The Gospel
The Gospel — For All Humanity
Many places within the WindowView refer to an opportunity and a vital decision regarding your life and the future—this is the place within the window to consider how to make the decision.
The following is in plain language, thus an easy to read set of thoughts that address how making a certain decision forms a relationship with the Messiah, with God, and leads to an eternal future beyond the life you experience today.
Read each point presented here and take time to think about how this applies to you.
Opportunity: Go through the following steps. This leads to accepting a relationship with the God of the Scriptures. To embrace this relation assures life in the Kingdom that is to come after the end of this age of humanity’s present life on Earth.
Question: Will you accept the good news—that is the Gospel—and thus a change in heart and mind?
Quick WindowView Review:
A look at Change helps to reflect on what is going on in the world today and what the Scriptures describe as what humanity will soon experience.
Science information has many impressions on people, but recent evidence has been extremely helpful to indicate life is incredibly unique and is by design.
Harmony is a term that applies to all Jewish and Gentile persons, especially when understanding there is a Chosen People who have a purpose to witness to all nations about who is the God of Israel and what relationship can be gained now for a future that goes beyond today’s life experience.
A Timeline helps to review the past leading to the present and then adds an outline of future events as detailed in the writings of Daniel, John, and other writers of the Hebrew and Greek texts that form the network of scriptural texts.
Now you are at the Convergence Area and the point of making a vital decision.
What is Simply Noted as the Good News:
When going back into the Scriptures the good news encompasses a number of key features that include gaining a relationship with the Messiah, with the God of Israel, and two added stages to existence. Once humanity gets past the tribulation—known as the End Times—there is the promise of a millennial Kingdom with the Messiah sitting on the throne as King. A following event is an opening of the universe to Eternity Future and a brief description of what to expect. Again, if understanding current life is by design and simply more unique that just by natural causes, then the Kingdom and eternal future are realistic.
If you accept the Gospel, you are accepting all features to the Good News!
Note: There are three links listed below for videos that help explain the Gospel in terms of "The Promise," "Salvation," and "Atonement." These help to explain further all aspects of the Gospel.
How to consider and accept the Gospel:
1 - No matter where you are in a lifetime, first take some time to think over what you have seen and done over time—up to today.
2 - Recognize there are many different religions and approaches to human beliefs and perhaps there is only one way that is the correct way forward.
3 - After reading, talking, and getting a basic understanding of the biblical storyline, why there is an Israel, and then be introduced to the understanding that a Messiah is not just another human but someone special in multiple ways. This is clearly affirmed with a reading of one or more of the four Gospels (Books written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)
4 - Recognize that the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanach; Old Testament) and the Greek biblical Scriptures (Brit Chadeshah; New Testament) link together with a solid network of information that affirms who the Messiah is and that as the Lamb of God He made a sacrifice that lead to death, being buried, then a significant rising up by resurrection to affirm exactly what is valid for humans to believe and have a change of mind (i.e. repentance). The resurrection is difficult for some to believe, but read the Scriptures and take a look at the references listed below. •
Identification of he Messiah is addressed by Dr. Fruchtenbaum in the Reference listed below. He does this by way of the Hebrew Scriptures.
5 - The Gospel is simply defined as what the Messiah taught before the resurrection. •
Scripture reference: Mark 1:14-15. (Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”) •
Scripture reference: Romans 1:16. (For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. NKJV)
6 - To accept the Gospel is to understand an internal transformation within us is by a change in mind and a move forward knowing that forgiveness for sins is now present in life •
Videos with a Jewish and Gentile presenter who address the Gospel and also repentance are listed below.
7 - One option is to sit alone and pray. Specifically that is an internal conversation with God and a time to help put the past behind and then move forward in faith—in a relationship with the Messiah and God. This is an opportunity to confess sins in that personal conversation.
8 - To repent (change mind) impacts the way one lives and opens the understanding to grace, faith, and what salvation is with respect to being included in the group of believers who will enter the Kingdom of God and have eternal life.
9 - If encouraged to be baptized simply recognize that act, being prayed over, and submersed in water is essentially an outward sign of what has changed internally. This is a moment of personal recognition of that inward change.
10 - Next, continue to study, learn, repent again if need be to correct something that ran into a sin, and keep in mind the change and know salvation was kept in place even as you live the remainder of this lifetime.
11 - The steps above should also lead to daily readings of the Scriptures, growing in faith, participating in worship services, and joining with other believers in fellowship activities.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3::16)
Gospel Support | ||
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The Promise | Atonement | Salvation |
Jewish and Gentile Perspectives Helping Understanding of the Gospel | ||
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List of References:
Identity of the Messiah:
How to identify he Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures: “Ha-Mashiach,” by Arnold Fruchenbaum
Medical Articles and Book About Messiah, crucifixion, and resurrection:
Physical Death of Jesus Christ JAMA1986 (online link or online full article or PDF to download here)
Medical theories on the cause of death in crucifixion - PMC (online link)
“The Crucifixion of Jesus—A Medical Doctor Examines the Death and Resurrection of Christ,” Joseph W. Bergeron, M.D. online link

Time spent looking ... through a window on life and choice ... brings the opportunity to see in a new light. The offer for you to Step Up To Life is presented on many of the web pages at WindowView. Without further explanation we offer you the steps here ... knowing that depending on what you have seen or may yet explore in the window ... these steps will be the most important of your life ...