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800 to 1600 CE

800 CE - The city of Machu Picchu in Peru (rediscovered in 1911). (G)

870 CE- Johannes Scotus Erigena compiles his encyclopedia on nature. (G)

Cataloging - Science in Infancy16
The Art of Cataloging - Science in Infancy

878 CE - Arab astronomer al-Battani begins his observations. (G)


800 CE - Pope Leo III separates from the Eastern Empire and becomes supreme bishop of the West. (G)

Charlemagne reforms the Church. (G)

830 CE Dome of the Rock restored.

Activity on the Temple Mount17
Activity on the Temple Mount

850 CE - Groups of Jews settle in Germany and begin to develop their own language (Yiddish). (G)

Timeline for 900s to 2011 CE



900 CE - Vikings have developed the art of shipbuilding.

Vikings discover Greenland

Paper manufacturing at Cairo. (G)

963 CE - ''The Book of Fixed Stars'' by Al Sufi mentions nebula. (G)

978 CE - Chinese encyclopedia of 1000 volumes begun, completed c. 984. (G)

1000 CE - Lief Ericson discovers America (?). (G)

Exploration an Advanced Form of Migration18
Exploration... an Advanced Form of Migration

Mention of several abortive attempts to fly or float in air.

Arabs and Jews become court physicians in Germany. (G)





998 CE - Feast of All Souls celebrated for the first time in Cluny. (G)

1054 CE - Separation between Roman and Eastern Churches becomes permanent. (G)

1059 CE - Papal decree establishing papal elections by cardinals only. (G)

1074 CE - Excommunication of married priests. (G)


1100 CE - Decline of Islamic science begins.

1125 CE - Alexander Neckam: earliest account of mariner's compass. (G)

1150 CE - Founding of Paris University.

Medical faculty at Bologna University. (G)


1100-1190 CE Conquest of Holy Land in name of Christianity. Jews and Moslems flee, are murdered, or put into slavery.

1115 CE Dome of Rock; start of renovations and structure then used by Crusaders as a church (The Temple of the Lord; completed 1142 CE) (Source: Web)

ca. 1125 CE and thereafter Crusaders start to rebuild Jerusalem along with churches inside the city and in neighboring sites; Temple Mount clsoed to Jews and Muslims (Source: Web)

1165 CE Maimonides in Jerusalem

1189 CE - Massacre of the Jews at the coronation of Richard I. (G)

Saladin >

1187 CE Jerusalem recaptured and Crusaders defeated. Start of Second Islamic era. - Jews encouraged to once again return to the city, settle and even build synogogues in Jerusalem (Source: Web)

Alcohol used for medical purposes. (G)

1271 CE - Marco Polo journeys to China (to 1295). (G)

1275 CE - William of Saliceto: ''Chirurgia,'' earliest record of human dissection. (G)


1200 CE - Islam begins to replace Indian religions.

1200 CE - Development of Jewish cabalistic philosophy in southern Europe. (G)

1209 CE - Francis of Assisi issues first rules of his brotherhood (The Franciscans). (G)

ca. 1250 CE (to end of Mamluk period; 1516 CE) Jewish faithful allowed togather and pray at the eastern wall of the Temple Mount. (Source: Web)

1275 CE - Moses de Leon, Jewish theologian author of ''Zohar,'' the fundamental work on Jewish mysticism. (G)

1303 CE - Bernard of Gordon: First medical reference to spectacles. (G)

1313 CE - The German Grey Friar Berthold Schwartz invents gunpowder. (G)

1363 CE - Guy de Chauliac: ''Chirurgia magna'' (on surgery in the Middle Ages). (G)

1396 CE - birth of Johann Gutenberg, inventor of printing in Europe. (G)

The 'Father' of Information Dissemination?19
The 'Father' of Information Dissemination?


1349 CE - Persecution of Jews in Germany. (G)

1441 CE - Portuguese navigators find first Negroes near Cape Blanc, western Africa, and start slave trade again. (G)

1452 CE - metal plates used for printing.


1453 to 1455 CE - Gutenberg prints the 42-line (Mazarin) Bible at Mainz. (G)

1491 CE - Copernicus studies at Cracow University. (G)

1492 CE - Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain fund Columbus, 3 ships, and crew of 70. (G)

1498 CE - Vasco da Gama discovers sea route to India. (G)


1495 CE - Jews expelled from Portugal. (G)

1501 CE - Printing and typography expand to over 1000 offices producing over 35,000 books with approx. 10 million copies. (G)

1507 CE - Martin Waldseemuller: proposes New World be called ''America'' after Amerigo Vespucci. (G)

1510 CE - Leonardo ad Vinci designs horizontal water wheel.

1512 CE - Copernicus: earth and planets circle the sun. (G)




< A Step Toward an Age of Information

1509 CE - Persecution of Jews in Germany. (G)

About this time Jewish faithful move from praying at eastern wall to a more protected area of Temple Mount western wall within Jerusalem. (Source: Web)

1517 CE - Martin Luther, in protest against the sale of indulgences, posts his 95 theses on door of Palast Church in Wittenberg; begins reformation in Germany. (G)

1523 CE during Ottoman Dominion over Jerusalem, the Western Wall becomes prominant place of Jewish worship. (Source: Web)

Reformation and Acceleration Everywhere20
Reformation and Acceleration Everywhere

Fifth Church Age

Sardis ( 1517 - 1648 [or 1700]) Reformation

[As opposed to the dates offered by A. Fruchtenbaum above, Lindsey sets this age from 1517 to 1750]

Commendation given concerning this church and the related church age: ''..the commendation to ''those escaping.'' Their garments are undefiled and white. Hence, these are the ones who have exercised faith and do have spiritual life and have overcome the deadness of the church.''

