End Times Now Underway?

Opinion or Fact?

Watch the news. Tune into a second and third news source. See a pattern in what is being reported?

Ask yourself, do world leaders, their countries, even all of humanity work toward a global coordination to help the longevity of life on Earth? Humans, animals, plants, all life depends on stewardship, love of life, loving each other, and looking to sustain life on Earth. But what is happening around the globe today?

Where a leadership builds weapons of mass destruction, flies rockets over neighbor nations, seeks power by invasion of neighbors, and threats of taking future military action occurs … engaged in battles today that kill neighbors or fellow citizens … this is all evidence for a lack of love and no vision for an Earth sustaining advanced life for generation after generation.

And today, what you see is EVIDENCE FOR ARRIVING at the END TIMES.

Scientists would say we need to work together around the globe to counter climate change and preserve the earthly environment for all species to survive. And that’s good intentions. But the END TIMES events will press in on human life … politics, nationalism, power, material gain … forcing a truth and revealing what biblical prophecy has already foretold … and not assure any type of natural and material future. How do you respond to this … today?

End times is the end of this era of human history. The chronology of future events is already described in the biblical account of what to expect in the future … unless, in reality, the future is now upon us.

A world leader who tells his country to invade, kill, destroy, and disrupt the neighboring people’s home … is a world leader who is sin and an enemy to the One who gives us life. Psychologically sick, arrogant, and distorted in values … look, see, identify with ease those world leaders who today are taking us to the End of This Age … because of them … we have arrived at the END TIMES.

Then ask yourself: “Where can I read about what the end times brings to humanity and the Earth?”

Director, windowview.org

P.S. And every day while you live there is an opportunity to …

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Lawless World Leaders

There is currently an invasion by one country upon another. The invasion is basically the action of one leader who heads the invasion. The invading country is made up of citizens who include secular and religious peoples. Some head to the front lines of conflict and fire weapons that kill people, destroy homes, businesses, hospitals, schools, and other locations.

Take notice, we have all been warned that one day we would see the escalation of lawlessness. 

Today, lawless leaders are more evident than ever—both in promoting wars and ignoring the will of many citizens, and by their own will corrupt government. Lawlessness also comes in both the religious and secular spheres. Yes, the political leader in a current waring nation definitely does not listen to religious leaders. Religious leaders (those that say they follow the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) who do not oppose war are also equally corrupt and lawless (read further for the discrete details that apply here). Overall, this corrupts humanity, peace, and the will and intent of the One who has given us life in the first place.

Love versus Lawlessness

For persons who do not read the Bible the idea that we have been encouraged to think (to discern truth) and also warned may be out of sight. Take a moment and open your eyes and think about what you see today. Take a moment to reflect on the following basic points that this blog post highlights:

1) We are warned that toward the end of this age there will be wars and rumors of wars.

2) Lawlessness will be on the increase.

The following quotation is from the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Brit Chadeshah (i.e., New Covenant recorded by the Jewish writer in the Greek text) and is commonly entitled under the heading of “Signs of the End of the Age.” (Matthew 24: 3-14):

“As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”


The WindowView promotes taking a look at science and Scripture—and this applies to all Jewish and Gentile peoples. The science information reveals we are not alive by chance, but we are the product of mind and design (see the WindowView Science section for details). 

Within Scripture the English word ‘Christ’ should be properly stated as ‘Messiah’ (from the Hebrew for ‘anointed one’) and the people who accept the Messiah for who He truly is need especially adhere to a primary and most fundamental concept … love. Wars and lawlessness are not love. 

From the Torah: Leviticus 19:18 “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.” (NIV)

The same comes from the mouth of the Messiah Yeshua (Hebrew name); i.e., from Messiah’s Law: Matthew 19:19 “Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’”” (NIV)

Some Conclusions to Consider

There are some supposed ‘religious people’ who follow lawless leaders and the net effect is being biased, worldly, distracted from truth and non-discerning for what the Scriptures clearly state. Even peoples who have ignored and not read the Scriptures have a sense between what is righteous and what is wrongful … and if more discerning they might visit the overall context described in the Hebrew and Greek biblical texts. Life gives us all that opportunity.

The lawless leader is cold, self serving, not loving, not making comfort, nor peace or fostering great relations with neighbors, thus that person is headed to an eternal order of separation and condemnation. And that leader also leads many of his followers into what is called the eternal order of hell. So why follow that leader?

If there is truth to there being an end of an age, then what comes next? Do you choose love or do you prefer hell (in this life and thus in eternity to come)? Do you follow religious leaders who focus on politics and false leaders (and thus not love nor seek the wisdom delivered by the Lord)? Do you see peace or are you witnessing ‘nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” in the world today?

Beyond social media, politics, materialism, distractions from truth, you being alive today, you can still think, discern, and seek wisdom. The ultimate law is love (and giving your heart, strength, mind to the Lord) and that points to an age yet to come.

