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Messianic Book List

Many of the books listed below cover topics presented in the Harmony Area. Another book listing covers sources used for the Science Area.


Highly Recommended

Topics Listed Below: Apologetics| Bible Study | Messianic Studies | Prophecy | Science & Faith | Other

-- Apologetics

The Compact Guide to World Religions. 1996. by Dean C. Halverson, General Editor ISBN 1-55661-704-6 3windows
When Skeptics Ask - A Handbook on Christian Evidences. 1990. By Norman Geisler and Ron Brooks ISBN 0-89693-766-6
[Comprehensive coverage to account for answers to the broad spectrum of a skeptic's questions—an excellent book, well grounded, sound reasoning]
4windows SkepticsAsk 
When Critics Ask - A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties. 1992. By Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe ISBN 0-89693-698-8 3windows
I'm Glad You Asked - In Depth Answers to Difficult Questions about Christianity. 1982. By Kenneth Boa and Larry Moody. ISBN 0-88207-354-0
[Flow charts and comprehensive logic directs the reader to reasoning that is constructive and conclusive]
The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict Fully Updated To Answer The Questions Challenging Christians Today. By Josh McDowell   newEvidenceVerdit
Know Why You Believe. 1988. 3rd edition. By Paul Little. ISBN 0-8308-1218-0 4windows  KnowYUBelieve
Answering Islam - The Crescent in the Light of the Cross. 1993. by Norman L. Geisler and Abdul Saleeb. ISBN 0-8010-3859-6 4windows AnswringIslm
Unapologetic Apologetics: Meeting the Challenges of Theological Studies by William A. Dembski (Editor), Jay Wesley Richards   UnapolApolgtcs

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-- Bible Study

God's Man in Babylon - The Visions and Prophecies of Daniel. 1994. By Harold A. Sevener ISBN 1882675-02-9 3windows


Footsteps of Messiah - A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events. 2003. By Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum

Newly revised edition (2020) released early 2003
Book cover on right is link to
Buy direct: contact Ariel Ministries See their book page


The NON-PROPHET'S GUIDE TO THE BOOK OF DANIEL - A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events. 2023. By Todd Hampson



The NON-PROPHET'S GUIDE TO THE BOOK OF REVELATION - A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events. 2019. By Todd Hampson 4windows


Footsteps of Messiah - A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events. 1982. By Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M., Ph.D. ISBN 0-914863-02-9

[An amazing, intense, sometimes complex book, but worth diligent study to really see the mechanics, purpose, and blessing of the Scriptures — integrates issues and themes across all the scriptures and thus reveals numerous interrelationships that exist in the text.]

Out of Print

Israel's Holy Days - In Type and Prophecy, by Daniel Fuchs. 1989. ISBN 0-87213-198-X 3windows
God's Appointed Times - A Practical Guide for Understanding and Celebrating the Biblical Holidays. New Edition. By Barney Kasdan. 4windows godsappointedtimes
Names of God. 1944. By Nathan Stone ISBN 0-8024-5854-8 3windows

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-- Messianic Studies

Jewish New Testament. 1989. Translation by David H. Stern ISBN 965-359-003-0 3windows
Jewish NT
Messianic Christology. 1998. By Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M., Ph.D. Available from Ariel Ministries, P.O. Box 3723, Tustin, CA 92781; (714) 259-4800.
[Clearly demonstrates presence of Yeshua in the Hebrew text—To see Jesus in this light reveals Jewish roots to the entire set of Scriptures]

Same but updated edition with NEW title "Ha Masiach"

messanicChristlgy HaMashiach
The Messiah in the Old Testament. 1995. Walter C. Kaiser. ISBN 0-310-20030-X 3windows

Torah Rediscovered - Challenging Centuries of Misinterpretation and Neglect. 1996. 1st edition. By Ariel and D'vorah Berkowitz ISBN 965-90104-0-0

Torah Rediscovered contains various misconceptions. The Mosaic Law has a former role that has been updated by Messiah. Appreciating the difference is captured in THE LAW Then and Now: What About Grace?

