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The Gospel – Science and Faith Based

The unique opportunity in life is to make a most significant decision. This page is about that opportunity. What you decide leads to life’s conclusion or life everlasting.

Science and Scripture

Science is an area of human endeavor to collect data, measurements, observations and thus information that relates to the universe, all accessible within, and what we can learn. In recent decades, as is noted here within the WindowView and other sources, science information points to evidence for design in nature and thus the product of mind and not matter. What does matter is the mind belongs to a Designer of all within the universe. That opens the door to understanding that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob fits the role of Designer.

A deeper study of Scripture reveals an incredible integration of information across 66 books written by multiple authors from Israel. Once sufficiently studied, the appearance of the Jewish Messiah starts in the very first book of Scripture (Genesis 3:15) and from there is identified in subtle references or solid citations throughout the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures.

The Gospel

You were born a naked being—you arrived with nothing in hand. Through time and experience and study you have gained some understanding of what life is. From the sources noted above, you are not here by chance. Life has a purpose and that may simply be a focus on you making a choice. Messiah states a promise if you so choose to accept Him, what He came to Israel to accomplish, and the fact the promise of eternal life is open to all Jewish and Gentile persons.

Messiah came, as a servant and teacher interacted with Israel, encountered what He expected through rejection, expected to be crucified, and stated He would arise from dead to conquer death and illustrate His offer to all who embraced a relationship with Him.

In many cases when a congregation is assembled and the leader calls on those who want to be assured of salvation, there is a time of prayer. Unfortunately, one step before that prayer is the necessity to address one’s sins in a life leading up to the moment of desiring salvation ands thus to be safe and saved for the eternal life to come.

Repentance and seeking forgiveness is an important step in accepting the gospel, also known as the good news. When one repents, acknowledges failures in the past, the door opens anew and life even in this lifetime takes on a new spirit and renewed meaning.

Simply put:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

The WindowView offers evidence from science and a Messianic perspective (with Jewish roots and references to Israel and believing in Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah).

If you have studied, learned the validity of both science and scriptural evidences and wish to accept the gospel, accept the good news that transcends being simply a natural and material person in this life, then seeking another person who will communicate, share, and understand you wanting to confess, repent, and then you pray to accept the relationship with Messiah, with Adonai, and the promise the gospel offers, then you will have made the most important decision and taken the vital step to obtain life everlasting.

Step Up To Life

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For a general listing of books, visit the WindowView Book Page for: Science and Scripture .

Step Up To Life

Time spent looking ... through a window on life and choice ... brings the opportunity to see in a new light. The offer for you to Step Up To Life is presented on many of the web pages at WindowView. Without further explanation we offer you the steps here ... knowing that depending on what you have seen or may yet explore in the window ... these steps will be the most important of your life ...
Step Up To Life