Director, WindowView.org

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To be objective means to look at information, current events, and come to conclusions that avoid false assumptions, bias, or misguided opinions. WindowView.org has a goal of pulling multiple perspectives into view—mainly based on Science and Scripture. 

If you take a look, can you see the direction humanity is headed today? 

Here are a few thoughts on change in the world today—and ask yourself what the future holds.

First, in 2022, a world leader insulted a neighboring nation by invasion, killing citizens, and destroying jobs, homes, schools, and economy. This one person’s decision is padded with lies and a false motive for personal gain and historical reptation. A world leader who lies violates God’s will, as seen by reading the entirety of Proverbs 6 (but especially verses 12 to 19, where lying is specified as one of seven issues the Lord hates!). And these verses tell us what ultimately will become of a leader who lies, deceives, and resists truth, harmony, and humility. And note that the Bible speaks to is there will one day be “wars and rumors of war,” and now we see that is TODAY. One is at war, others are threatening war.

Second, concerning climate change, links to several newer sources have been added to the Window’s Change section. While we recognize climate change denial occurs, typically this is due to political, philosophic, economic, or simply a lack of objectivity. But the data, studies, and ongoing observations all reveal change is real. We also recognize that multiple change factors are going to continually stress humanity and reveal how nations and cultures prevent the possible long-term survival of humanity.  Survival on Earth is in jeopardy! The United Nations is a place to see how un-united humanity really is! Click on the image below and take a look at the reports linked at this WindowView page. And you can click on the image below to read the WindowView Thesis on Change!

Third, regarding change and a biblical view, we have recommended a specific book regarding the timeline and events that lead to the end of this age. Students who read all the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures are able to assemble all the pieces (past events and future events in passages of prophecy). In fact, a man named Daniel wrote a text some five hundred years before the Jewish Messiah arrived. In that text was a timeline date indicating exactly when the Messiah would appear a first time. But beyond that, Daniel describes events yet to come. Then some six hundred years later a man named John wrote another text that surprisingly compliments Daniel’s writings. The two texts are like puzzle pieces that are needed to complete the overall big picture. These two writings illustrate a Harmony that if you take time to look and explore then your eyes and heart will be opened like never before.

And the real question is: “What will you decide about your life and the future?”

Is there more to life than living today?

The short answer is: “Yes (and there is a promise in Scripture that affirms there is more to this life)!”

Explore the Window Harmony and seek the Promise! 

In recent time updates are starting to appear in various places across the WindowView web site. This will continue into the near future because so much new information needs to be added and older out-of-date material needs to be dropped or entirely modified. Incredibly, the original intent of WindowView only gets more and more validated by new developments in the realms of science and scripture.

Director, WindowView.org

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War Machines and Future Holocaust … The Inevitable? Yeah!

EXCEPTS from watch.org gleaned from the web and relayed here come to you with our notion that war machines are gearing up.  These are either movements of force or actual machines at the ready.  And in the midst of the reporting we have Israelis saying another Holocaust may yet come. Technology will kill, but people and their bias and hatred do the killing. How does the Bible link all this together.  First, prophecy has Gentiles at each others’ throats … deposing and waring with each other.  Further still nations hell bent on destroying Israel is simply of biblical proportion!  YOU have to be BLIND not to see what is shaping up in the Middle East … and yet Scripture said so long ago!

One third dies under Hitler, two thirds are in jeopardy today.  In the end of days, at the later part of this era, one third of all Jewish people will constitute the ‘Remnant of Israel.” The other two thirds are perhaps subject to persecution and worse. Unthinkable that any world of civilized peoples would persecute and kill … but have you been watching how extremism is growing like cancer?

Take a minute to explore today’s headlines!

APRIL 14, 2015  Ya’alon: Russia’s S-300 deal with Iran is ‘direct result of Lausanne agreement’

Russia’s decision to lift a ban on the sale of the advanced S-300 air defense system to Iran is a “direct result of the framework agreement reached in Lausanne,” Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said Tuesday, referring to the recent nuclear agreement between the P5+1 and Tehran. …

APRIL 14, 2015  Israel: Iran steps up arms shipments to Hezbollah, Hamas

Israeli officials revealed Monday that the Islamic Republic had stepped up its support for Lebanese Shiite terror group Hezbollah over the past few weeks

According to a Channel 2 report Monday, Israel has observed an increase in Iran weapons shipments to Hezbollah members — in Lebanon and on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. …

APRIL 13, 2015  Saudi Arabia, Turkey Discussing Unlikely Alliance To Oust Syria’s Assad

Turkey and Saudi Arabia, two nations with a long history of rivalry, are in high-level talks with the goal of forming a military alliance to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to sources familiar with the discussions. …

APRIL 13, 2015  Military strike against Iran with minimal fallout for Israel possible, US senator says

The Republican US senator behind a letter to the Iranian leadership warning that future presidents may not honor any deal that President Barack Obama signs with Tehran said Monday that he believes pinpoint strikes against Iran could be carried out without leading to a long war for the US or regional fallout against Israel. …

He referenced previous statements made by former prime minister Ehud Barak, that “it would just take one night” to launch an effective strike to set back Iran’s nuclear program.

