Do you like videos with a drone flying over the countryside? Flying over fields and woodlands comes with questions and thoughts to provoke a deeper look at our lives and an opportunity to take in a window view with eyes open, ears open, with a look at science and faith. For those who go one step further the WindowView themes bring us to a convergence of multiple lines of sight and to an opportunity to make the most significant choice in life … to bring faith to fullness and true purpose to this life! And you can share WindowView with a family member, friend, or anyone by passing along the web site address featured in the flyover video … so take a Look:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
Science and Faith actually do come together and this is the main reason for the first WindowView YouTube channel full presentation. How does science evidence clarify what is noted in some places in scripture? What science evidence reveals you are not by chance? A scientist who has explored scientific and theological information opens a window to answers and unique perspectives! Take a look:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
The WindowView ( ) is a look at SCIENCE (data for design in nature), CHANGE (global, climate, etc.), HARMONY (data in biblical texts), TIME (line of events from eternity past to the future) all fill the window of YOUR LIFE. Science reveals we are not here by chance! Harmony from the roots of biblical text. Study the window’s perspectives and see what comes by way of a SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP! CONVERGENCE is when all merges to seeking truth!
Share this link with friends, family, people you meet along the way day-to-day and within the Convergence is the life opportunity to gain a relationship with the One who gave us all life now and into the future!
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
Greetings from! And if you have not visited the home page maybe take a look now and share this with family, friends, or anyone you meet along the way.
We all live in an era where we can see a variety of perspectives. Think of a multitude of lines of sight as information that forms a big picture. This is like a window that reveals what life is. You are not by chance. Life is an opportunity to see scientific and theological information coming together. Visit the Windowview homepage, watch the intro video, and give this some thought and then explore what the window has to reveal!
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
While the ‘window’ illustrates a number of different perspectives that all point to one truth, the bottom line is rather simple. First, the ultimate good news and greatest holiday gift is good news. This relates to life now and the fact that you can make a decision that leads to a life eternal. Yes, for some folks, Jewish and Gentile folks all together, it may seem a hard concept to grasp. On the other hand, the doorway to an eternal life really is easier to open than many want to admit.
Here is the simple link to the Good News (recently a new page added to the window view!)
You can look at the biblical area (Harmony) and explore the scientific data in the Science Area, or you can think about human history over time (Timeline) or changes that are happening now and consequences yet to come … but all this provides evidence for something that brings us back to the One who gave us our life in the first place. You are not alive by chance. The universe is fine tuned, our biological information is so complex, molecular machines exist in us and the integration of biblical information across numerous books all is a testimony to being here is not just a product of material existence.
Receive the good news or not … the real holiday gift is an opportunity to figure out why you are here, the purpose, and the doorway to heaven.
Happy Holidays!
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity with data and evidence from the following:
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
The harmony that presents itself when looking through the window is simple. We have arrived at a time when scientific evidence points to life’s origin as dependent on information, fine tuning (of Earth, solar system, galaxy, and entire universe) and complexity with specificity (in chemistry, physics, and biological systems). In other words a mind is behind your being alive and you having the most incredible opportunity of all time. Design in nature points to a designer, creator, and intelligence. Scripture points to who that Designer is. Critics will say what they will, skeptics will hold fast to doubts, but an assessment of science plus Scripture reveals truth.
Question: How will you respond to the ultimate truth?
Question: Have you taken time to investigate and then decide the purpose to you being alive?
If Science and Scripture are in harmony, then you need to consider stepping up to the truth and Step Up to Life
The entire WindowView is filled with much information, but the bottom line, the summary, the main point is that you can save yourself for the future beyond this life. The science evidence will be updated, the themes of Scripture involve an understanding that applies to all Jewish and Gentile persons. Everybody has the same choice and thus the opportunity applies to all … but the choice one needs to consider can only be addressed while still alive.
A number of years ago (as far back as 2014) the content of was last updated. A change in internet services in 2020 also caused some minor problems within the web pages, but many corrections have been applied recently and future updates are being planned! One helpful update is a new home page. The startup video makes the initial visit to simpler and provides a brief orientation, which at present during the fall of 2022 is the same as the video here!
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
To be objective means to look at information, current events, and come to conclusions that avoid false assumptions, bias, or misguided opinions. has a goal of pulling multiple perspectives into view—mainly based on Science and Scripture.
If you take a look, can you see the direction humanity is headed today?
Here are a few thoughts on change in the world today—and ask yourself what the future holds.
First, in 2022, a world leader insulted a neighboring nation by invasion, killing citizens, and destroying jobs, homes, schools, and economy. This one person’s decision is padded with lies and a false motive for personal gain and historical reptation. A world leader who lies violates God’s will, as seen by reading the entirety of Proverbs 6 (but especially verses 12 to 19, where lying is specified as one of seven issues the Lord hates!). And these verses tell us what ultimately will become of a leader who lies, deceives, and resists truth, harmony, and humility. And note that the Bible speaks to is there will one day be “wars and rumors of war,” and now we see that is TODAY. One is at war, others are threatening war.