Another very helpful book on the Messianic Law is "The New Covenant Lawgiver"



The New Covenant Lawgiver: by Michael J. Vlach. This is a short text that is extemely helpful to understand the Messiah's teachings regarding the Law. Moses first received the Law for Israel, but Messiah's Law is what has application today.  
Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology. Revised edition. 1996. By Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M., Ph.D. ISBN 0-914863-05-3 [Ph.D. dissertation]  

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-- Prophecy & Related

After the Rapture - An End Times Guide to Survival. 2022. Dr. David Jeremiah
[On the back of the book is the following: "Nothing is more important for you right now than understanding the implications of the Rapture because it is the catalyst for all the following events that are coming ... " And this all relates to what was written up by Hal Lindsey in his writings about "There's A New world Coming" and further in more detail in the Footsteps book.]
4windows Rapture
There's A New World Coming. 1973 (and later editions to 1984). Hal Lindsey ISBN 0-553-24555-4
[Note: the text of the 1973 edition is overall out of date, however, the passage-by-passage study brings out certain timeless aspects of the Bible's prophetic text, especially helpful for the discussion on church ages from start to present. AND still, sme of what was seemingly out of date is again possible due to current developments!]
The New Money System. 1982. By Mary Stewart Relfe, Ph.D. ISBN 0-9607986-1-7  
The Creator's Window - Viewing Global Change, Universal timelines & The Promise. 2000. by Todd Peterson, Ph.D. - Available here at the Window View Download Page and in the outline pages of the Second Feature Area 4windows


Unholy War -- The Truth Behind the Headlines - America, Israel, and Radical Islam. 2001. Randall Price. ISBN 0-7369-0823-4 4windows

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-- Science and Faith

Being a Christian In Science. 1997. By Walter R. Hearn, Ph.D. ISBN 0-8308-1898-7  
Scientists of Faith - Forty-Eight Biographies of Historic Scientists and Their Christian Faith. 1996. By Dan Graves. ISBN 0-8254-2724-X  
Christian Interpretations of Genesis 1: Scholar of science and theology, Vern Poythress, examines which of the contemporary interpretations of Genesis are most consistent with scientific evidence and careful biblical interpretation. He presents the case for young–earth creationism, mature creation, the day–age theory, the analogical–day theory, and the framework hypothesis to see which of them stand up to scrutiny.  
SEVEN DAYS - That Divide The World: John Lennox provides several (biblical and scientific) perspectives on the origin on space and time. Dr. Lennox is an excellent apologist, mathematician, and scholar and easy to read but detailed account.  
Why Religion Matters: The Fate of the Human Spirit in an Age of Disbelief. 2001. by Huston Smith.  

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-- Other Titles of Interest

Redeeming Creation - The Biblical Basis for Environmental Stewardship. 1996. By Fred Van Dyke, David C. Mahan, Joseph K. Sheldon, and Raymond H. Brand. ISBN 0-8308-1872-3  
The Apocrypha. 1989. Translated by Edgar J. Goodspeed ISBN 0-679-72452-4  
Storm Warning. [Deceptive Evil Looms on the Horizon] 1992. By Billy Graham ISBN 0-913367-22-2 4windows
storm warning
Walking the Bible - A Journey by Land Through the Books of Moses. 2001. By Bruce Feiler. ISBN 0-380-97775-3 3windows
The Gold of Exodus: The Discovery of the True Mount Sinai. By Howard Blum.  
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The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God
by Lee Strobel
Complete Jewish Bible  

Hebrew Christianity: Its Theology, History, and Philosophy
by Arnold Fruchtenbaum

Click book cover image to buy new.

Use this link to find used copy.

Jesus Was a Jew
by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum


Downlad the PDF (free)


The Kingdom of the Cults
by Walter Martin

Also 2020 Handbook: The Kingdom of the Cults Handbook: Quick Reference Guide to Alternative Belief Systems


Why Believe?: Exploring the Honest Questions of Seekers
by Greg Laurie
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-- Other Publications of Interest

Messianic Times - World's Only International Messianic Jewish Newspaper - Published quarterly. The Messianic Times, Inc., PO Box 1770, Niagara Falls, NY 14302. This is a 501(C)3 non-profit ministry. (905) 685-4072.

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