APRIL 13, 2015 Almost half of Israelis say another Holocaust is possible

Nearly half of Israelis believe another Holocaust is possible, according to a report released Monday by the Foundation for the Benefit of Holocaust Victims in Israel

The annual study, released ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day, which begins on the evening of April 15 this year, found that 46 percent of Israelis believe a second Holocaust can happen, five percentage points higher than last year. And a similar number of Israel’s 189,000 Holocaust survivors, or 47%, agree.

Some 46% of survivors also say that future generations will not remember the Holocaust after they are gone, a spike of nine percentage points from last year’s study. A lower 31% of the general public has the same worry, while half of Israelis under 30, the study found, never knowingly met a Holocaust survivor.

APRIL 11, 2015 Military sites not open for inspection under nuclear deal, senior Iranian army official says

Iran’s military sites will never be open for inspection under a comprehensive nuclear deal with world powers, Iran’s Tasnim news agency reported a senior Iranian commander as saying.

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri said on Friday that Iranian officials have already announced “clearly and explicitly” their opposition to the inspection of the country’s military and defense facilities, Tasnim reported. …


All of the above is sobering and headed in dangerous directions.

God bless you!

Director, WindowView.org


Risks for Global Change

A recent MarketWatch article starts this way:

“A poll of participants ahead of this year’s World Economic Forum at Davos found 10 areas of highest risk to the world. Such risks are “defined as an occurrence that causes significant negative impact for several countries and industries over a time frame of up to 10 years,” according to a report issued before the conference slated for this month in Switzerland.

1. Fiscal crises in key economies: The biggest concern, according to the report, remains whether wealthy countries can keep it together. “The report lists fiscal crises as the top risk advanced economies remain in danger of fiscal crises. …

Aside: This article relates how global economic instability could (ironically) stem from (complex political scenarios and ) falling oil prices as described elsewhere.

The MarketWatch article outlines these additional factors for global risks:

2. Structurally high unemployment/underemployment: The flip side of income disparity is the persistent unemployment and underemployment of millions of people.

3. Water crises: Huge population growth is placing big demands on freshwater supplies, notably in China and sub-saharan Africa. …

4. Severe income disparity: With employment in developed countries still suppressed in the wake of the financial crisis, and huge unemployed populations in developing economies, income disparity is a huge issue for Davos participants.

“Income disparity is also among the most worrying of issues. It raises concerns about the Great Recession and the squeezing effect it had on the middle classes in developed economies, while globalization has brought about a polarization of incomes in emerging and developing economies. This is true despite the obvious progress in countries such as Brazil and lower levels of poverty in several developing countries in Asia and Africa.“

5. Failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation: Similar to the fear of global governance failure is the fear that concerns over climate change won’t be addressed. “Climate change, ranked fifth on the list, is the key driver of such uncertain and changing weather patterns, causing an increased frequency of extreme weather events such as floods and droughts,” according to the report.

6. Greater incidence of extreme weather events: … Of note, is the finding that huge populations in coming years will be born in developing countries with potential exposure to hurricanes and typhoons, posing greater risks of damage such as was caused in the Philippines last year by a huge storm.

7. Global governance failure: This one amounts to the fear that … in the end international institutions aren’t actually able to get their act together.

“Given that global risks can be addressed effectively only through international collaboration, it is hardly a surprise that global governance failure is also included in the list as the risk of seventh highest concern,” the report finds.

8. Food crises: Nothing gets people riled up like not being able to eat. …

9. Failure of a major financial mechanism/institution: Perhaps not surprisingly … concern over failures financial institutions remains very high.

“Five years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, with its system-wide impacts, the failure of a major financial mechanism or institution also features among the risks that the respondents are most concerned about, as uncertainty about the quality of many banks’ assets remains.”

10. Profound political and social instability: No. 10 on this year’s list is profound political and social instability potentially caused by military actions or aggressive foreign or trade policies on the part of global or regional powers.

———————– From the Window —————————-

The above ten cited concerns are not necessarily directly linked to biblical themes, but some are. For the serious Bible student, the idea of global governance is something that might link all ten issues. One day, soon, according to the Bible the world will turn to a single over arching global governance … a one world government. While climate change, as a whole, is not described in the Bible, numerous other events and the making of the one world government easily connect to the risks we see today. How will humans in a material context respond to changes in a way that leads to a single governance? We suggest material and spiritual forces bring us to such a point. And to understand that viewpoint takes time looking through the Window!

Director, WindowView.org


Help for Syrian Refugees in Jordan

The following post presents the words from a friend who is working with Operation Blessing International. We are providing Jennifer’s personal account. For additional information we refer you to Operation Blessing Intl.‘s website.


I have been working with the Syrian refugees in Jordan for about the past year now. We just recently went to Jordan on Sept 9th. These are some pictures I took. The situation in Jordan is severe and that does not count Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and other countries where they are fleeing. To hear their stories up close and personal is heartbreaking. The people have fled with NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING. We are trying to raise money to help them. My boss was here and he is a filmmaker so he took video. You will be able to see that in a few days on www.ob.org.


From listening to these stories, even if the US did something to deter the situation of the systematic killing of the Syrians, it would be worth it. Sometimes you have to put your comfort/thoughts/resources aside to help those in need and to defend those who cannot defend themselves. Social justice is a major theme in the bible throughout the prophets. I am in a position to change the situations of the refugees and I am going to do my best to make that happen.

Jennifer’s Coworker Providing Support


IMG_7649jaOf note, what you might not expect … The Israeli’s and I are working together on this. Yes, the Israelis want to help the Syrians and I am here to tell you that it is happening more than you know and more than you will hear.


At this point we have delivered food, clothing, blankets to the refugees about 7,500 so far. We are working to meet the ongoing needs of Refugees as the come across the border with absolutely nothing. The take their family which could be as many as 12-20 people in one family and cross the border overnight. They come into the towns and villages looking for shelter and food. The UN camp is to capacity at 120,000 people. The UN is trying to build two more camps but in the mean time, the refugees overflow into the towns to stay in abandoned buildings, with families or anywhere they can find. You can see UN tents scattered around northern Jordan, one here, two there, a few clustered together. We were taken to one makeshift camp of 25 families, about 160 people. They were telling us that we were the only people who had come to help them. No one else has come. We supplied them with food and the returned with 100 blankets the next day.


As you stand face to face with these people who are soldiers, teachers, bakers, people of every kind you can’t help but think, “if I were in your shoes what would I want you to do for me?” The only answer I can come up with is to change their situation in any way possible. That means food, water, medication, shelter, work, any type of provision is something. Each one of these areas is being considered as we address those who want to help in this situation. The winter is coming and in northern Jordan it is already cool at night. The terrain is dry and open so the wind cuts across the area and it does get very cold.


The winter is coming and in northern Jordan it is already cool at night. The terrain is dry and open so the wind can come across the area and it does get cold. I met a few women who have newborns that they gave birth to in their tents. There is no food, no milk, no supplies for the children. They have only a little when it comes to clothing. They are stranded in a situation that needs to be changed.

There is no food, no milk, no supplies for the children. I am working with Arabs, Christians and Jews to assist the Syrians. We have cut across the political, social and religious aspects of this situation to get to the heart of the matter – meet the needs of the refugee.

Isaiah 58:6-10 speaks of a true fast and if you see the hungry to feed him, the naked to clothe them, to provide shelter for the poor wanderer with shelter. We cannot sit idly by while these people suffer. It is our duty as human beings to respond and show that we do care and that we can change the situation.


We at WindowView.org believe that the larger picture on what is happening and will happen in the Middle East requires the compassion, understanding, and love that the Heavenly Father provides to all. If inspired, please visit Operation Blessing Intl.‘s website and consider how you might help. At the very least, be aware that the popular media hardly reports the complete story of events in the Middle East. Here are pictures from the full view.

Director, WindowView.org


Photo Credit and Permission granted by Jennifer Allen © 2013 all rights reserved



WAR? A Report From Jerusalem

This rather lengthy blog post contains two entries from David Dolan.
Info about Mr. dolan appears at the end of this post.

Typically we post on science topics here and other topics on the Harmony blog … but this time due to the potential global influence, this post transcends boundaries and we offer it here.
Shalom again from Jerusalem.

I just received this disturbing report from one of my email news updates,
sent from a web site monitoring current events around the world. I thought
it was important enough to pass along at this time.

“North Korea has moved two more short-range missile launchers to its east
coast launching pads, according to a South Korean news agency. An
unidentified military source said it indicates the possibility that
Pyongyang is planning an imminent missile launch. Satellite imagery
suggests the mobile missile launchers are designed to carry warheads on
short-range Scud missiles. South Korea and its allies have been expecting
a possible provocative act from Pyongyang after weeks of threats from the
North Korean regime to launch a nuclear attack upon South Korea and its
American and regional allies. Some analysts suggest the North Korean
Communist regime may choose April 25 for a show of defiance to coincide
with the 55-year anniversary of the formation of its national army in April

Keep watching and praying.

April 22, 2013

Shalom to all,

It has been another month of dramatic news here in Israel and in the region. My latest news summary focuses on growing violence in the Palestinian territories and a series of rocket attacks aimed at Israeli civilian communities. I also take a look at the latest dramatic developments related to Israel that have been taking place during the month in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Turkey and Iran. With all the bad news in the region and the world, at least I can report that the Promised Land has had the wettest April in many years. Israel usually does not get much, if any, precipitation from around mid-April until sometime around the Jewish New Year in the autumn, so the strong “latter rains” which are just coming to an end today are indeed very welcome, even if we had to don our winter coats for awhile after several weeks of unusual heat and dust storms.

