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1600s to 1880s CE

1648 CE


Sixth Church Age

Philadelphia ( 1648 - 1900 ) Missionary Movement

[As opposed to the dates offered by A. Fruchtenbaum above, Lindsey sets this age from 1750 to 1925]

Commendation given concerning this church and the related church age: ''...are commended for making use of the open door. ...the Philadelphians were faithful in making use of the open door. During the period of 1700 - 1900 there was virtually no place where a missionary could not go. Every place was open to them. today, more and more countries are closing their doors to missionaries. But during those two centuries there were virtually no limitations.''

Condemnation given: None!

(Quotations from Fruchtenbaum)


Concerning the long range implications of this church age:
''This was the great missionary era of the Church. Believers awakened to the millions who had never heard the name of Jesus, and many missionary movements began during this period. The China Inland Mission, the Student Volunteer Movement, and the Salvation Army were typical of the sacrificial enterprises reaching a vast cross-section of unevangelized peoples.

During this period the Church sensed its need for spiritual revival when God sent men like Wesley, Whitefield, Edwards, Finney, Spurgeon, and Moody (to name a few) across England and America. Revivals swept across the English-speaking countries and out of this great spiritual awakening rose many universities and churches dedicated to Messiah.

Unfortunately, missionary zeal began to wane after World War I, and though some evangelistic movements continued to flourish, many of the schools and churches that arose during this era have long since abandoned the Christian heritage.
The Philadelphia type of church is still present in the world and it will be here until the Rapture, but it is not the dominant force in the professing Christian church today.'' (Quotation from Lindsey)

1652 CE Imperial German Academy of Naturalists founded (G)

1654 CE Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat state theory of probability (G)

1658 CE Robert Hooke, naturalist and philosopher, invents balance spring for watches (G)

1661 CE Robert Boyle: ''The Skeptical Chymist,'' with definition of chemical elements (G)

1663 CE John Newton discovers binomial theorem (G)

1665 CE ''Philosophical Transactions'' first scientific journal in England

Isaac Newton experiments on gravitation; invents differential calculus (G)


Are Two Church Ages Combined?25
Church Ages - Are the Last Two Combined?

1648 CE Sabbatai Zevi (1626 - 1676), self-proclaimed Messiah, founds a Jewish sect (G)

1655 CE Oliver Cromwell readmits Jews into England (G)

1668 CE Joseph Glanvill: ''Plus ultra, or Progress of Knowledge since Aristotle'' (G)

1673 CE French explorers Marquette and Joliet reach headwaters of Mississippi River (G)

1675 CE German astronomer Olaus Romer discovers the finite velocity of light (G)

1681 CE Academy of Sciences, Moscow, founded (G)

1697 CE Daniel Defoe: ''An Essay Upon Projects,'' recommending income tax (G)



1670 CE Spinoza: ''Tractus theoloico-politicus'' (G)

1671 CE First Bible edition in Arabic (G)

1684 CE 93 Jewish families expelled from Bordeaux (G)

1693 CE Secret society, Knights of the Apocalypse, founded in Italy to defend the church against the antichrist (G)

1703 CE Isaac Newton elected President of the Royal Society (G)

Science Turns Towords the Technical29
Science Turns Towards the Technical

1710 CE Jakob Christoph Le Blon invents three-color printing (G)

1714 CE D. G. Fahrenheit, constructs mercury thermometer with temperature scale (G)


1716 CE Christian religious teaching prohibited in China (G)

1719 CE Jesuits expelled from Russia (G)

1728 CE James Bradley discovers aberration of light of fixed stars (G)

1729 CE Stephen Gray discovers that some bodies are conductors and some nonconductors of electricity (G)

Relatively Speaking, Religion goes quietly on.30
Relatively Speaking, Religion goes quietly on
and Science is in full swing for now.

1731 CE John Hadley invents quadrant for use at sea (G)

1735 CE Linnaeus: ''Systema naturae''

Benoit de Maillet (1656 - 1738): ''Telliamed,'' evolutionary hypothesis (G)

1736 CE manufacture of glass begins in Venice (G)

1738 CE Daniel Bernoulli: ''Hydrodynamica,'' pressure and velocity of fluids (G)



1734 CE The Koran translated into English by George Sale (G)

John Wesley writes his ''Journals'' (to 1790) (G)

1740 CE Berlin Academy of Sciences founded (G)

1742 CE Swiss astronomer Anders Celsius invents centigrade thermometer (G)

1747 CE Benjamin Franklin: ''Plain Truth'' (G)

1748 CE David Hume: ''Philosophical Essays Concerning Human Understanding'' (G)



1743 CE Pogoms in Russia (persecution of Jews) (G)

1747 CE Gilbert West: ''Observations on the Resurrection''(G)

1750 CE Johann Tobias Mayer: ''Map of the Moon'' (G)

1752 CE Benjamin Franklin invents the lightning conductor (G)

1755 CE Immanuel Kant's doctoral thesis: ''The True Measure of Forces'' (G)


1750 CE Baal Shem (1699 - 1760) founds Jewish sect of Chassidim in Carpathian mountain region (G)

1753 CE England - Act of Parliament permits naturalization of Jews (G)

1764 CE James Watt invents condenser, first step toward steam engine (G)

1766 CE Henry Cavendish discovers hydrogen is less dense than air (G)

1768 CE New criminal code, on humanist principles, introduced in Austria (G)



1767 CE Jesuits expelled from Spain, Parma, and the Two Sicilies (G)

1771 CE Encyclopedia Britannica, first edition (G)

Luigi Galvani discovers electrical nature of nervous impulse

1772 CE Daniel Rutherford and Joseph Priestley independently discover nitrogen (G)

1775 CE J.C. Fabricius: ''Systema entomologiae,'' classification of insects

James Watt perfects his invention of the steam engine (G)

1777 CE C.A. Coulomb invents torsion balance

Lavoisier proves air consists mainly of oxygen and nitrogen (G)


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1780 CE American Academy of Sciences founded at Boston (G)

1781 CE Kant: ''Critique of Pure Reason,'' fundamental work of modern philosophy (G)

1789 CE Antonie Jussieu: ''Genera plantarum.'' modern classification of plants (G)


1790 CE First patent law in U.S.

Lavoisier: ''Table of Thirty-One Chemical Elements.'' (G)

1794 CE Erasmus Darwin: ''Zoonomia, or the Laws of Organic Life.'' (G)

First telegraph, Paris - Lille (G)

1796 CE G.L.C. Cuvier founds the science of comparative zoology.


1790 CE Jews in France granted civil liberties (G)

1800 CE A. Volta produces electricity from cell: first battery of zinc and copper plates (G)

1802 CE John Dalton introduces atomic theory into chemistry

Gottfried Treviranus coins term ''biology'' (G)

1803 CE Robert Fulton propels a boat by steam power (G)

1809 CE Lamarck: ''Systeme des animaux sans vertebres.'' (G)


1804 CE British and Foreign Bible Society founded in London (G)

1811 CE Amadeo Avogadro: hypothesis of the molecular composition of gases.

1815 CE Lamer: ''Histoire naturelle Des animaux.'' (G)


1812 CE Jews in Prussia emancipated (Hardenberg reforms) (G)

1821 CE Faraday discovers fundamentals of electromagnetic rotation. (G)

1823 CE British medical journal ''The Lancet'' first issued (G)1827 CE J.J. Audubon: ''Birds of North America.'' (G) George S. Ohm formulates Ohm's Law, defining electrical current potential and resistance. (G)

1829 CE James Smithson bequeaths 100,000 British pounds to found Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. (G)


1827 CE John Darby founds the Plymouth Brethren (G)

1830 CE Robert Brown discovers the cell nucleus in plants. (G)

Charles Lyell divides the geological system into three groups which he names eocene, miocene, and pliocene. (G)1831 CE Charles Darwin sails as naturalist on ''H.M.S. Beagle'' to South America and New Zealand. (G)Faraday carries out experiments demonstrating discovery of electromagnetic induction. (G)1834 CE Cyrus Hall McCormick patents reaping machine. (G)1836 CE Asa Gray: ''Elements of Botany'' first botanical textbook. (G)

K.F. Schimper begins researches into Pleistocene epoch. (G)



1830 CE The religious society of Mormons or Latterday Saints, founded by Joseph Smith and his friends at Fayette, NY. (G)

[See article on scientific problems with Book of Mormon text]

1840 CE Liebig discovers the fundamentals of artificial fertilizer. (G)

1842 CE Crawford Long uses ether to produce surgical anesthesia. (G)1843 CE J.P. Joule determines the amount of work required to produce a unit of heat (mechanical equivalent of heat). (G)1844 CE S.F.B. Morse's telegraph used for the first time between Baltimore and Washington. (G)

1848 CE ''Communist Manifesto'' issued by Marx and Engels. (G)



1846 CE Brigham Young leads Mormons from Nauvoo City, IL., to Great Salt Lake, UT. (G) [See article on scientific problems with Book of Mormon text]

1850 CE Rudolf Clausius formulates second law of thermodynamic,s and kinetic theory of gases. (G)

1852 CE Herbert Spencer: ''The Development Hypothesis'' (first use of word ''evolution''). (G)1853 CE Alexander Wood uses hypodermic syringe for subcutaneous injections. (G)1854 CE Heirich Goebel invents first form of electric light bulb. (G)1856 CE N. Pringsheim observes sperm entering ovum in plants. (G)1857 CE Pasteur proves fermentation is caused by living organisms. (G)

1858 CE T.H. Huxley: ''The Theory of the Vertebrate Skulls'' (G)


A Dawning of Global Change31
A Dawning of Global Change


1858 CE The Blessed Virgin Mary reputed to have appeared to Bernadette Soubirous (1844-1879) at Lourdes, France (G)

Lionel de Rothschild becomes first Jewish member of British Parliament (G)

But as is now being recognized, the evolutionary tree and underlying principles used to justify Darwinian evolution are not consistent with current evidence. See our section on Science in relation to the following topics: Darwin - Evolution
Intelligent Design
Irreducibly Complex
Cambrian Explosion

Charles Darwin publishes ''Origin of Species by Natural Selection''
1859 CE

1859 CE Karl Marx: ''Critique of Political Economy'' (G)

J.S. Mill: ''Essay on Liberty'' (G)

Anthropological Society, Paris, founded (G)

First oil well drilled at Titusville, PA (G)


Huxley (1825-1895) exclaimed that fossil record is proof of Darwin's theory.

Huxley: ''Considerations on Representative Government'' (G)

Thomas Henry Huxley

1860 CE

1860 CE Lenoir constructs first practical internal-combustion engine (G)

1861 CE Archaeopteryx: skeleton of link between reptile and bird discovered at Solnhofen, Germany,; now at the British Museum (G)

T.S. Mort builds first machine-chilled cold storage unit (G)

1862 CE Lion Foucault successfully measures the speed of light (G)

R.J. Gatling constructs 10-barrel gun (G)

Julius Sachs demonstrates that starch is produced by photosynthesis (G)

1863 CE Huxley: ''Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature'' (G)

J.S. Mill: ''Utilitarianism'' (G)

Natl. Academy of Sciences founded, Washington, DC (G)

1864 CE Pasteur invents pasteurization (G)

1865 CE Atlantic cable completed (G)

MIT founded (G)

Gregor Mendel enunciates his Law of Heredity (G)

1866 CE Alfred Nobel invents dynamite (G)

1868 CE Charles Darwin: ''The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication'' (G)

Ernst Haekel: ''Natural History of Creation'' (G)

Skeleton of Cro-Magnon man from Upper Paleolithic age (first Homo sapiens in Europe, successor of Neanderthal man) found in France


1860 CE Russian Orthodox Church establishes monastery in Jerusalem (G)

1864 CE Syllabus Errorum issued by Pope Pius IX: condemns Liberalism, Socialism, and Rationalism (G)

1866 CE Jews become a majority in Jerusalem

1869 CE Meeting of First Vatican Council-Cardinal Manning advocates a definition of papal infallibility (G)


1871 CE Charles Darwin: ''The Descent of Man'' (G)

1872 CE Wm. Thomson, later Lord Kelvin, invents a machine by which ships can take accurate soundings while at sea (G)

J.C. Maxwell: ''Electricity and Magnetism'' (G)

Gunsmith firm of E. Remington and Sons begins to produce typewriters

1876 CE A.G. Bell invents telephone

Robert Koch discovers anthrax bacillus

1877 CE Edison invents phonograph

1879 CE Fahlberg and Remser discover saccharin

London's first telephone exchange established (G)


1870 CE First Vatican Council promulgates the dogma of papal infallibility (G)

1871 CE Jehovah's Witnesses founded (G)

1875 CE Mary Baker Eddy: ''Science and Health'' (G)

1878 CE German historian Heinrich Treitschke begins racial anti-Semite movement (G)

1879 CE Mary Baker Eddy becomes pastor of Church of Christ Scientist, Boston (G)

1880 CE T.A. Edison and J.W. Swan independently devise first practical electric lights

1885 CE Karl Benz builds single-cylinder engine for motor car

Geo. Eastman manufactures coated photographic paper (G)

1886 CE E. von Bergmann uses steam to sterilize surgical instruments (G)

1888 CE Eastman perfects ''Kodak'' box camera (G)


1880s CE 'Lovers of Zion' movement initiated in Russia early in this decade. The group's goal was to establish a homeland in Palestine... because it is there that the Jews were promised a Land and given the Land by God through Abraham. See Abrahamic Covenant

1881 CE Persecution of Jews in Russia (G)

1884 CE Divorce reestablished in France

1885 CE Mormons split into polygamous and monogamous sections (G) [See article on scientific problems with Book of Mormon text]

1889 CE Huxley: ''Agnosticism'' (G)

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WindowView TimeLine
 References:  - click panel tab below to see more ...
SOURCES, Citations, and Reference listing.
TimeLine References:
  • Various sources were used to develop this time line. Where possible dates are cross checked or events are placed in relative position. Many of the dates used above come from the following references:
  • Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M., Ph.D.1982. Footsteps of Messiah - A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events. (Fruchtenbaum)
  • Ayers, Ed. 1999. God's Last Offer - Negotiating for a Sustainable Future. (A)
  • Fruchtenbaum, Arnold G., Th.M., Ph.D.1982. Footsteps of Messiah - A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events. (Fruchtenbaum) (New edition 2003)
  • Graham, Billy. 1992. Storm Warning. Published by: W Publishing Group (formerly Word Publishing)
  • Grun, Bernard. 1991. The Timetables of History - A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events. New Third Revised Edition. Based on Werner Stein's Kulturfahrplan. A Touchstone Book:New York. (G)
  • Ice, T., and R. Price. 1989. Ready to Rebuild — The Imminent Plant to Rebuild the Last Days Temple. (IP)
  • (Info)
  • H. Lindsey. 1973. There's A New World Coming. Bantam Books. (Lindsey)
  • Randall Price. 2001 Unholy War. (P)
  • Dr. G. Schroeder with Z. Levitt. Genesis One. Levitt Ministries (see note in graphic box at top of this table for details).
  • SciNews: Science News is a science news weekly generally obtained by subscription, also see:
  • Web (Internet): Occasionally we find what appear as reliable, but formally unpublished, sources on the Internet. As such these entries remain to be fully confirmed. In many cases this information is found to agree with the remainder of the timeline and the published sources used here.
  • Zondervan Corporation. 1985. The NIV Study Bible. Zondervan Bible Publishers:Grand Rapids.

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