Second Amendment and Ignorance
About Personal Freedoms

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Post Date: July 13, 2023

The United States is undergoing polarization with very different opposing views. Some say everyone should have a gun. They say it is a right and a freedom given under the US Constitution. Is that correct?

Actually, those who say there should be more guns and everyone should have one are missing something very important! Misinterpretation of the Second Amendment is common to a polar group of persons who are biased and so very wrong in their attitudes and thoughts.

Really, is this true? Yes, because everyone needs to understand the context and the history that led up to the Constitution and the Second Amendment.

And NO, not everyone was ever intended to have a gun.

The main point to a WindowView is the goal of being objective. This requires looking at facts, information in context, and seeing what is truth. Look further (see below) and be shocked at the common misunderstanding of the reality and truth.

First make note the Bible states: “Thou shalt not kill.” (Exodus 20:13; Sixth Commandment). Owning guns and people who are angry, misinformed, and even deranged kill others. Furthermore, to really get back to a country with unity and peace refer to Leviticus 19:18 which tells us to "love your neighbor."

Second, the Second Amendment of the US Constitution is what many persons say allows them and everyone to freely own a gun. BUT people today do not know the history behind this amendment. In fact, the amendment does not support everyone freely owning a gun today! And owners that have a gun need to be documented by registration and there are limits imposed.

Take a moment to watch the YouTube video presented by Matthew Cooke. You may need to watch it more than once to fully understand the history, context, truth and the amendment (especially the original purpose of who was to own a gun and why).



Guns kill. Sick or rational, in the hands of a person who pulls a trigger there are deaths in schools, houses of worship, shopping centers, and elsewhere. Understand the real amendment and then guns need to be recalled and perhaps stored in places for national emergencies, but not so freely for personal use.

Unfortunately, many people are far from being objective when they have political leaders and National Rifle Association telling them (everyone) to go out and buy a gun. The shift in viewpoints as noted by Matthew Cooke and as noted here this has led to an era that is no longer rational but only an attempt for politicians to hold power and this is a distraction from God’s will, love, safety, and peace in the land.


This is one of a number of 'blog posts' that are being added page at a time. Some may appear for a long or short time but in all cases these lead to the main WindowView. If you are able to explore what appears in the window, you may have a change in you understanding of Science plus Faith. You have a unique opportunity is you open the window. The concluding pages are found in the Convergence area, but visit the 'Start Here' area to get the overall window perspective.