On a more personal note connected to my mailings concerning North Korea and America, I did not share something important at the time of my first posting on Friday, April 12. I had a strong sense in my prayer time concerning the North Korean nuclear threat that some sort of terrorist backpack bombs would be detonated around the middle of the month in the United States. I felt I heard in my morning time of prayer that such an attack would lead to American casualties inside of the country. That was why I sent out my warning. However I did not sense that the attack would necessarily be connected to North Korea or include the small nuclear bombs that I wrote about. Those conjectures were connected to my concerns (which I still have) that North Korea might attempt to carry out its threatened nuclear attack upon several American cities via such backpack bombs. I am of course greatly relieved that the actual backpack bombs mid month were not nuclear, as the people of Boston, all of America and the foreign marathon guests certainly are as well! Still, many people obviously had their lives permanently and horribly altered in the conventional attack that did take place at the hands of the two young Muslim brothers from Chechnya.



By David Dolan

It is rare for Israeli media reports to focus for many days on events happening outside of the country. However that was the case from the middle of April when the Boston Islamic terror attack took place, closely followed by the deadly chemical disaster in Texas. Both stories deeply resonated with the Israeli public, which has obviously been the target of many Muslim terrorist assaults and powerful blasts in the past. The fact that these horrific things were taking place inside the borders of Israel’s closest ally, the United States, only added to Israeli interest and concern.

The escalating violence in the Palestinian territories during the month was another major focus of media attention. Fears that a new Palestinian uprising might be brewing grew as clashes took place in many locations, including parts of Jerusalem. Israeli forces arrested a number of Hamas terrorist suspects in the area during the month.

Meanwhile Palestinian rockets were once again fired from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. Several Iranian-built Grad rockets later struck the southern Israeli resort city of Eilat. Others reportedly landed in nearby Aqaba Jordan. Israeli officials said the rockets were fired from the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, which has become a haven for terrorist groups ever since Hosni Mubarak was ousted from power over two years ago. This came as unrest spread in the Arab world’s largest country, with thousands of anti-government demonstrators calling for current President Muhammad Morsi to resign. Scores of Egyptian Coptic Christians clashed with Muslims who attacked the Coptic cathedral in the Egyptian capital city.

The chances that Hamas will reconcile with the Palestinian Authority seemed to increase after PA Prime Minister Salam Fayad resigned mid month. Strongly backed by the United States and other western powers, Fayad was known to be engaged in an increasingly bitter dispute with PA President Mahmoud Abbas. Analysts said the departure of the relatively moderate politician would seriously harm American government efforts to re-start peace talks between Israel and the PA.

Diplomatic relations between Israel and its former ally Turkey remained strained during April despite the Israeli government’s official apology last month to Ankara over the deaths of nine Turkish Muslim militants aboard the Mavi Marmara ship. The ship was part of an international flotilla that attempted to break through the Israeli naval blockade of the Gaza Strip in May 2010. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan displayed his continuing contempt for the Jewish State by announcing he would visit the Hamas-ruled coastal zone in late May to mark the third anniversary of the incident.

The Palestinian Authority expressed opposition to the pending visit, saying it would “deepen divisions” between itself and the rival Hamas movement. An official statement went on to note that “The Gaza Strip is not an independent Palestinian state and Hamas is not the legitimate representative of the Palestinians.” Meanwhile an accord was signed between the Palestinian Authority and Jordan that supposedly gives the Jordanian government “responsibility and control” over all Moslem and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.

In the north, Israeli military forces came under renewed fire from across the Golan Heights border with war-torn Syria. IDF forces returned the fire. This came soon after an Islamic rebel militia force fighting with others to topple the Syrian Assad regime announced its allegiance to the Al Qaida terrorist group. The radical Muslim group is known to be operating in territory near the Israeli border. UN peacekeeping forces that had been patrolling there for many years were ordered to stay indoors all month after rebel forces kidnapped a group of UN soldiers from the Philippines in March. Israeli officials once again warned they would not permit the massive Syrian chemical weapons arsenal to fall into rebel hands or to be transferred to Shiite Hizbullah militia forces in neighboring Lebanon. A French newspaper said armed Israeli drones have been flying nightly over Syrian skies, monitoring the situation on the ground in the blood-soaked Arab country. The report said the pilot-less surveillance aircraft enter Syrian airspace via a corridor opened over Jordan.

Fears of a possible rocket and missile attack from the Iranian-backed Hizbullah militia increased in Israel after Iran’s longtime ally, North Korea, declared it was preparing to launch an imminent nuclear war against the United States and its East Asian allies. A former Israeli military officer warned at an annual security conference in Herzliya last month that if conflict broke out on the divided Korean Peninsula, it could quickly be followed by another round of attacks from Hizbullah. Iranian Revolutionary Guard commanders are known to be operating alongside the Lebanese Shiite militia force.