Second, concerning climate change, links to several newer sources have been added to the Window’s Change section. While we recognize climate change denial occurs, typically this is due to political, philosophic, economic, or simply a lack of objectivity. But the data, studies, and ongoing observations all reveal change is real. We also recognize that multiple change factors are going to continually stress humanity and reveal how nations and cultures prevent the possible long-term survival of humanity. Survival on Earth is in jeopardy! The United Nations is a place to see how un-united humanity really is! Click on the image below and take a look at the reports linked at this WindowView page. And you can click on the image below to read the WindowView Thesis on Change!
Third, regarding change and a biblical view, we have recommended a specific book regarding the timeline and events that lead to the end of this age. Students who read all the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures are able to assemble all the pieces (past events and future events in passages of prophecy). In fact, a man named Daniel wrote a text some five hundred years before the Jewish Messiah arrived. In that text was a timeline date indicating exactly when the Messiah would appear a first time. But beyond that, Daniel describes events yet to come. Then some six hundred years later a man named John wrote another text that surprisingly compliments Daniel’s writings. The two texts are like puzzle pieces that are needed to complete the overall big picture. These two writings illustrate a Harmony that if you take time to look and explore then your eyes and heart will be opened like never before.
And the real question is: “What will you decide about your life and the future?”
Is there more to life than living today?
The short answer is: “Yes (and there is a promise in Scripture that affirms there is more to this life)!”
In recent time updates are starting to appear in various places across the WindowView web site. This will continue into the near future because so much new information needs to be added and older out-of-date material needs to be dropped or entirely modified. Incredibly, the original intent of WindowView only gets more and more validated by new developments in the realms of science and scripture.
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
The WindowView touches on many sources to help build the ‘big picture’ that leads to providing you with the most important question … the vital question we all need to consider in our lifetime! Science, theology, paleontology, archaeology, and historical timelines all merge to assemble the multiple perspectives and provide real evidence that makes the window unique and useful!
The website has needed updates for some time now. Updates will start to appear in the coming year. Current pages with book lists have received minor updates and focus on the earlier sources.
Take a look, you might find interesting titles. Click on a book cover and visit a bookseller and read reviews. If the price is too much, search the web!
The main book list can (as of 2022) be considered a bit historic because some of the titles are important in understanding the base of information rom which more current writings gain momentum and support. For example, the Science Area of WindowView relies on many of these sources to help build reasonable to solid perspectives. It is not opinion that is the concern, sound information builds the true view!
Apologetics relates more to the theological side and once you see life is by design, not by chance, and there is more to consider than a temporary and material life … there is the big question about life eternal.
WindowView also looks at many other sources that are available to download or referred to in various places, thus he book lists only represent some of many sources used at this web site. Beingobjective is extremely important. Avoiding unsupported opinion, bias, or by false interpretation is fundamental to forming a solid set of important perspectives. That is the main goal of embracing the fullness of the window (combine these areas … Science, Change, Harmony, Timeline, and Convergence and assemble the big view on what and why life!).
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following:
A paradigm shift comes with evidence and changes the way we look at our world (and universe)!
Regarding design and our universe, the following is a bit of text from a bookseller web page:
“Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson once declared, “The universe is a deadly place. At every opportunity it is trying to kill us.” Tyson is not alone in his dark, doomsday perspective. Many have sought to warn of the weapons the universe might use to wipe out humanity.
“In Designed to the Core, astrophysicist Hugh Ross uses the newest astronomical research to not only inform but also inspire the reader with this conclusive truth: While one person sees a razor-sharp blade as a deadly weapon’ the other sees it as a life-saving scalpel.
“The motive of the one who wields that blade makes all the difference.”
Here the author Dr. Ross is actually referring to the author of the Universe itself. A paradigm shift in science and current thinking is a change based on scientific astronomy evidence. If design requires a mind and not simply any unguided process, then the author of he universe is also the author of the book of nature.
At WindowView we see multiple sources that reveal how a paradigm shift is needed not only in science, but theological thinking and in your everyday approach to understanding your existence, your life, and the ultimate reason you are alive … once you see unique perspectives, very detailed information, truth, and awake to he reality of who we all are and why we are here for a short lifetime, then the door to something truly eternal opens up. The shift with sound science takes us from an old and now out-of-date explanation to something incredibly eye opening and better way to see what science is revealing to us today!
To be clear, ‘Designed to the Core’ is a book full of specific info that describes the universe, galaxies, our Milky Way Galaxy, Earth, and all the way to the core … technical descriptions indeed, but unique factors that as you read the descriptions from research, exploration, and scientific discoveries all reveal how we live in an exceptional and incredibly suitable (even rare) location in the universe. In fact, so much else of the universe is not suitable for advanced life to exist, anyone who thinks life forms occupy numerous locations in the universe will see there are few options (i.e., opportunities and possibilities are so limited) outside of where we exist. You don’t need to be an astronomer or scientist to read, but the book is information rich and somewhat technical. Yet, this is well written and summaries, helpful graphics, and numerous references are clearly listed in the text.
This book and other recent titles, many of them noted in posts at this blog, all help in adding to the main reason for looking through the WindowView!
Visit WindowView and see, think, and consider the most important life opportunity. This is based on multiple perspectives with data and evidence from the following: