The Prophet Identifies Messiah

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This post leads to a unique web site—a window that looks out on science, global change, and a scriptural harmony. Open the window, see and review, then renew what your mind can pull together! Facts on science and faith information lead to a vital opportunity of a lifetime!


Post Date: March 9, 2022

Every year Israel celebrates Passover. Each year during the Pesach seder there is a moment when the matzah is broken and the Cup of Redemption is lifted to drink wine. This breaking of bread and drinking of the cup was a new adjustment to the Pesach tradition and seems to correspond with who the Jewish Messiah is. So, who is that?

Isaiah Speaks

Of whom does the prophet Isaiah speak?

To read about the prophet Isaiah's exact words that align closely with the true identity of the Jewish Messiah, we recommend read and sharing this poster! Click on the image below! See the web page and read the WANTED poster and get the REWARD!

wanted poster

In a world of increasing chaos and confusion, peace is to be found in Messiah--for Jew and Gentile alike, this one identity rises in importance above all else.


Download the Poster (<click link)


This is one of a number of 'blog posts' that are being added page at a time. Some may appear for a long or short time but in all cases these lead to the main WindowView. If you are able to explore what appears in the window, you may have a change in you understanding of Science plus Faith. You have a unique opportunity is you open the window. The concluding pages are found in the Convergence area, but visit the 'Start Here' area to get the overall window perspective.