On a far more positive note, natural gas from the huge Tamar field located under the Mediterranean Sea west of Haifa began to arrive at a terminal in the Israeli port city of Ashdod the last day of March. The gas is projected to meet Israel’s domestic needs for at least the next three decades. Soon after the gas began flowing via an underwater pipeline, the Water and Energy Ministry issued a statement saying the high cost of electricity in Israel would soon decline due to the natural gas flow. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the flow, saying it will “enhance Israel’s economy and benefit all it’s citizens.” However security experts warn that the large petroleum platform located above the gas flow pipeline outlet will be a major target for Israel’s enemies. Although Israeli naval vessels have been permanently stationed near the platform, they add that Hizbullah rockets could easily be directed at it.


The month of April began with more Palestinian rocket attacks aimed at Israeli civilian communities near the Gaza Strip. One day after the weeklong Passover celebration ended on April 1, Palestinians fired two short-range mortar shells at Israeli targets. However both shells landed just inside the Gaza Strip border fence. A third shell later struck Israeli territory in the Eshkol region. No injuries or damage was reported in the attacks. Despite this, the Israeli Air Force was sent into action over the Gaza Strip for the first time since last November’s “Pillar of Defense” operation ended. Despite evidence that the rockets were fired by Muslims who are not members of the large Hamas militia, several Hamas targets were bombed, but no casualties were reported. The IAF action came soon after new Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon told reporters that the government “sees Hamas as being responsible for everything that is fired from the Gaza Strip at Israel. We won’t allow any routine involving a drizzle of rockets at our civilians and military forces.”

The following morning, two rockets landed in the frequently struck Israeli town of S’derot. The rockets landed as local parents were dropping off their children at several area schools. Although again no damage or injuries were reported, PM Netanyahu reacted by warning Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip that, “If the quiet is violated, we will respond strongly.” After calling upon Israel to “act with restraint,” United Nations Middle East envoy Robert Serry denounced the Palestinian “indiscriminate firing of rockets into civilian areas.” The US, Britain and France also spoke out against the rocket attacks, with the French government saying it “harshly condemns the rocket fire on the civilian population in south Israel.”

The Palestinian Mujahedeen Shura Council claimed responsibility for the rocket firings. Soon afterwards, the radical Sunni Muslim group said the Hamas regime ruling the Gaza Strip had arrested two of its members charged with carrying out the attacks. However Hamas denied it had apprehended the two men, saying “Our security apparatus is part of the resistance and does not arrest anyone who resists the occupation. On the contrary, we encourage resistance.”

Strongly linked to Al Qaida, The Mujahedeen Council carried out a border attack last June launched from the Sinai Peninsula upon Israeli workers constructing a new border fence in the area. The attackers detonated an improvised explosive device and also opened fire on Israeli vehicles carrying some of the workers to their jobs. A 35-year-old Arab-Israeli father of two from Haifa was killed, as were at least two of the attacking terrorists.

One week after the early April rocket and mortar attacks, Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired three more rockets at Israel. This attack came on Israel’s annual Holocaust Remembrance Day as American Secretary of State John Kerry was visiting the country. One rocket exploded in the Sha’ar Ha Negav region west of Beersheva while the other two landed inside the Gaza Strip. Despite the fact that no injuries were reported from the unprovoked assault, the chief American diplomat denounced it, as did Israeli leaders. Defense Minister Ya’alon ordered the closure of several Israeli border crossing checkpoints, while allowing the civilian Erez checkpoint to remain open for Palestinians needing urgent medical care in Israeli hospitals. All of the crossings were reopened five days later. On the evening of April 18, two mortar shells were fired from the Gaza Strip into the western Negev Desert area, again thankfully causing no casualties or damage. Another Kassam rocket landed in Israel on April 20.


The Mudahedeen Council said its latest assaults were in reaction to the April 2 death of a Palestinian convict who was being treated for throat cancer at Beersheva’s Soroka Medical Center. The man, 64-yar-old Maysara Abuhamdia, had been sentenced to life in prison after he was found guilty of plotting with other Palestinians to blow up a popular cafe in the Jerusalem German Colony neighborhood in 2002. Another restaurant in the area was destroyed by a suicide bomb blast at that time as the second Palestinian uprising reached its peak. A former general in the PA security services, Abuhamdia was a member of the PA-linked Fatah movement before joining the Hamas movement. Both the PA and Hamas accused Israel of deliberately killing him. However an autopsy found he died of natural causes while receiving a chemotherapy treatment at the hospital. Before his death, the convict had accused Israeli prison authorities of medical neglect, claiming he was only being given painkillers to treat his throat cancer. Israeli officials denied the charge.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas quickly poured oil on the news that Abuhamdia had perished. “Today, we were surprised to hear about the martyrdom of prisoner Abu Hamdiyeh,” he said before vowing to “continue our efforts to liberate the homeland and the prisoners.” The comment helped to ignite violent protests in several Israeli prisons and the eastern half of Jerusalem and surrounding Arab communities. Clashes also broke out in Hebron and other cities and towns in the disputed territories under full PA control. Hundreds of Palestinian youths threw stones and firebombs at Israeli soldiers and police forces, who replied with tear gas and rubber bullets.

