NOTE: The Pastor says: “The Devil is the father of lies” and that implies a political leader who lies will deceive, disappoint, discourage, corrupt, even start a coup, and yet when the shofar sounds and the rapture happens, liars will be left behind. 

John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Which leader tells the truth, has a sense of what is moral, merciful, and supportive of who he/she represents?

Who will be allowed into the Holy Place and who will be left on
Earth for a terrible time of tribulation?


Do you want to understand more about what is within the window to view your life:


Also within the window to view your life:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel



To be objective means to look at information, current events, and come to conclusions that avoid false assumptions, bias, or misguided opinions. has a goal of pulling multiple perspectives into view—mainly based on Science and Scripture. 

If you take a look, can you see the direction humanity is headed today? 

Here are a few thoughts on change in the world today—and ask yourself what the future holds.

First, in 2022, a world leader insulted a neighboring nation by invasion, killing citizens, and destroying jobs, homes, schools, and economy. This one person’s decision is padded with lies and a false motive for personal gain and historical reptation. A world leader who lies violates God’s will, as seen by reading the entirety of Proverbs 6 (but especially verses 12 to 19, where lying is specified as one of seven issues the Lord hates!). And these verses tell us what ultimately will become of a leader who lies, deceives, and resists truth, harmony, and humility. And note that the Bible speaks to is there will one day be “wars and rumors of war,” and now we see that is TODAY. One is at war, others are threatening war.

Second, concerning climate change, links to several newer sources have been added to the Window’s Change section. While we recognize climate change denial occurs, typically this is due to political, philosophic, economic, or simply a lack of objectivity. But the data, studies, and ongoing observations all reveal change is real. We also recognize that multiple change factors are going to continually stress humanity and reveal how nations and cultures prevent the possible long-term survival of humanity.  Survival on Earth is in jeopardy! The United Nations is a place to see how un-united humanity really is! Click on the image below and take a look at the reports linked at this WindowView page. And you can click on the image below to read the WindowView Thesis on Change!

Third, regarding change and a biblical view, we have recommended a specific book regarding the timeline and events that lead to the end of this age. Students who read all the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures are able to assemble all the pieces (past events and future events in passages of prophecy). In fact, a man named Daniel wrote a text some five hundred years before the Jewish Messiah arrived. In that text was a timeline date indicating exactly when the Messiah would appear a first time. But beyond that, Daniel describes events yet to come. Then some six hundred years later a man named John wrote another text that surprisingly compliments Daniel’s writings. The two texts are like puzzle pieces that are needed to complete the overall big picture. These two writings illustrate a Harmony that if you take time to look and explore then your eyes and heart will be opened like never before.

And the real question is: “What will you decide about your life and the future?”

Is there more to life than living today?

The short answer is: “Yes (and there is a promise in Scripture that affirms there is more to this life)!”

Explore the Window Harmony and seek the Promise! 

In recent time updates are starting to appear in various places across the WindowView web site. This will continue into the near future because so much new information needs to be added and older out-of-date material needs to be dropped or entirely modified. Incredibly, the original intent of WindowView only gets more and more validated by new developments in the realms of science and scripture.


Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:


Life’s Choice

Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:

Home Page and General Intro

Science Area

Change Area

Harmony Area


The entire WindowView YouTube channel