Condemnation given: regarding this church: ''They have a name that lives, but actually they are dead. This is a valid description of the church of the Reformation as it developed in its later stages. They had a name that lived: the Reformation resulted in much doctrinnal correction and good creed. Much of the wrong done and the doctrines promulgated by the Roman Catholic Church were corrected by the Reformation. ... Nevertheless, they were dead: there was no spiritual vitality. They became dead, because they failed to rectify the basic problem which was the unity of the church and state. ... What corrupted Pergamum also corrupted Sardi. ... Personal faith had little or nothing to do with becoming a member of the church. So in a matter of time the greater part of the church was composed of unbelievers.''

(Quotations from Fruchtenbaum)


Concerning the long range implications of this church age:

''The church of Sardis symbolized the Reformation Era. During this period of history the church was reformed, but not revived! Some essential doctrines were reclaimed, such as the truth that people can be justified with God only by faith, but the changes did not shake loose the elaborate rituals and human traditions of the medieval church. Complacency and a new legalism set in, and only a few tasted the power of the Holy Spirit for Christian living.'' (Quotation from Lindsey)

1519 CE - Cortes enters Tenochtitlan capital of Mexico and received by Aztec ruler Montezuma. (G)

Magellan leaves Europe to circumnavigate the globe.

Period >

1517 CE
Turkish rule

1523 CE Anthony Fitzherbert: ''Book of Husbandry,'' first English manual of agriculture. (G)

1530 CE Portuguese colonize Brazil (G)

1531 CE First complete edition of Aristotle's works published by Erasmus (G)

1540 CE Ether produced from alcohol and sulfuric acid (G)

1546 CE Geographer, Gerardus Mercator states that the earth has a magnetic pole (G)

1547 CE First predictions of the French astrologer Nostradamus (G)


1522 CE Luther condemns fanatics and iconoclasts; finishes translation of New Covenant (Old Covenant 1534); the Wittenberg printer, Hans Lufft, produces 100,000 copies in course of next 40 years. (G)

1526 CE Persecution of Jews in Hungary (G)

1536 CE Act of Parliament declares the authority of the pope void in England

William Tyndale, English reformer, burned at the stake (G)

1541 CE John Knox leads Calvinist Reformation in Scotland (G)

1541 CE Ottoman Sultan Suleyman issues edict - allows Jewish use of Western Wall as a formal gathering place. (Source: Web)

1543 CE First Protestants burned at the stake by Spanish Inquisition

1560 CE First scientific society founded at Naples (G)

1564 CE Bernardino Telesio ''De rerum natura,'' foreshadowing empirical methods of science (G)

1576 CE Clusius publishes treatise on flowers of Spain and Portugal; beginning of modern botany (G)

1589 CE Galileo Galilei becomes professor of mathematics at Univ. Pisa (G)


1551 CE Jews persecuted in Bavaria (G)

1558 CE ''Zohar,'' cabbalistic work of Jewish mysticism (13th century) printed (G)

ca. 1560 CE Jewish residents moved out of Muslim Quarter and new settlement began in the area later to be known as the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

1576 CE League of Torgau, supporting opinions of the Lutherans, draws up Articles of Faith (G)

1600 CE William Gilbert: ''De Magnete,'' treatise on magnetism and electricity

Dutch opticians invent the telescope (G)

1602 CE Galileo investigates laws of gravitation and oscillation (G)

1605 CE Sante Fe, New Mexico, founded

1607 CE Founding of Jamestown, VA, first English settlement on American mainland (G)

1611 CE Marco de Dominis publishes scientific explanation of rainbow (G)

1636 CE Harvard College founded

1640 CE Coke made from coal for first time (G)

1644 CE Roger Williams: ''Queries of Highest Consideration,'' Separation of Church and State (G)


1611 CE Authorized version of the Holy Bible - ''King James Bible'' - published (G)

1616 CE Galileo prohibited by Catholic Church from further scientific work. (G)

1633 CE First Baptist church formed at Southwark, London (G)

1637 CE Extermination of Christianity in Japan

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WindowView TimeLine
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SOURCES, Citations, and Reference listing.
TimeLine References:
  • Various sources were used to develop this time line. Where possible dates are cross checked or events are placed in relative position. Many of the dates used above come from the following references:
  • Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M., Ph.D.1982. Footsteps of Messiah - A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events. (Fruchtenbaum)
  • Ayers, Ed. 1999. God's Last Offer - Negotiating for a Sustainable Future. (A)
  • Fruchtenbaum, Arnold G., Th.M., Ph.D.1982. Footsteps of Messiah - A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events. (Fruchtenbaum) (New edition 2003)
  • Graham, Billy. 1992. Storm Warning. Published by: W Publishing Group (formerly Word Publishing)
  • Grun, Bernard. 1991. The Timetables of History - A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events. New Third Revised Edition. Based on Werner Stein's Kulturfahrplan. A Touchstone Book:New York. (G)
  • Ice, T., and R. Price. 1989. Ready to Rebuild — The Imminent Plant to Rebuild the Last Days Temple. (IP)
  • (Info)
  • H. Lindsey. 1973. There's A New World Coming. Bantam Books. (Lindsey)
  • Randall Price. 2001 Unholy War. (P)
  • Dr. G. Schroeder with Z. Levitt. Genesis One. Levitt Ministries (see note in graphic box at top of this table for details).
  • SciNews: Science News is a science news weekly generally obtained by subscription, also see:
  • Web (Internet): Occasionally we find what appear as reliable, but formally unpublished, sources on the Internet. As such these entries remain to be fully confirmed. In many cases this information is found to agree with the remainder of the timeline and the published sources used here.
  • Zondervan Corporation. 1985. The NIV Study Bible. Zondervan Bible Publishers:Grand Rapids.

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