On April 4, two Palestinian teenagers aged 17 and 18 were killed by IDF gunfire as they were hurling homemade firebombs at soldiers manning an IDF checkpoint near the community of Einav. Another attacker was wounded in the incident, which sparked additional clashes in the tense disputed territories. More clashes occurred as many Palestinians and Israeli Arabs marked “Prisoner Day” on April 18. It was held to express “solidarity” with the approximately 4,800 convicts being held in Israeli prisons, many of them for terrorist related crimes.

One day before, at least two Grad rockets were fired at the southern port city of Eilat from the nearby Sinai Peninsula, with two others landing in nearby Jordan. The Palestinian Mujahedeen Shura Council was thought to have been behind the attack. One rocket landed next to a home in the city. The rocket attack prompted officials to close Eilat’s international airport for a time. Several area residents were treated for shock. An Iron Dome anti-missile battery was moved to the area to protect Eilat from future attacks.

The Jerusalem District Attorney indicted five Arab residents from the eastern half of the city on charges of conspiring to carry out terrorist shooting and kidnapping attacks against Jews near the Temple Mount. According to the April 18 indictment, Nor Hamdan decided in February to plot assaults upon Jewish worshipers near Judaism’s holiest site on earth and against security forces in the area. Hamdan allegedly recruited the other four defendants and formed a terror cell. He then made contact with several Palestinian terror organizations in order to receive training, guidance and weapons from them. The indictment said cell members gathered several times in February and March, intending “to help enemy terror organizations in their war with Israel.” The indictment added the Palestinian cell intended to kidnap an Israeli Jew in order to kill him and steal his weapon for use in future terrorist operations.


Two senior American officials visited Israel during the month: John Kerry, who flew back to the country the first week of April after accompanying President Obama to Israel in March, and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, who came to discuss new US arms supplies to Israel and the situation in Syria and Iraq. Hagel wrapped up details of a ten billion dollar American sale of V-22 Osprey troop transport aircraft to Israel, along with refueling tankers, advanced radars for IAF fighter jets and anti-aircraft missiles.

The declared intention of Kerry’s stop this time was to put pressure on both Israeli and Palestinian officials to get back to the negotiation table. However the diplomat’s visit appeared doomed to failure even before he arrived when Nimr Hammad, an aid to PA President Abbas, totd a French news agency on April 4 that his boss “wants to know, through a map to be presented by Benjamin Netanyahu to Kerry, what the Prime Minister’s view of a two-state solution would be, especially the borders.”

An unnamed Israeli official in Netanyahu’s office replied that Israel “will agree to put borders on the table when we know what we are getting from the Palestinians,” noting that former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had “presented a generous map, and that led him nowhere.” The official said a final peace accord will have to include a Palestinian pledge to waive the so-called “right of return” to family homes inside of Israel’s current borders. He added it must also include formal PA recognition of Israel as a Jewish State, and acknowledgment that IDF forces will continue to have overall security control in the strategic Jordan Valley near the border with Jordan. Analysts said the latter condition is probably an indirect admission by Israeli leaders that Jordanian King Abdullah may eventually be toppled from his throne by Muslim militants who want to transform the kingdom into an Islamic theocratic state that annuls the country’s current peace treaty with Israel.

Soon after the Secretary of State departed the country, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad resigned from the PA government. The April 13 resignation was quickly accepted by Abbas, who was known to be unhappy that the Western-orientated politician was being treated with more respect by world leaders than he was. Fayyad’s departure was one of the conditions Hamas put forward in reconciliation talks with PA officials. Palestinian media reports said Abbas might hold the PM position for the time being or possibly appoint a technocrat to it. The PA constitution says the PA President has to make his selection within two weeks of any cabinet resignation. However Israeli analysts note that Abbas has ignored many other legalities ever since taking over the PA from Yasser Arafat in 2004.

Salah Bardawil, a senior Hamas official, said Ismail Haniyeh, who acts as Prime Minister of the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip, should replace Fayyad. “Ismail ought to be the legitimate Prime Minister since he was granted the confidence of the Legislative Council,” he said in a newspaper interview. “Fayyad, on the other hand, has been the Prime Minister of an illegitimate government. He has been cooperating with the occupation forces and his name has been associated with General Dayton.” Dayton was the former American military liaison in charge of US-funded training of PA security forces.

Several Israeli analysts pointed out that despite Fayyad’s popularity with American and other Western leaders, he was largely unable to slow the rapid downward spiral of the Palestinian economy, which is heavily reliant on foreign aid. In March, the International Monetary Fund issued a report that said “The Palestinian economy in Gaza and the West Bank is in a far more precarious situation that it was six months ago.” It noted that a quarter of Palestinian workers were unemployed by the end of 2012.

