explore—your life is an opportunity to do so!

To read the book you may want to put in an online order here.

Again, WindowView brings multiple perspectives in sight and in the end the result is very well a harmony with Science and Scripture.


Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

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Boundary to Science?

What is your existence? What if you could sit in a class and just have a wide open discussion on science and see many avenues of thought open up … even leading to concepts you’d never really given much serious thought … AND then your thinking expands and the discussion is so amazing and engaging? Would you want to explore concepts that lead you to think of why or what is existence?

We strongly recommend a new book that tells a story about a college class and the classroom open ended teachings that expand the view and open to ideas and perspectives that do entertain existence in a freely open discussion!


From the book listing at Amazon:

Eric Hedin was enjoying a productive career as a physics professor at Ball State University when the letter from a militant atheist arrived and all hell broke loose. The conflict spilled first onto the pages of the local newspaper, and then into the national news. The atheist attack included threats from the Freedom from Religion Foundation, which targeted Hedin after learning his Boundaries of Science course exposed students to an evidence-based case for design and purpose in cosmology, physics, and biochemistry. Canceled Science tells the dramatic story of the atheist campaign to cancel Hedin’s course, reveals the evidence the atheists tried to bury, and explores discoveries that have revolutionized our understanding of the nature and origin of matter, space, and even time itself.

The book cover is below and you can order HERE on the internet.


Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

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The entire WindowView YouTube channel


Science Area Thesis at WindowView

Starting Fall 2014, all Window Areas have updated Overview and Thesis pages. For the Science Area the following thesis now appears with a detailed explanation:

Thesis: Looking across all scientific disciplines—including, astronomy, biology, cell biology, chemistry, evolution, genetics, geology, information theory, paleontology, and physics—the scientific evidence provides support for an intelligent coordination of events in nature. This occurs throughout the history of the universe and on earth, making possible the rapid appearance of life forms, a vast diversity and abundance of species, all to prepare the planet for human life. Life is therefore special and not by chance.

Visit the Introduction, Overview, or Thesis page to experience the full WindowView!



Losing Sight of Where We Are


Each month or more so each week NASA scientists are able to discern the existence of yet another planet or solar system in our galaxy. Over the past decade or two we have watched the Hubble telescope upgraded and the reach of this instrument gets us ever closer to the beginning of the universe. This is marvelous advancement and the images and data are awesome.

To many, the data are material evidence for humans being only a material existence in a material universe … to such thinking THIS is all there is.

At this point we could write an appeal for the non-theistic minded to be awestruck to the point of saying our knowledge of the complexity and vastness of the universe reveals the nature of an awesome intelligence, a creator, and thus open the door for God … why not reveal His being through the science information we have today.

After all, if Darwin could see Hubble images or the extreme electron microscope magnification of cell details, from animals and plants, wouldn’t that have affected his theorizing?


Sad thing is, as we see marvelous scientific discoveries, we also have news of struggles in the Middle East. Isaiah 17 decries the woes of Damascus and today we see the words come true. The tide of Arab nations also turns against Israel and that is a tell tale sign of where the world really is today. Not just a world on a planet in outer space … but a world hell bent in turmoil.

We can gather the data from our technically awesome machines … but what we really do is exhibit sin and strife. We are really living the themes, events, and predictions of the Bible. That IS where we really are! Ironically, the extremists plot and exercise their plans in the name of religion, but this too only fulfills what the Bible has reported in advance, for hundreds of years. This biblical fact is inescapable and not masked by competing texts. Think about it … sit and look out the window of your existence.

The contrast between our objective nature, to gather scientific information that truly reflects the awesome nature to our existence, is offset by the myopic and subjective nature that says the struggles foisted on the masses is in some way advancement of the human race. Struggles come through more than wars and terrorism … also through unemployment, poverty, greed, political unrest and the list goes on and on. This is where WE are. Are we a good example for the rest of the universe?

In the end, the subjective thinking will be attacking a chosen people … chosen for saving and chosen for leading the objective few to the Eternity that the Bible clearly states is ahead of us.

So, where are you today?