An accord was signed during April between the PA and Jordan, supposedly granting the Jordanian government “responsibility and control over all the Moslem and Christian holy sites” in Jerusalem. It states that Jordanian King Abdullah enjoys the “full right to exert all legal efforts to safeguard and preserve Al Quds (Jerusalem) holy sites.” In a joint statement issued by both the PA and Jordan, the accord was said to be designed to “thwart Zionist attempts to Judaize Al Quds and its holy sites.” Israeli government officials made no public comments on the accord, although analysts said they definitely prefer to have Jordan declared the responsible party over the holy sites rather than the PA, even though neither Arab government has any actual control on the ground in Jerusalem.


After attending the funeral of the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on May 18, Benjamin Netanyahu told the BBC that Israel does not need anyone’s approval to exercise its right to self defense. He added the United States and other countries concur that Israel has the right under international law to defend itself as its leaders see fit. The PM said “Israel’s right to defend its existence is not subject to a traffic light. We don’t need anyone to give us the right to prevent a new Holocaust.” Netanyahu added he is certain that Iran’s Shiite Muslim leaders are determined to construct nuclear weapons and are only buying themselves more time to enrich uranium by engaging in talks with world leaders about their nuclear program. The Premier added that Israeli intelligence officials believe Iran needs to produce just 80 more kilograms of highly enriched uranium in order to construct a bomb, having already produced 170 kilograms. He said the vow that Iran’s ally North Korea has made to launch a nuclear strike upon US forces and allies in East Asia should serve to underscore the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran.

On the same day Netanyahu was interviewed, senior diplomats stationed in Vienna told reporters the Iranian regime is increasing the number of advanced centrifuges that are rapidly enriching uranium at its Natanz underground plant. “It is clear Iran can build nuclear bombs. The question is how many and how good they are,” one unidentified Western envoy was quoted as saying.

Meanwhile Iran’s armed forces chief, Major General Ataollah Salehi, told an Iranian TV network that Israel is not capable of launching a military strike against Iran. He claimed “the Zionist regime is too weak to challenge Iran militarily. The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran will give a swift and crushing response to any aggression by enemies against our country with full preparedness.”

Salehi’s bombastic remarks came soon after both Israeli Defense Minister Ya’alon and IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz said that Israel is preparing for the possibility of a unilateral military strike upon Iran’s nuclear program. Gantz added that, “The IDF has the ability to attack the Iranian nuclear sites without help from other nations,” adding that top Israeli military and political leaders are “holding ongoing discussions” about the critical issue. In response, Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi dismissed the comments as “worthless threats” since “the Zionist regime is not so unwise as to commit suicide.” He boasted that his military forces are “prepared for a rapid reaction to any adventure by the Zionist regime.”

Last month, supreme Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei vowed that both Tel Aviv and Haifa would be obliterated if Israeli leaders “make the slightest mistake” against the Islamic Republic. Some Israeli analysts warn that Iran may have already moved short-range field nuclear weapons into Lebanon, controlled by Iranian Revolutionary Guards stationed with Hizbullah militia forces in the country. They say such weapons, which were positioned on both side of divided Germany during the Cold War, could have been constructed by either North Korea or Pakistan, both declared nuclear powers with ties to Iran.

Concerning the warfare in neighboring Syria, Gantz said the IDF is preparing for a possible military confrontation with both Syria and Lebanon. “We are ready, at any given time, and in an immediate manner, for a war with Syria, both on the defense and on the offense. I don’t see it happening tomorrow morning, but despite that we are ready.” In his BBC interview, PM Netanyahu also spoke of the fighting in Syria, repeating earlier statements that Israel will not allow the regime’s large chemical weapons stockpile to fall into either the hands of Syrian rebel forces or Hizbullah. As for the question of whether or not Western nations should help arm the rebel forces, the Premier noted that “terrorist groups such as Al Qaida, Hizbullah and Islamic Jihad” are all operating inside Syria alongside local fighters. He warned that if any of these groups gain control over the regime’s chemical weapons, it could “present a terrorist threat on a worldwide scale.”

In these days of increasing terror attacks, wars and rumors of wars, it is a blessing to recall the many prophecies of ultimate shalom that have come from the Father of Lights. Among them is this one found in Isaiah 62:11: “Behold, the Lord has proclaimed to the ends of the earth; say to the daughter of Zion, ‘behold your salvation comes. And His reward is with Him and His recompense before Him.’”

DAVID DOLAN s a Jerusalem-based author and journalist who has lived and worked in Israel since 1980. That is the bulk of his life. HOLY WAR FOR THE PROMISED LAND (Broadman & Holman) is an overview of the history of the Israel and of the bitter Arab-Israeli conflict that rages there, plus some autobiographical details about the author’s experiences living in the land since 1980. It especially examines the important role that militant Islam plays in the conflict.

ISRAEL IN CRISIS: WHAT LIES AHEAD? (Baker/Revell), which examines the political and biblical prospects for a regional attack upon Israel, settlement in the disputed territories, and related topics, is also available for purchase, along with an updated edition of his popular end-time novel, THE END OF DAYS (21st Century Press).
For information about his two novels, THE END OF DAYS and MILLENNIUM: THE LORD REIGNS, go to www.ddolan.com Yochannan my be coming soon.


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